
Shit from the Crows


Uuuuuuuuuh... Gender??? Who's that?? Fandoms, Shitposts, etc. Frickin love Sanders Sides and Ouran +many other select things Profile+header images made by me 🌈(^‿^✿)

Chik-fil-le sandwich


4 hamburger buns, split

1 head green leaf lettuce, leaves separated

1 beefsteak tomato, sliced

20 dill pickle slices


2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

1 cup dill pickle juice

1 ½ cups milk, divided

1 cup peanut oil

1 large egg

½ cup all-purpose flour

1 tablespoon confectioners’ sugar

Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste


Place a chicken breast on a cutting board. With your hand flat on top of it, carefully slice the chicken in half horizontally. Trim excess fat as needed.

In a large shallow baking dish, combine chicken, pickle juice and ½ cup milk; marinate for at least 30 minutes. Drain well.

Heat peanut oil in a large skillet over medium high heat.

In another large shallow baking dish, whisk together remaining 1 cup milk and egg. Stir in chicken to coat and drain excess milk mixture.

In a gallon size Ziploc bag or large bowl, combine chicken, flour and confectioners’ sugar; season with salt and pepper, to taste.

Working in batches, add chicken to the skillet and cook until evenly golden and crispy, about 4-5 minutes. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate.

Serve chicken immediately on burger buns with green leaf lettuce, tomato and pickles.


🚩TW: Slight Cursing🚩

Tubbo and Tommy find Blob Dream


"What the fuck is it?" Tommy poked the small white lump in its stomach area- did it have a stomach?- on the kitchen counter.

The lump shivered and curled into itself before jumping up and marching around the marble, huffing indignantly. Tommy watched it stumble around in slight disgusted amusement.

"I have no idea, but I can't stop looking at it," Tubbo tugged on Tommy's sleeve, "Do you think it's sick?"

Tommy poked it again. This time, the blob chose to shake and jump around.

"I think it's pissed."

Tubbo looked back and thought, "It looks like the clay dolls my grandma used to make."

Tommy wheezed out a laugh as the thing looked at Tubbo and stomped up and down with its stumpy body. It plopped back down, fuming. Tommy picked up the thing by the back of what might have been its neck, considering it mostly consisted of a head and torso, like a kitten, bringing it closer for inspection. A white blur squirmed around in his hand, struggling fruitlessly for escape. It's two black eyes pressed close and it stilled. Fear flashed through both boys, thinking they had killed it, just for it to start up again. Tubbo almost felt sorry for it. Almost.

They had found it jumping around and stealing the day old pizza that Techno left out during his MINECRAFT Monday stream. Tubbo had found it first, believing it was a rat and catching it in a small tupperware container and bringing it to Tommy. The container was quickly taken away once Tommy offered to kill it with the fire wood axe.

They poured the contents onto the counter and, watching a, what might have been lump of snow, tumble out. The thing was still, both boys questioned whether it was even alive. It woke up after a few quick pokes.

Tubbo peered down at it,"Are we going to name it?"

"Of course we're naming it!" The elder flipped his hand over sending the blob tumbling into his other hand, watching it wiggle around into a standing position.

"We could name it Clay?" Turbo quickly realized it had came out as more of a question than an actual statement.

"Like your grandma?"


The thing was still wiggling and huffing, no arms or legs to help it stand. It's nubby body squirmed angrily on Tommy's open palm. "Clay sounds nice."

'Clay' seemed to be contemplating this, stilling belly down and raising its head to both boys. The thing ultimately decided it wasn't a horrible name. The name would have to do. For now.

"Are you hungry?"

"Tubbo, I'm not sure how to tell you this, buddy, but I don't think it knows English."

"It could."

Tubbo glanced back to the open box of pizza. A few pieces of olives and mushrooms had been discarded, leaving only the pepperoni. He picked off the extra toppings setting them to the side of the box. He picked up a paper plate, placing the slice on, and sticking it in the microwave to nuke it.

"What are you doing, Tubbo?"

"We have to feed him!"

"'Him'? It doesn't even have a dick!"

"Well everyone likes pizza."

Tubbo could hear Tommy huff behind him. He glanced away from the microwave to 'Clay' being straightened with Tommy's help. Tubbo smiled, watching Clay be sat back onto the glossy counter.

The microwave beeped and Tubbo brought the paper plate in front of Clay. The white blob hesitantly hobbled forward, maintaining eye contact with Tommy.

Tubbo set the plate down and scooted onto the bar stool by Tommy, "I don't think he likes you."

"I'm like pizza, Tubbo! Everybody loves me."

