
Victoria Aveyard

@vaveyard / vaveyard.tumblr.com

I write and complain. I'm the #1 NYT Bestselling author of the RED QUEEN series, including RED QUEEN, GLASS SWORD, KING’S CAGE, and WAR STORM!

How did Thomas die exactly? Because in either King’s Cage or Glass sword, it said he died due to an explosion on the frontlines of the war, but i remember Maven said something along the lines of “ We were alone, I lost control, I didn’t burn, he did.”


who do you think caused the explosion


Hi Victoria!

Corayne and Mare are some of my absolutely favorite fantasy heroines of all time. Bit of a niche ask, but is Corayne's surname an-Amarat inspired by Arabic? Seeing possible Arab rep in the YA fantasy space is so refreshing when written well, and I was just curious if this was your intention! I remember seeing that you see Mare as biracial white and Hispanic; would you envision Corayne and/or Mare as Arab/Middle Eastern descent as well? I think their strength and resilience really stands out in these representations, and I really appreciate your portrayals (of female heroines in general, regardless of ethnicity!)


Great question!

Regarding Corayne - yes, I very much see her as having a mixed race background from her mother's side. And I was thinking about Arabic surnames when naming her (as well as other characters). Her mother, Meliz, notes that she has ancestry throughout the Long Sea (which I see as Mediterranean coded). Specifically, Meliz is of Siscarian, Tyri, and Ibalet descent (Italian, Greek, and Arabic coded respectively).

But race isn't exactly a construct in Allward as it is in our modern day world. Heritage, skin color, or ethnicity aren't tools of division or oppression, so much as simple facts. I.E. A person of color in a predominately white court might be noticed as not hailing from the same kingdom, but won't be looked down upon or othered. I see Allward as being extremely multicultural with an emphasis on travel and trade linking the kingdoms together. I really did not want to write a world where racism existed and did that to the best of my ability.

So I wouldn't identify Corayne as having anywhere near the same experience as a POC!


Hi Victoria! I hope you're having a wonderful birthday!

I just have an interesting question for you, I don't know if someone has asked you this before but here it goes: What do you think when a reader gives one of your books a "bad" review, pointing out why they didn't like the book. Does it help you when it's constructive criticism?

For example, I read a hyper-overrated romancy book that all Booktok and Bookstagram love but I find cracks in the worldbuilding, characters-development and plot twists. The story is good and it could have been so much better.

And at the same time, I found a post that said giving bad reviews to writers was unnecessary and mean. I know if you're an author and someone gives you a horrible review saying your book is "bad" or even as far as saying that it is terrible could affect your sales and the chance to improve and become a better writer.

I'm also a writer, currently working on my first novel, and I have mixed feeling about this issue. First, and of course, I would not enjoy someone destroying my book but at the same time, if they're being respectful and giving an honest review about why they didn't enjoy it/like it, would not that be better to learn about my weakest links on writing?

What do you think about it?



I think first and foremost, it's important for authors to remember that most reviews aren't *for* us. Or at the very least, they aren't *only* for us. If you're lucky enough to receive a NYT review, that's one thing, but the reviews you see on Goodreads aren't being written with the author in mind. In that vein, I don't subscribe to the idea that negative reviews are unnecessary and mean (unless you are directly tagging the author/sending the review their way, that's not kosher).

Personally, I read reviews when ARCs start trickling out, and when a book is published. But I also know that I can handle this information, and that I *want* this information. And yes, I've definitely read critical reviews that I consider useful. I've also read ones that hurt my feelings, but that comes with the territory, and I'm putting myself in the position to see it in the first place. That's up to each author to decide for themselves.

Now, because you are an aspiring writer, I think there may be some gray area. As an author myself, I don't feel comfortable negatively reviewing another book. I will only say or post positive things about another work, in public, because that just seems like common courtesy. I look at other authors as my colleagues and it feels rude to critique them from our side of the line. But that's just my personal choice and where I've landed after almost ten years in publishing! It's really up to you.


Happy birthday Victoria !!! You're my favourite author, all your books are so special to me. You are a real inspiration. I try my best to be as good as you in my every writing and you're such a role model to me. May you have the best day <333


Thank you, that is so kind of you to say!! Sending you love!!


Still not sure how I feel about Blade Breaker but I have to admit that Aveyard is phenomenal at creating and writing intriguing characters bc I really love Corayne and Andry <3


omg they’re great


Hey there! Will you be boycotting the San Diego Comic Con? I know that many authors are (among them Uncle Rick I believe, maybe even Gaiman, though I'm not sure). Out of solidarity for the strikers! ✊🏻



Out of solidarity with my union, I will not be discussing film or TV adaptations of my novels. However, I am attending in my capacity as an author to promote my books and speak on craft panels. My work as an author falls out of the scope of guild activity, which is why I'm actually still able to hit my publishing deadlines.

WGA guidelines do allow screenwriters to attend for craft panels or to promote work from non-struck companies (i.e. my publisher). I know several showrunners and writers who will still be attending for these reasons.

I haven't seen anything personally regarding authors like Rick Riordan and Neil Gaiman boycotting, though I assume their absence would be more in relation to their adaptations as the Percy Jackson show is imminent as is Good Omens szn 2.

Personally, I'm nowhere near the level of these guys, nor was I originally invited in relation to a film/tv adaptation. I honestly haven't heard of any other authors boycotting and I know many others still attending, against to speak about craft and promote novels.


Sorasa: *Walking in to a room* Sorry I’m late... I was... doing things.  *Sounds of running footsteps progressively getting louder*  Dom: *Out of breath* SHE PUSHED ME DOWN THE FUCKIN’ STAIRS.




sometimes the perfect couple is a squire deserter who copes by making tea and a pirates daughter with a magical sword

insta: ooolivaz


My friend and I want to get matching tattoos of Red Queen book series. What are the exact or close to colors for Mare's earrings? Please, we would love to get them as accurate as possible.

Thank you!!!!!!!💚


Hi! Litjoy has the most accurate version, they designed the earrings with my input. Here's the link: https://litjoycrate.com/products/red-queen-mare-barrow-crawler-earrings

Also if you feel comfortable, plz tag me in the tattoo reveal! I'd love to see them!!!


Hi! I'm a 20 year old who picked up Realm Breaker and read it in three days ... and I just wanted to say that it was EVERYTHING I wanted in a high fantasy novel. It inspired me so much that I immediately went back to the rough draft of a high fantasy novel I wrote when I was 18 and began thinking of ways I could breathe more life into my story. Now my room is filled with sticky notes all over the walls as I plan to redraft it, but thank you for helping me unlock my passion for writing again :)


ahhh that is so kind of you to say, and thank you for reading!! I'm also so happy to be of any help in your own writing journey. :D


ok so, Sorasa is OBVIOUSLY a Slytherin but.. is Dom a Hufflepuff? he's so damn loyal


I think Dom is a Gryffindor because he's too noble and heroic for his own good. Sigil is definitely a Puff.


Don't read this if you haven't watched the RoP finale!.... But ma'am, you manifested evil Aragorn a bit too hard. Halbrand even wears a red armor. Thank you for your service to the villain stan community


hehehehe RoP took over my life for several weeks after that finale


is there going to be auditions or have there been auditions for the red queen series? 😭


No auditions yet! We are still in the script stage!

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