
Cuz Dragons

@arialis / arialis.tumblr.com

Personal and fandom. Please don't reblog my original posts.

Took my rescue Huskies to the beach the other day and they had a blast :D It’s one of the many reasons to keep our oceans clean, and why I’ll be donating to #TeamSeas with the money raised during the annual charity art sale https://yuumeiart.com/shop :)

This is Luna and Nova~ Luna was abandoned in the streets of Bakersfield CA before being rescued by Milo Foundation, & Nova ran away from an abusive backyard breeder in China before being saved by Doggie Protective Services. I can’t imagine life without them <3


Pigeon wings under a UV light


"The secret invisible light we cannot directly perceive creates beautiful vaguely rune-like shaped on the religiously significant appendages of an otherwise mundane animal" yeah get out of here, tone down the fantasy vibes a little bit, that's too much. Oh wait that's reality? ... Well then.


It's probably been said in the notes, but this isn't a natural UV color! This is a racing stamp lighting up under UV, which means this little guy is a racing pigeon!

Here's Martha, the winning bird from the 2017 Arona Derby

And a more complex stamp in normal colors:

The stamps are used to verify the pigeons before and after, with a fairly complicated matching process in some cases

Which is understandable! Some of these birds are worth thousands of dollars, and winning the races can also be worth thousands of dollars. In fact, the most expensive bird, and I mean most expensive period across all species, was a racing pigeon sold for over a million dollars!

So maybe not natural but certainly still cool!


What do you mean net zero information you learned some rad shit about racing pigeon verification techniques


This was a ride ⚰️⚰️

I love posts shared from AITA because the whatever impression I get reading the title alone is almost always the exact opposite of the impression I get after reading the story.

“AITA for throwing a child out a window” will always be someone rescuing a kid from a burning building or something and “AITA for cleaning my girlfriend’s apartment” will be about throwing out her grandma’s ashes because she spends too much time thinking about her grandma instead of the OP or some shit.


That’s the thing, though. I feel like the kinds of people who aren’t assholes are gonna be really invested in giving the other side a fair shake and so will present their own actions in the worst light. The shitheads who are the assholes, however, won’t recognize that they could be in the wrong and so will present things as if their actions are the most reasonable things in the world.

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