Clay squeaked defiantly and began nibbling on their pizza. Tubbo chuckled, patting them on their head. They shook off the gentle touch after a moment, continuing with their pizza. Tommy took a slice as well, choosing to nibble on the cold edges. Reaching around, Tubbo popped an olive into his mouth.

"When will Philza and Wilbur be home?"

"Dad should be home with enough time to hide Clay if that's what your wondering."



Prompt inspired by @jellilyy

I was going to copy paste it to their post but it won't let me?? Really sorry 😣


omg love the concept that he's actually made of clay LMAOO 

Awesome work! Not sure if you take requests or not, but I’d love a continuation! to see their reaction if Clay suddenly found a slime and turned human, lol.

I've never had a post get this popular and I really enjoyed writing about some of my fav bois so I might do a continuation. 😊


🚩TW: Slight Cursing🚩

Tubbo and Tommy find Blob Dream


"What the fuck is it?" Tommy poked the small white lump in its stomach area- did it have a stomach?- on the kitchen counter.

The lump shivered and curled into itself before jumping up and marching around the marble, huffing indignantly. Tommy watched it stumble around in slight disgusted amusement.

"I have no idea, but I can't stop looking at it," Tubbo tugged on Tommy's sleeve, "Do you think it's sick?"

Tommy poked it again. This time, the blob chose to shake and jump around.

"I think it's pissed."

Tubbo looked back and thought, "It looks like the clay dolls my grandma used to make."

Tommy wheezed out a laugh as the thing looked at Tubbo and stomped up and down with its stumpy body. It plopped back down, fuming. Tommy picked up the thing by the back of what might have been its neck, considering it mostly consisted of a head and torso, like a kitten, bringing it closer for inspection. A white blur squirmed around in his hand, struggling fruitlessly for escape. It's two black eyes pressed close and it stilled. Fear flashed through both boys, thinking they had killed it, just for it to start up again. Tubbo almost felt sorry for it. Almost.

They had found it jumping around and stealing the day old pizza that Techno left out during his MINECRAFT Monday stream. Tubbo had found it first, believing it was a rat and catching it in a small tupperware container and bringing it to Tommy. The container was quickly taken away once Tommy offered to kill it with the fire wood axe.

They poured the contents onto the counter and, watching a, what might have been lump of snow, tumble out. The thing was still, both boys questioned whether it was even alive. It woke up after a few quick pokes.

Tubbo peered down at it,"Are we going to name it?"

"Of course we're naming it!" The elder flipped his hand over sending the blob tumbling into his other hand, watching it wiggle around into a standing position.

"We could name it Clay?" Turbo quickly realized it had came out as more of a question than an actual statement.

"Like your grandma?"


The thing was still wiggling and huffing, no arms or legs to help it stand. It's nubby body squirmed angrily on Tommy's open palm. "Clay sounds nice."

'Clay' seemed to be contemplating this, stilling belly down and raising its head to both boys. The thing ultimately decided it wasn't a horrible name. The name would have to do. For now.

"Are you hungry?"

"Tubbo, I'm not sure how to tell you this, buddy, but I don't think it knows English."

"It could."

Tubbo glanced back to the open box of pizza. A few pieces of olives and mushrooms had been discarded, leaving only the pepperoni. He picked off the extra toppings setting them to the side of the box. He picked up a paper plate, placing the slice on, and sticking it in the microwave to nuke it.

"What are you doing, Tubbo?"

"We have to feed him!"

"'Him'? It doesn't even have a dick!"

"Well everyone likes pizza."

Tubbo could hear Tommy huff behind him. He glanced away from the microwave to 'Clay' being straightened with Tommy's help. Tubbo smiled, watching Clay be sat back onto the glossy counter.

The microwave beeped and Tubbo brought the paper plate in front of Clay. The white blob hesitantly hobbled forward, maintaining eye contact with Tommy.

Tubbo set the plate down and scooted onto the bar stool by Tommy, "I don't think he likes you."

"I'm like pizza, Tubbo! Everybody loves me."

Clay squeaked defiantly and began nibbling on their pizza. Tubbo chuckled, patting them on their head. They shook off the gentle touch after a moment, continuing with their pizza. Tommy took a slice as well, choosing to nibble on the cold edges. Reaching around, Tubbo popped an olive into his mouth.

"When will Philza and Wilbur be home?"

"Dad should be home with enough time to hide Clay if that's what your wondering."



Prompt inspired by @jellilyy

I was going to copy paste it to their post but it won't let me?? Really sorry 😣


omg love the concept that he's actually made of clay LMAOO 



🚩TW: Slight Cursing🚩

Tubbo and Tommy find Blob Dream


"What the fuck is it?" Tommy poked the small white lump in its stomach area- did it have a stomach?- on the kitchen counter.

