
That’s Canon.


twenty-seven. united states. currently crying about fictional characters. multi-fandom. {banner by @vega23al on instagram}

Anyways, finished Baldur’s Gate a few minutes ago and I’m truly just sitting here like “wow, another story that truly changed my life and yet I can only sit here and watch the credits roll” - great game, guys :’)


I just wanted to say one more time how incredible, not just this final episode of Attack on Titan was, but the previous special, and truly, all of MAPPA's fourth season. The weight with which they handled this story, the seriousness with which they treated it, shows in every frame, in every moment. The voice work from the actors is second to none, and helped bring these characters to life with incredible emotion and complexity. The animators, being overworked and underpaid, put their hearts and souls into this, you can tell, as did the writers and directors. I really can't thank everyone enough.

They captured the drama and seriousness of this story to such perfection, as did WIT when it was the studio behind this show, and together, they've created what, I again say, is the greatest show of all time, bringing one of the greatest stories of all time miraculously to life.

They never handled the material with anything less than the respect it always deserved. One isn't watching a cartoon when they watch this show. One is watching a piece of dramatic cinema worthy of any award celebrating the craft. I really do mean that.

I felt that especially culminated with these final two episodes, which felt more like a genuine event, a cultural moment unfolding before us, than a simple episode of a tv show. These final two specials felt momentous and grand and epic in their scale and scope, and in the emotions they conveyed and the messages they imparted. Attack on Titan is a serious piece of art. Both the manga and the anime. It's a culturally important, and significant piece of culture.

I've come to care so deeply for all of these characters, to regard them as so much a part of my life, that their pain became my pain, their happiness became my happiness, their grief and sense of loss was also in my heart. Watching Armin and Eren speak to each other one last time, watching Mikasa and Eren, watching them hug, and then after, watching them cry and scream at the grief of losing him, all of that was like experiencing a real life friend go through all the same. Watching Jean's and Connie's courage and stubbornness, watching Pieck and Annie and Reiner put aside their differences to work with everyone for the right thing, watching Levi giving every last ounce of what he had left to fight alongside all of them and save humanity, all of it has left an indelible mark on me that I won't ever forget. These characters have become real to me. I care about them like I would a real person. Their story became real to me. When Armin says at the end, people will want to know our story, they'll want to know what we saw, that's real to me. Their struggle, their suffering, their loses, their lives, it's real to me. It means as much to me as any, real life story of heroism, because it's such a realistic reflection of our condition as human beings. It can relate to all of our lives, all of our struggles, all of our grief and loss and hope.

So, thank you MAPPA, and thank you Hajime Isayayam, and thank you Eren and Mikasa and Armin, thank you Levi and Hange and Erwin, thank you Jean and Connie and Sasha, thank you Reiner and Annie and Pieck. Thank you all of you, for bringing so much of worth into our lives. Your story has the power to change the world for the better, to change people for the better, and nothing is worth more than that.


“Promise me one thing. Throw this scarf away, forget about me.”“I’m sorry. I can’t do that”


I'm going to make myself cry typing this but here we go..

I think one of the points of Attack on Titan is that humanity is forgetful. Doomed to forget, actually.

Our main cast are heroes, not just the surviving ones. Levi deserves to have statues built of him. The surviving members of the 104th even went on to become politicians, traveling the world to help change things for the better. I have no doubt that they had buildings named after them, streets and parks named after them. There were probably history books specifically dedicated to each and every one of them.

But humans are forgetful.

There were no photos of Eren. He probably only continued to exist in history books, where he was demonized and vilified for decimating the world. By the time their fingers started to get all wrinkly from age, Mikasa and Armin probably forgot what Eren looked like. What he sounded like.

Time passes and humans forget. Statues crumble, buildings rot and fall apart. People forget figures that used to be significant. History books are changed. Even atrocities eventually become dulled in humanities collective memory. Bombs turn everything to dust. Humans are doomed to forget and repeat their mistakes again and again and again.. and I think that's the point.


from being the boy who wanted nothing more than to be the Military police and live a quiet life to becoming the man that would die proud as a member of the scout regiment, he grew up (and so did we)


“Eren took off first, Mikasa stayed behind him, and I was dead last.” Eren died first, Mikasa buried beside him, Armin kept visiting their graves as an old man until he joined them

Race towards the tree/chronological order they died in

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