

@witcherscrane / witcherscrane.tumblr.com

Only mildly obsessed with Letho and my OC Arris... only mildly.

Lo, he is done!

I have finished my cross stitch of @angry-cajun-lady's Witcher OC Vanik. Since we've been shipping Grayson and Vanik together, I wanted to do a portrait for him to go with Grayson's. Behold, the beautiful smiley Bear:

I am very, very proud of his collar and the way it came out. That and his hair make him the most colorful Witcher portrait I've done so far and I absolutely love him. There's no medallion, but if you look around the edge of his neck, there is a thin line of silver thread that's supposed to be the chain, so his medallion would be just out of view. I'm not good at taking pictures of my finished work due to poor lighting in my apartment and impatience, so the silver isn't as obvious in the picture, but trust me, it's there.

I also tried something different with his nose; so far, I've been using another tone to help highlight the nose on these portraits, but since the reference image I used for Vanik had the sunlight on his face, I wanted to keep that idea. (Yes, I'm the person who wants there to be a light source when it comes to cross stitch.) Overall, I'm very pleased with how he came out. The colors, the colors!

I also redid Grayson's eyes finally. I tried something different with them because I was lazy when I originally stitched them, but they didn't have quite the look I wanted, so I redid them and now he looks lovely. Well, even lovelier <3

And here they are together!

Thank you to angry-cajun-lady for sharing wonderful Vanik with me. I've grown really attached to him and Grayson, I love them together so much <3 Thank you to @witcherscrane who gifted me and angry-cajun-lady the art of our OCs to begin with. I still can't believe that, it's one of my favorite portraits of Grayson, I look at it all the time, and the art inspired me to work on both Vanik and Grayson's patterns

The art that I used as a reference was from defenestratin, go look at their art, it's wonderful. And also, I used the portrait of Vanik done by @cylin-aka-ankamo as another reference for Vanik. Cylin is a dear friend who also has fabulous art that I cannot recommend any higher.

And thank you to the @continentcakeshop for sharing your advice, stitching tips, or just listening to me ramble. My apologies for the long post, but so much went into making the patterns for these portraits, I really wanted to make sure everyone got a proper shout out.


See hi-res version here: patreon.com/posts/68935494

Modern AU Witcher! I’ve had this in WIP slowly chipping away at completing this for almost a month and finally finished it!!

I was inspired by the manga ‘The Way of the Househusband’ and couldn’t help imagining Letho as an ex-gang leader who decided to quit and become a full time single father for two boys (Auckes and Serrit) who were also ex-gang members Letho was part of. Also may or may not be a romcom with another retired gang member, Eskel >w> I continue to make Lil’ Bleaters the excuse for these two to interact a;lskdjfsdf

@freckledsaint kept showing me photos of dads going fishing and so I had to draw Letho taking his boys out camping and fishing >w<;

I also saw  @justhereforeskel’s post of Letho and Eskel in casual wear and fell in love! I wanted to try putting them in modern clothes too XD

Fucking. Love. This.


Eskel had been travelling with the Owl Witcher on and off for four years, both of them finding a pattern that worked perfectly when hunting together, the both of them even finding comfort with one another. Finally, the Wolf takes a deep breath and invites his heart's desire to Kear Morhen for the winter. The first time he's invited someone to join him, the first time he's loved someone so much... he just hopes his family will love Aleksei as much as he does.


How do you know when you are in a cage?

Is it when all the comforts of daily life are taken away? Or is it when your food is changed from one thing to another? Or perhaps it is when all your choices are made for you, never giving you the chance to decide a single thing in your life, existing purely for the purpose of others.

Jaskier’s life, and his freedom, are in the hands of his Witcher. The only man who could ever hold the fire and not get burned.



They are here!!! Sign ups are now open!!!  Writer Signup forum can be found here. Beta Signup forum can be found here. Artist Signup forum can be found here.

I am so excited!! ~Remember that we have a Discord Server up and running for convenience in talking with others within this event <3~



Why is everyone still complaining about Eskel? And literally anything else from season 2? What's your whining gonna do other than needlessly exhaust people?

