
Aries paradise

@lcsexcellent / lcsexcellent.tumblr.com

China|The Sims 4 cc creator
Anonymous asked:

Hello! Do you happen to have a master post of all of your asks/posts anywhere? Just to help me navigate! ^^

Hi, thanks for the question! (Image via duitang)

For all my own posts, please see my China tag (that’s the tag I use for my original posts).For navigation via tags, my Tags page has links to common & useful tags on my blog. I’ll be updating the Tags page and this Masterpost as needed ^^.

Masterpost of Ziseviolet’s Replies, Part 1 (Part 2 here):

Hanfu Terms:

Hanfu History:

Wedding Hanfu:

Modernized/Modified Hanfu:

Hanfu Accessories:

Hanfu Hair Accessories:

Hanfu Hairstyles:


Men’s Hanfu:

Men’s Headwear/Hairstyles:

Hanfu Undergarments:

Wearing Hanfu:

Making Hanfu:

Buying Hanfu & Hanfu Accessories:

Hanfu in films/dramas/animations:

Hanfu Revival Movement:

Comparison with Kimono and Hanbok:


Hanfu is traditional Chinese clothing. As a Chinese, I respect the clothing culture of other countries. People don’t offend me, I don’t offend people. Warn people who disrespect Chinese culture, including m4 authors in certain countries, what is yours is yours, and you will never get what is not yours! Don't try to use despicable means to get things that do not belong to you! I also hope that those who follow me can understand Hanfu and learn more about Chinese culture, at least not to be blinded by the lies of the devil! I just want to protect all traditional Chinese culture. It is very sad and angry to be stolen by the devil! I don't understand why the Spring Festival has become a traditional holiday for the devil. The Spring Festival has always been a traditional Chinese holiday! I may have expressed incoherent words, but I believe that you are all kind people. If you are willing, please take a moment to read this popular science article, thank you!


Aries_F_ Sweet temptation dress

Long time no see everyone! I'm going to send a skirt! Thank you for liking my cc! This time I bring the cc in September 2021.

The actual in-game prevails, the sleeves and armpits are penetrated, and exaggerated actions are prohibited. It is not suitable for girls with big breasts. If you mind, download carefully.

There are 6 colors

Female only

Category→ suit

CAS thumbnail


Thanks to all CC authors involved in the diagrams!

  • No secondary upload, no reselling
  • Don’t pack my cc
  • Respect my labor
  • Don’t declare that my cc is made by you
  • Don’t share download links to other websites
  • Do not convert my mesh to other games without permission
  • Don’t change color without permission
  • My English is very poor, the above content is Google Translate
  • If there is something wrong, I’m sorry…
  • Finally, use pleasantly (≧ω≦)/



Aries_FM_ Innocent lenses

This time I did a small makeup collaboration with my friend @wwmetx​ . I did cosmetic contact lenses and she did facial tattoos. My previous cosmetic contact lenses were terrible and I deleted the post from that time. This cosmetic contact lens is the best one for me so far! I am very satisfied 🤣! Hope you guys like it!

Finally, I am about to start school, and I will be very busy afterwards. I don’t know when the next time I send cc, I say sorry to friends who follow me, as long as I have time, I will come back to create and release cc!

Both models used my cosmetic contact lenses, and my friend made two tattoos: the suture on the left and the tattoo on the right face.

There are 20 colors


Female & Male

Category→ Face painting

CAS thumbnail


Thanks to all CC authors involved in the diagrams!

  • No secondary upload, no reselling
  • Don’t pack my cc
  • Respect my labor
  • Don’t declare that my cc is made by you
  • Don’t share download links to other websites
  • Do not convert my mesh to other games without permission
  • Don’t change color without permission
  • My English is very poor, the above content is Google Translate
  • If there is something wrong, I’m sorry…
  • Finally, use pleasantly (≧ω≦)/



To followers

Very busy at school, so temporarily stop the update. I will come back when I finish what I should finish.

