
Give me the grammar


Eze | Langblr | Native Spanish speaker | Learning English, French, Italian, Norwegian and Quechua | Studying History | My history blog: historyfilia.tumblr.com

language resources

hi guys since i just hit 1k (1.2k now) i decided to make this :) i don’t have a lot for other languages besides Spanish or French, but this is mainly what i have :) THERES LITERALLY NO ORDER TO THIS SORRY


website 1 (verbal planet)

  • worksheets
  • vocab lists
  • grammar explanations 
  • free downloads

website 2 (the language gym)

  • you can choose what tenses you want to be studied on
  • tests vocab
  • play games

website 3 (word brewery)

  1. great for vocab and practicing understanding
  • Spanish
  • English
  • Chinese
  • Arabic
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Japanese
  • German
  • French
  • Italian
  • Polish
  • Ukrainian
  • Korean
  • Serbian (Latin)
  • Serbian (Cryillic)
  • Hungarian
  • Greek
  • Swedish
  • Norwegian

speed of a language (what is the fastest lang?)

ASL (american sign language)


essay vocab 1


animals vocab

level 3 stuff ( @dehgastudies )

nighttime vocab










travel vocab

korean grammar








A similar phenomenon is also found in French (1) and Portuguese (2)

(1) Pour te dire (To tell you) (2) Para te dizer

But not in Spanish (3) and Italian (4)

(3) Para decirte (4) Per dirti

If anyone is interested in that, the placements of the oblique pronouns in Portuguese are called próclise (pronoun before the verb, ex. Eu te amo), mesóclise (mid verb, in the future tense, more literary and very formal, ex. Eu dir-te-ia), and ênclise (after the verb, ex. Dizer-te).

In formal writing, unlike Spanish, you cannot start a phrase with an oblique pronoun, it has to be ênclise, but in speech that’s very uncommon in Brazilian Portuguese. We say “Te amo”, not “Amo-te”.

After a conjunction it has to be próclise, like in the example above “Para te dizer.”

Hey! @la-sicilienne How would that be in Sicilian?


Berries | Spanish Vocabulary

berries: las bayas / los frutos del bosque

strawberry: la fresa

raspberry: la frambuesa

blackberry: la mora

blueberry: el arándano

cranberry: el arándono rojo

mulberry: la mora

gooseberry: la grosella

elderberry: la baya de saúcola

redcurrant: grosella rojala

blackcurrant: la grosella negra

Sharon fruit / persimmon: el caqui

Note: the correspondence between the English name and the Spanish name are not always exact. For instance, “el arándano” may include many kinds of berries in Enlgish (bilberry or whortleberry, lingonberry or cowberry)



An anon asked me for a musical vocab list( thanks for the ask, btw. Sorry it took so long), so here it is. I wasn’t sure if they wanted instruments or just musical things, so I did musical things and will be doing an instruments list some time later on.

la musique- music

le morceau- piece

la ballade- ballad

l’instrument- instrument

la note- note

jouer de- to play

la clef de sol- treble clef

le rythme- beat

l’accord- chord

classique- classical

le chef d’orchestre- conductor

le dou- duet

la blanche- half note

la noire- quarter note

la ronde- whole note

la croche- eighth note

l’harmonie- harmony

le ton- key

l’opéra- opera

l’orchestre- orchestra

la répétition- practice

le récital- recital


🥀 la beauté et l’esthétique 🥀

a canvas - la toile a workshop - un atelier to blend - mélanger a paintbrush - un pinceau, une brosse contour - le contour contrast - le contraste to contrast with - trancher avec the foreground - le premier plan the background - le fond a seascape - un paysage marine a landscape - un paysage nude - nu a watercolor- une aquarelle stainglass - les vitraux lighting - l'éclairage (m) to influence - influencer impressionism - l'impressionnisme (m) cubism - le cubisme dadaism - le dadaïsme surrealism - le surréalisme expressionism - le expressionisme a sculptor - le sculpteur, la sculptrice a screenplay - un scénario pastel - pastel cinematography - la cinématographie connotation - la connotation vibrant - vibrant to create - créer to foster - nourrir to reflect - réfléchir tiles - le carreau mosaics - la mosaïque


To all conlangers, I think this might interest you !

This website vulgarlang.com helps you generate a language based on the input you give. You can select your phoneme inventory, choose your phonotactics and the way your words can be derived to build nouns, adjectives adverbs and other derivatives. It comes up with some phonological rules of its own.

