
⚜Ready to Play the Game?

@thegleurdelis-a-blog / thegleurdelis-a-blog.tumblr.com

Looking for a rare or powerful card? Or were you looking for something a little more extra? Either way, Gleur-de-Lis at your service. [ This is a Gleur-de-Lis from Pokemon TCG Manga RP blog penned by Blazey. See the Rules and Bio before interacting ] Mobile Links

Hummingbird frowned as his view was blocked before he snorted in amusement, quirking an eyebrow at the other. “And what should I be doing with my break do you think, hm?” He tilted his head, looking at Gleur with almost a bored expression. But it was in a playful manner.


“Hang out with me, duh.” Gleur spoke before straightening up now that he knew the other’s attention was on him. He could tell the bored expression was just for looks, it reminded him of--

No, no. Don’t think of him right now. You gotta keep going.

“We can go get a bite to eat and I could show you the deck I got on hand!” he was silent for a moment, “You know about Pokemon cards right?”


He noticed the faltered smile but didn’t choose to comment on it. “Mm, well, it’s good to have you back I suppose.” He hummed, eyes flickering back down to his work. He should really finish some of those equations…


And when he saw Hummingbird look toward his work Gleur leaned over the table to get into his line of view, “Hey now if I can take a break from work then you can. Come on, all work and no play makes Hummingbirds very dull boys!”


Hummingbird rolled his eyes before leaning over to press a kiss of greeting to Gleur’s cheek. “You disappeared for a bit.” He said nonchalantly as he double checked the papers to make sure they weren’t too scattered.


The kiss was quickly returned though his smile did shrink a bit, “Hey, gotta keep food on the table and all that. Plus got parents’ expectation to meet.” And close friend’s to worry about, but he didn’t need to know that.

When they don’t take the drink, Lysandre couldn’t help but sigh, his frows burrowing as he rolled his eyes and took another sip from his own drink. He always tended to rely on putting something in his mouth when he was agitated, and this was no exception.
“It’s real already though. You… saw, it." 
As did he, but he didn’t stick around long. He’d left as soon as he had arrived, only needing confirmation. The idea of people freezing up, as if in stasis until some invisible switch flicked them back on again…
Just what the hell was this timeline?
And, more importantly… what the hell was this world in general?
"It’s good to talk about these things, y'know. Stops you from having to going through things alone.” And heaven knew just how alone things could feel.

“And I’m trying to forget it.” he shot back, looking at Lys from the corner of his eye. He didn’t want to remember Hiroshi like that, just....frozen. He was supposed to be lively, animated, everything the opposite of his condition right now. That wasn’t Hiroshi and he knew it.

So why the hell was still sitting here letting Lys push him?

“At the end of the day I’ll still be alone with this. You got Ly and Auggie, still up and walking around. Me? The person I care for the most is stuck in his morning routine and nothing I fucking do is making him better.” his hand tightened to a fist underneath the table, “So yea, I still don’t want to talk about it.”

@fatedflare replied here

He doesn’t bother with taking his cup, he doesn’t even look at it, and instead he kept his gaze out the window. His shades were off which was strange considering he hardly did such when he was outside his home. It hinted to what he was feeling at the moment.

“Because as soon as I talk about it it’ll be real.” to think Hiroshi had said the same thing when he had told them about the kid they would have had, “And if it becomes real and never gets better it’ll chip at me slowly.” It was already doing that, but he wasn’t going to admit that.

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