They aren't going to change the season retroactively. You telling them you're upset isn't going to change anything. You doing nothing but bitching and being negative on the internet is just ruining other people's experiences. We can't even escape the complaining at this point because there's so much of it.

If YOU didn't like something then just move on with your life. Book canon didn't change. Game canon didn't change. You can still write fanon Eskel. Now you can also write TWN Eskel. All you got out of this was a new character to play around with.

If you don't like the Netflix adaptation then simply do not watch it and stop making yourself miserable by complaining about it day in and day out.


there is 'constructive criticism' as in, man i wish they had established a better emotional connection between eskel and the audience before he died (if i didn't know eskel was geralt's bff bc of tumblr i wouldn't have felt as much til the flashback)

and there's 'bitching bc i'm an unhappy cunt with nothing better to do and want to make that everyone else's problem' which is what most eskel stans i've seen do and it's so annoying and makes me hate eskel the same way sw*fties make me hate tsw*ft


“You’re late, Eskel,” Coën purred, folding his arms over his chest and shifting his weight so that his hip jutted out in a teasing manner.

“And you are early,” Eskel responded, his voice deep with the growl that was still vibrating in his chest.


Gift exchange complete for the @merrywitchermas event for @greyduckgreygoose <3 <3 (I completely forgot to add the @'s. Can we tell that I do not use Tumblr much? lol)

Anonymous asked:

Your Merry Witchmas secret santa is back once again! I have been planning. I have been plotting. But I must ask, canon setting or modern AU setting? Either way I have something hopefully delicious cooked up just for you.

I don’t mind either or!! Modern or Cannon settings are both good!!


Gofundme for Surgery

A friend needs help, please consider donating to their gofundme if you can. It’s incredible important, because it’s for a brain tumor surgery. Please please please donate or share this post. Any help is appreciated and important. https://gofund.me/0774366b


Nsfw collab event

I recently saw this in a different fandom and I loved the idea so I am poking the Witcher fandom (specifically nsfw writers and artists or people interested in that) about a collab event that I might want to do. If there are enough people that want to participate. How would it work? There are a lot of collabs between writers and artists going on in big bangs and so on, but I love the idea of artists coming together as well. So artists can do sketch/lineart or color on pieces, which would make teams not pairs but triples. Teams would probably be assigned, but I have not thought about specifics yet. I’d want it to have more of a focus of… building a community and not finishing an event. I know it is weird to make this a nsfw specific thing, but in my mind I thought it would be a good way to introduce people to drawing or writing nsfw content in the safety of a nsfw specific event. There would be a discord that could work for asking questions you might be too shy to ask other people, gather resources etc.  I know there are a ton of amazing writers, but since I am not super deep in the fandom because I am kind of shy I wanted to ask if there are even enough artists out there that would be interested. Because with the split roles (even though you could work different roles in different teams) I feel like more artists might be needed.  So.. I don’t know… let me know maybe? Share it with your friends who might be interested? Or just share it around in general since I don’t have the bigest reach.  Nothing is set in stone, I will let this idea die silently in the backyard if there is no interest bcs it is a huge act for me to try and reach out to people XD Thanks for reading.

Anonymous asked:

Greetings, 'tis I, your Merry Witchermas gifter. I was thrilled to see you'd like Letho/anyone because there's a lot of fun to be had. But please, help me out. Letho/Eskel? Letho/Lambert? Or dare I offer Letho/Cahir? In addition, do you have a preference for whether Letho tops or bottoms (should inspiration take that direction)? I can't wait to create for you, you have give some fun suggestions!

Ahh! I'm glad you like that it's Letho!! I'm an utter sucker for Letho. It's ridiculous.

As for pairing... hmm... Y'know... Second Favorite, I think, you'd have to be Letho/Eskel, a third favorite would be Letho/Avallac'h (Lorg snek man and tiny elf *drool*). I love the idea of Letho toping, but having him be a bottom for something like -special treat- for his partner is a good one too!! (I do have a stalled out fic of Omega Letho.. fufu, I should really work on that again XD)


What to do when you don’t like a fic: a step by step guide

Step 1:

Amazing tutorial I recommend to everyone!

Comprehensive and easy to understand 10/10.

Ah, finally a tutorial everybody needed.

10/10 would recommend it again.

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