I love you all!


方相氏fāng xiāng shì by 画师杉泽

Fang Xiang Shi is a deity commonly believed in by the folk in the olden days of ancient china to drive away epidemics and avoid evil spirits. He wears a bear skin, has four golden eyes, a black top and a red bottom, and holds a spear and a shield to ward off epidemics for the people.

In the ancient court, the ritual to drive away the epidemic is called 傩nuó. In the Tang Dynasty, nuo became one of the military rites. Nuo was held three times a year, respectively in the spring, mid-autumn and winter. Nuo of eve of the Spring Festival is the grandest one.


Aries_F_ Rural style sweet dress

This dress was made before the Spring Festival, and it could not be sent out due to internet reasons. Thank you for following my fans, thank you everyone!

The color of the rendering light is relatively light. The actual color in the game shall prevail. The weight of the skirt is flawed

Sims don’t make exaggerated moves!

If you don’t mind and would like to believe me, please feel free to use it for your SIMS!

There are 15 colors

Female only

Category→ suit

CAS thumbnail


Thanks to all CC authors involved in the diagrams!

  • No secondary upload, no reselling
  • Don’t pack my cc
  • Respect my labor
  • Don’t declare that my cc is made by you
  • Don’t share download links to other websites
  • Do not convert my mesh to other games without permission
  • Don’t change color without permission
  • My English is very poor, the above content is Google Translate
  • If there is something wrong, I’m sorry…
  • Finally, use pleasantly (≧ω≦)/



Aries_F_modified cheongsam

Happy Chinese New Year everyone, Happy Valentine’s Day!

Cheongsam should be issued during the New Year

But the pictures I took were not satisfied and did not post

Just in time for Valentine’s Day today, it came out! Happy double festival everyone!

It’s a modified Chinese cheongsam, not a traditional Chinese cheongsam, don’t provoke me!

The rendering colors are for reference only, the actual colors in the game shall prevail.

The clothes are very close-fitting, and the sims will inevitably penetrate when doing difficult moves

If you don’t mind and would like to believe me, please feel free to use it for your SIMS!

There are 9 colors

Female only

Category→ suit

CAS thumbnail


The scene used for shooting comes from @nilsims

Thanks to all CC authors involved in the diagrams!

  • No secondary upload, no reselling
  • Don’t pack my cc
  • Respect my labor
  • Don’t declare that my cc is made by you
  • Don’t share download links to other websites
  • Do not convert my mesh to other games without permission
  • Don’t change color without permission
  • My English is very poor, the above content is Google Translate
  • If there is something wrong, I’m sorry…
  • Finally, use pleasantly (≧ω≦)/



Aries_F_modified cheongsam

Happy Chinese New Year everyone, Happy Valentine’s Day!

Cheongsam should be issued during the New Year

But the pictures I took were not satisfied and did not post

Just in time for Valentine’s Day today, it came out! Happy double festival everyone!

The clothes are very close-fitting, and the sims will inevitably penetrate when doing difficult moves

If you don’t mind and would like to believe me, please feel free to use it for your SIMS!

There are 9 colors

Female only

Category→ suit

CAS thumbnail


Thanks to all CC authors involved in the diagrams!

  • No secondary upload, no reselling
  • Don’t pack my cc
  • Respect my labor
  • Don’t declare that my cc is made by you
  • Don’t share download links to other websites
  • Do not convert my mesh to other games without permission
  • Don’t change color without permission
  • My English is very poor, the above content is Google Translate
  • If there is something wrong, I’m sorry…
  • Finally, use pleasantly (≧ω≦)/



[Loi]Lip preset_wrap(F)

  1. 6 in all
  2. I’m too lazy to use PS, so I recorded dynamic pictures
  • Do not re-upload to another site
  • Do not sell my work
  • Do not claim my CC as your own
  • Do not include my CC in your sims sharing file

Hope you like


beautiful lips!

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