
Anxceit Week 2021


#anxceit Anxiety aka Virgil x Deceit aka Janus Shipping Week! The SnakeStorm or SnakeSpider as I like to call it. Rules and Dates Below.

Prompt Card Updated! 


If your work does not follow the rules then it will not be shared on the page.  

1. Please tag appropriately (nsfw, any tw or cw, etc.) We are currently not planning on doing a separate nsfw week, so any nsfw content is accepted during this week just please tag it. Also like in Rule 2, we’re not strict so this can be platonic, romantic, nsfw, etc as long as it’s tagged appropriately! 

2. The prompts are not super strict! Please feel free to take creative liberty with them and let them take you wherever they want to go be it through fanfiction, any medium of art, cosplay, etc and more!  Also if you don’t get to all days then that’s okay too! Please feel free to do as many or as little of the days as you wish! 

3. If you have any questions at any point, feel free to dm ! Whether it’s about the prompts, your submissions, etc!

4. And of course Have fun! 

5. This is how I will find your work! Make sure to Tag your work as  “ anxceitweek21 ” . If you want to tag it other wise that’s fine but that is the tag I will be searching for! So this is the Tag you should tag your work with first if anything. I will be looking for that as well on A03 which I will add the link to at the bottom of this rule!   If you make an AO3 story you can send me a link to my Message Box!

New Rules so make sure to keep reading!!

New thing! If any Day Category doesn’t make you feel comfortable everyone who is participating gets a 

“ One Change Day Ticket. ”

Meaning if you don’t like that day category then you can exchange this ticket and write &/or create about whatever what you want for that day instead. It will be like an extra free day.

Just make sure you mention the Ticket somewhere on the work. Like “ I’m switching this day up by turning in my Change Day Ticket! ”

Tag it with # changedayticket  , # changeday  , # change day ticket then also make sure to tag the day # day5 or #day7 or whichever!

Here’s some Categories you can change for instead. You don’t have to use them but they’re great examples. 

1. Vampires

2. Sins

3. Inside Out

4. Candy

5. Glam

6. Fusion

7. Contact Or try Midnight, Breaking, Trade, or Past/Future. 

Also make sure to

TAG MENTION! Somewhere on your work mention blogs: 


# anxceitweek21

# anxceitweek2021  

# anxceit week 2021

# day (whichever day) (whichever name) example “ # dayonehesitancy “

Those are the most important tags!  Also I and understand that all of us are in several time zones so even if you think your late for a day, post your work anyway!  We will not reject your work if you believe your late!  Alright that’s it everyone. Thank you for reading this far.  I want this very clear. I, Ldrmas am just a regular person so I’ll try to be on top of the work as I can but please be patient if I don’t get to your work right away!! I will do all I can to keep this page filled with all your submissions. I can’t wait to see your work. 


Hi again everyone!

If im reading my messages right then im pretty sure thats everything right now.

I cant stress this enough if you dont see your work please message me here on the blog or at @ldrmas

The tagging on tumblr is so stupid and whack that i can barely find the work or the tag so its just easier on us all if you direct message me.

Your entries are all so wonderful and i love seeing them all!


So update on the page since we are getting closer!

Im going to be out of town most of these days so I most likely will not be checking until the last day. Thats why Im very casual about entries if you dont get them in on the day then its fine.

If you make entries then tag it but also message me all your entries becauae we know tagging has become unreliable on tumblr.

I wish to share all the entries!

Anyway I think that is it so see the pinned post for further information but otherwise have fun!

Again a remention!

Im going to be gone until monday so please message me @ldrmas all your entries or send me a link at annaliz123@gmail.com

And I'll get to them when I'm home. Im so excited to see your entries!


So update on the page since we are getting closer!

Im going to be out of town most of these days so I most likely will not be checking until the last day. Thats why Im very casual about entries if you dont get them in on the day then its fine.

If you make entries then tag it but also message me all your entries becauae we know tagging has become unreliable on tumblr.

I wish to share all the entries!

Anyway I think that is it so see the pinned post for further information but otherwise have fun!


Intrulogical Week 2021 Is Here!

it's here it's here it's here it's here it's here

Be sure to use the #intrulogicalweek2021 tag and include @intrulogicalweek2021 in your post!

Send some love to @whatishappeningrightnow while you're at it.

These lovely cards have given this event such a wonderfully distinctive look and so perfectly match Logan and Remus' vibe. Thank you!!

If you'd like to submit stories to the Intrulogical Week 2021 Collection on AO3, select "intrulogical_week_2021" for the collection. It is revealed but moderated to ensure everything has a rating.

If you have any questions or trouble at all, please reach out!!

The Week's Prompts

  1. Sunday: AUs
  2. Monday: Art/Science
  3. Tuesday: Crime
  4. Wednesday: Dark Side Logan
  5. Thursday: Experiments
  6. Friday: Free Choice
  7. Saturday: Light & Dark Side/Reversals

Our Fellow week is here!

@intrulogicalweek2021 💙💚💙💚 love ya have a good week!

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