
@afewtulips / afewtulips.tumblr.com

behold, the florist!

you see a man hunched over a sink, splashing water on his face and in the mirror he just keeps chanting “c’mon babygirl you got this, c’mon babygirl, c’mon-” to hype himself up because he’s clearly going through it


I love walking around at work with my twinings herbal tea like yes :) I’m on my hello everyone wanders peace be with you


put down the chat gpt. consume too much caffeine and nicotine and write a paper that you barely understand while you approach hallucination territory from too little sleep and too much raging. engage with academia in the way god intended


talking to people while holding a beverage is awesome because you don't have to know what to do with your hands and when you don't know what to do with your face you can just take a sip

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