This is for the free version (there is a full version for $9.95) but you can still have some fun with the free version. 

For instance, this is some of the words and grammar the generator came up with based on the rules I have made for my developing conlang : 

If it’s your first attempt at conlanging (like it is for me) it might be a useful tool to get some ideas when you feel stuck. 

Enjoy  !  


Passato remoto: regular verbs

The “passato remoto” is a past tense that indicates an action taken once and completed far in the past. Many -ere verbs take irregular forms, but most of -are and -ire verbs are regular. Usually, one must translate it to English as the past simple.

The following are the conjugation endings for the regulars patterns of each conjugation.

-are endings: -ai, -asti, -ò, -ammo, aste, -arono

-ere endings: -ei / -etti, -esti, -é / -ette, -emmo, -este, -erono / -ettero.

-ire endings: -ii, -isti, -ì, -immo, -iste, -irono.


-are: amare (to love)

(io) amai

(tu) amasti

(lui, lei, Lei) amo

(noi) amammo

(voi) amaste

(loro) amarono

I loved

-ere: credere (to believe)

(io) credei / credetti

(tu) credesti

(lui, lei, Lei) credé / credette

(noi) credemmo

(voi) credeste

(loro) crederono

I believed 

-ire: finire (to finish)

(io) finii

(tu) finisti

(lui, lei, Lei) finì

(noi) finimmo

(voi) finiste

(loro) finirono I finished


Spanish Vocabulary: Ancient History I

Antigua Grecia: Ancient Greece

Antigua Roma: Ancient Rome

Antigua Mesopotamia: Ancient Mesopotamia

Antiguo Egipto: Ancient Egypt

La época: Epoch, age

El periodo: Period

El pasado: Past

La antigüedad: Antiquity

La edad antigua: Ancient history (lit. “Ancient age”)

El mar Mediterráneo: Mediterranean Sea

El imperio: Empire

El reino: Kingdom

La ciudad-estado: City-state

La muralla: wall

Los habitantes: inhabitants

Italia: Italy

Esparta: Sparta

Roma: Rome

Atenas: Athens

El rey: King

El emperador: Emperor

El gobernante: Leader, ruler

La ley: law

La ruina: Ruin

La tumba: Tomb

La piramide: Piramide

  1. Regional languages which continue Latin laborare “to toil, to labour”;
  2. Regional languages which continue Latin fatigare “to tire, to weary”;
  3. Regional languages which continue Latin *tripaliare and this from tripalium, a torture instrument;
  4. Regional languages which continue Greek polemèin “to fight”.

Mi fa ridere perché al nord il lavoro è lavoro, al sud il lavoro è fatica e poi ci sono le isole. Nella isole il lavoro è una tortura 😂

Qui si parla di lingue regionali parlate in Italia e di latino, non di italiano. Inoltre laborare significa letteralmente “preoccuparsi, affaticare, darsi pena, soffrire” e fatigare ne è soltanto un sinonimo.. Questa cosa che il lavoro al sud è una fatica faceva ridere solo a Zelig nel 2008. È uno stereotipo stupido pensare che solo al nord il “lavoro è lavoro”.

io sono stanco de tutti quelli stereotipi, veramente. Ma pare che tutti vogliano ricordarli sempre haha


Spanish verbs + “DE”

Many Spanish verbs need the preposition “de”, here you have a list (there’re more).

  • quejarse de (to complain about)
  • tener miedo de (to be afraid of)
  • reírse de (to laugh at)
  • alegrarse de (to cheer up)
  • asustarse de (to get frightened)
  • acordarse de (to remember)
  • deshacerse de (to get rid of)
  • abstenerse de (to abstain from)
  • burlase de (to make fun of)
  • cuidar de (take care of)
  • escapar de (to escape from)
  • sospechar de (to suspect)
  • avergonzarse de (to be ashamed of)
  • olvidarse de (to forget about)
  • preocuparse de (to worry about)
  • cansarse/estar cansado de (to get/be tired of)
  • carecer de (to lack)
  • estar al cargo de (to be in charge of)
  • prescindir de (to do without, to neglect)
  • tratar de (to try to do sth.)
  • acusar de (to accuse)
  • llegar de (to come from)
  • ser de (to be from)
  • huir de (to run away from)
  • acabar de/terminar de (to finish doing sth.)
  • divorciarse (to get divorced)
  • enamorarse de (to fall in love with)
  • cesar de (to stop doing sth.)
  • despedirse de (to say goodbye)
  • dudar de (to doubt about)
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