The lump shivered and curled into itself before jumping up and marching around the marble, huffing indignantly. Tommy watched it stumble around in slight disgusted amusement.

"I have no idea, but I can't stop looking at it," Tubbo tugged on Tommy's sleeve, "Do you think it's sick?"

Tommy poked it again. This time, the blob chose to shake and jump around.

"I think it's pissed."

Tubbo looked back and thought, "It looks like the clay dolls my grandma used to make."

Tommy wheezed out a laugh as the thing looked at Tubbo and stomped up and down with its stumpy body. It plopped back down, fuming. Tommy picked up the thing by the back of what might have been its neck, considering it mostly consisted of a head and torso, like a kitten, bringing it closer for inspection. A white blur squirmed around in his hand, struggling fruitlessly for escape. It's two black eyes pressed close and it stilled. Fear flashed through both boys, thinking they had killed it, just for it to start up again. Tubbo almost felt sorry for it. Almost.

They had found it jumping around and stealing the day old pizza that Techno left out during his MINECRAFT Monday stream. Tubbo had found it first, believing it was a rat and catching it in a small tupperware container and bringing it to Tommy. The container was quickly taken away once Tommy offered to kill it with the fire wood axe.

They poured the contents onto the counter and, watching a, what might have been lump of snow, tumble out. The thing was still, both boys questioned whether it was even alive. It woke up after a few quick pokes.

Tubbo peered down at it,"Are we going to name it?"

"Of course we're naming it!" The elder flipped his hand over sending the blob tumbling into his other hand, watching it wiggle around into a standing position.

"We could name it Clay?" Turbo quickly realized it had came out as more of a question than an actual statement.

"Like your grandma?"


The thing was still wiggling and huffing, no arms or legs to help it stand. It's nubby body squirmed angrily on Tommy's open palm. "Clay sounds nice."

'Clay' seemed to be contemplating this, stilling belly down and raising its head to both boys. The thing ultimately decided it wasn't a horrible name. The name would have to do. For now.

"Are you hungry?"

"Tubbo, I'm not sure how to tell you this, buddy, but I don't think it knows English."

"It could."

Tubbo glanced back to the open box of pizza. A few pieces of olives and mushrooms had been discarded, leaving only the pepperoni. He picked off the extra toppings setting them to the side of the box. He picked up a paper plate, placing the slice on, and sticking it in the microwave to nuke it.

"What are you doing, Tubbo?"

"We have to feed him!"

"'Him'? It doesn't even have a dick!"

"Well everyone likes pizza."

Tubbo could hear Tommy huff behind him. He glanced away from the microwave to 'Clay' being straightened with Tommy's help. Tubbo smiled, watching Clay be sat back onto the glossy counter.

The microwave beeped and Tubbo brought the paper plate in front of Clay. The white blob hesitantly hobbled forward, maintaining eye contact with Tommy.

Tubbo set the plate down and scooted onto the bar stool by Tommy, "I don't think he likes you."

"I'm like pizza, Tubbo! Everybody loves me."

Clay squeaked defiantly and began nibbling on their pizza. Tubbo chuckled, patting them on their head. They shook off the gentle touch after a moment, continuing with their pizza. Tommy took a slice as well, choosing to nibble on the cold edges. Reaching around, Tubbo popped an olive into his mouth.

"When will Philza and Wilbur be home?"

"Dad should be home with enough time to hide Clay if that's what your wondering."



Prompt inspired by @jellilyy

I was going to copy paste it to their post but it won't let me?? Really sorry 😣


Hey. Do you need a hug?

Maybe you’re having a stressful day. Maybe you just need a deep breath. Maybe you just didn’t realize how stressed you are. It’s okay! You deserve love and warmth in your life.

Are you comforted by words? 

Do you need to hear some pleasant ambient sounds?

ASMR? Stimming? 

How about a game or activity distraction?

Do you need something soothing?

How about a laugh?

It’s going to be okay. Today may be the worst day of your life - but tomorrow won’t be. Life is a series of ups and downs, and that means there’s going to be good and bad. Drink some water, let yourself cry if you need to, and get a good night’s sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning. 

Reblogging anyone who may need it, and also for me to easily find later.

If anyone out there needs this as much as I do right now!

idk what this is but its great


Say what you want about tiktok but the trend of writing the captions onto the video? That’s super helpful/inclusive for deaf/HH people (and even people who don’t speak a language natively etc) and I just think that’s kinda cool.

So many platforms have videos that aren’t accessible to people, but it’s become the norm on tiktok to caption the videos and that’s pretty nice. Also since the captions are actually on the video, that means when it gets reposted to other websites it is still accessible!

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