
oi guys for the love of fuck, i’m not gonna be nice about it

if you’re a non black poc, or worse, white, do not fucking make this about you. do not make it about aesthetics. do not make it about anything other than it is.

rebloging myself bc someone asked: the point of this post is beyond whether you can or can’t reblog it. the point is whether you should or shouldn’t.

if you’re a non black poc, or a white person, what you’re called to do now is to stand in solidarity.

  • see someone making BLM into a relatable aesthetic? call it out
  • see a post with donation links? reblog it and donate if you can (x), (x), (x)
  • the MN freedom fund itself is bringing attention to other fundraisers. check their twitter
  • most importantly know this doesn’t end in the internet, that is not enough. family or friends saying anti-black bullshit? say something. read on the subject of racism and anti-black state violence, prison abolitionism, etc etc
  • if you’re not from the US learn about what is happening in YOUR country re: black communities and learn how to help them
  • do not speak over black people
  • deplatform racists
  • go to a protest (with the necessary precautions)
  • sign petitions
  • do not donate to anything shaun king posts because he has a history of asking for money in the name of BLM and then the money vanishes. the mn freedom fund has made the clarification already
  • etc etc etc

listen to black people, and stand with them. interject in the situations that you can, and educate yourself and others. as riots and protests spread know many states and cities freedom funds will need donations. check with national bail fund network, or free them all.

don’t ask me if you can reblog, ask yourselves how can you contribute. you shouldn’t be asking if you can help, but how. it doesn’t begin by reading theory, it begins by caring about people



As many of you may know there have recently been numerous protests going on in several states around America. The protests were triggered by the murder of George Floyd, a black man, at the hands of a white police officer.

Black Lives Matter is an international human rights movement specifically fighting against systematic racial discrimination from police and other military, and striving for justice for all black lives which have been taken or negatively changed due to America’s law enforcement. This is a problem everywhere but right now American protestors need support.

To support the Black Lives Matter movement including the protests currently undergoing in America and all over the world, please take the time to read through this carrd which links things you can do to help such as petitions, donations and spreading information.

If you’re able to, you can also donate to various freedom funds to bail out protesters:

If you or someone you know are involved in the protests then please look after yourselves! Cover your face and try not to reveal your identity.

For people who want to share media covering the protests, please be careful that the protesters’ faces or identifying features are hidden, so as they don’t get recognised by law enforcement.


look after your own wellbeing

.. or in other words, im leaving

idk if anyone cares, but im writing this for me and i need my last post on this blog to be a “concluding one” for lack of a better word

rest of the dramatics are under the cut, but all in all i’d like to say bye and thank you to all who i had a chance to speak to and who’s content i got to enjoy ! you make this site a good place to be <3 


why bighit is trash

or, alternatively, a list of things that bighit, an entertainment company/music label, should start doing and stop acting like a small company.

im puting everything under a read more bcos its a lot, for one, and im also sure that not everyone wants to read it or cares lmao

a little disclaimer;  i speculate and connect things based off of the things we are shown/told, i will spoil some parts of their recent movie AND its not bighit-positive, obviously


ppl will be like "numbers dont matter!! voting doesn't matter!! stop supporting your groups because uwu its just about the ~music~ stop being so superficial!!" like you do realize kpop groups need to be successful and make money and win awards in order to continue being a group and making music because otherwise their companies will literally have no reason to invest in them and if you really cared about their careers or them as people at all you would see the importance of those "numbers". im not saying that you have to vote/stream/whatever i literally could not possibly care less what you do, there are times when i dont vote too and its totally valid if you don't want to or dont have the time to but don't come up here acting like it doesn't matter and calling fans obsessive for putting time and effort into supporting their groups. like it or not this is how the kpop industry is and you can't consume kpop content while having no respect for how kpop actually works.


some ☕(ik this is a coffee emoji but im on android & the tea emoji looks stank, so lets pretend its tea.)


Op I know you're army, so I know this post is genuinely coming from a place of concern on your end, but from experience let me tell you that armys' impression of other armys, especially on tumblr has been completely warped by non armys. Bts do not need to call out the small percentage of their fandom being disrespectful, when the rest of us are respectful and try our best to give bts a good reputation, despite the fact that every other fandom is obsessed with giving attention to fake accounts that pretend to be armys or the small amount of armys who have a different opinion from the rest of us. I also don't know how you can agree with this person saying that bts don't get attacked for anything AGDHDHGDHK???????? HELLO???????? Go to literally any kpop blog that doesn't stan bts and you'll see their biggest posts being anti-bts posts, but go to any bts blog and their biggest posts is probably something positive about bts. Again, I don't blame you for thinking armys are giving bts a bad name, bc I also once thought that, but it's genuinely not the case, it's a case of other fandoms and "woke" locals giving armys a bad name.

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