
That One Random Blog


Names Laina.
Taurus sun, Cancer moon, Virgo rising


You must credit me and link back to this post if you repost this challenge anywhere or write another version based on mine. Thank you!


Give birth to 100 kittens or puppies in as few generations as possible. The challenge ends as soon as the 100th kitten or puppy is born or if you fail the challenge for breaking rules.



I am the original writer of The Sims 4 version of the 100 Baby Challenge; however, the first version of the challenge was created for The Sims 2 by Amiisays. (Thank you to @blindingechoes for this info!)

If you repost this version of the challenge anywhere or write another version based on my version, you must credit me and link back to this post. I hate to be bitchy about this but writing and updating these challenges is laborious and time consuming and I’m fed up with people copy-pasting my hard work and slapping their own name on it.


Your objective for this challenge is to give birth to 100 children in as few generations as possible. The challenge ends as soon as the 100th child is born or if you fail the challenge for breaking rules.


The Twisted Trees of Slope Point, New Zealand

Slope Point is at the southernmost point of the South Island of New Zealand. The air streams loop the ocean, unobstructed for 2000 miles, until they reach Slope Point causing incredibly strong winds. In fact, the winds are so strong and persistent here that they perpetually warp and twist the trees into these crooked, wind-swept shapes. 

Slope Point is generally uninhabited, except for the herds of sheep that graze the land. There are no roads leading here, however backpackers regularly make the short 20-minute walk to see the fascinating tree formations that only Mother Nature could create. However there is no public access during the lambing season from September to November.

sources 1, 2, 3, 4

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