
i write s/i’s not tragedies

@its-milk / its-milk.tumblr.com

they call me Milk // 🏳️‍🌈 she/they // 24 // 🇲🇽 spanish & english // art blog @artbymilk

i wish i was a balljointed doll so i could sit on some lonely guys shelf and collect dust


yall the only lonely guys who want balljointed dolls are on some FREAK shit you DO NOT WANT THIS

dont tell me what i want i know the market


Happy International Museums Day to the following people:

  • The guy who called me the Whore of Babylon for teaching kids about Ancient Egypt as I stood there and nodded.
  • The woman who was deeply incensed that staff wouldn't open the cases so she could touch the organic objects.
  • The one guy who made me translate hieroglyphs on a stele for him, then was mad because it didn't say what he wanted it to say, and reported me for 'lying' to the public.
  • The parents who objected to the taxidermied animals having taxidermied genitalia because it was unseemly.
  • Those kids on a school trip who got on the floor in front of a mummy and started chanting 'we worship Ra' as their teacher desperately tried to get them to leave.
  • That one guy who...uh...really liked geodes. No, they were not a special interest. He really, really liked geodes.

While pretty and sparkly on the inside, the outer shell of a geode is incredibly hard, just like the man who was viewing them.


buddy, you cant fuck osmosis jones. hes too small. you put him on your dick, he just goes on an adventure. he just has a car chase and learns a lesson.


just found out that giant squid meat is chock fucking full of ammonium ions to increase buoyancy so they would taste fucking disgusting if you tried to make calamari out of them. i mean i wasn't planning on it but a girl can dream right? nobody talk to me



okay like The White Pharaoh image macros i make are supposed to be somewhat of a parody of Mormons but like. how the fuck am i supposed to parody this, they literally already did the thing. the thing that im like “oh haha this is funny because its an exaggeration” no. the mormons actually made the most ass-ugly egyptophilic sculpture that i have ever seen in my life


the city where we live doesn't allow public barbecues so my brother fucking welded a grill to a handcart and now hosts "chill and grill sessions" where he sends all his friends his live location so they can hunt him down on their bikes with sausages in their backpacks while he carts it around evading the police like some sort of barbecue vigilante, grilling on the run. i have never been prouder of him

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