

@allydsgn / allydsgn.tumblr.com

Designer and Illustrator that used to be a studyblr. Will check back in for nostalgia.

Just keeping things updated!

It’s funny to check back in on here and see how things can change so quickly. I’m tempted to not put anything up just so it can be it’s own time capsule, but I figure it’s about time I updated for the sake of whoever I became friends with on here (sorry I faded away).

The last career update I had I opened up my own studio. It was a fun and exciting two years, and then I decided I wanted more experience instead of continuing that venture. So I sold my half of the company to my design partner and became a contractor at Disney instead.

Then, after about a year of contracting at Disney (originally an 18-month contract) I applied for an open role above me to become full-time and now I’m a Designer II at Disney! I’ve been a Designer II for a little over half a year now I believe.

So yeah, that’s my update! I didn’t want my profile to still look like I was running my own thing. Sometimes it’s tempting to go back to being my own boss, but I can’t deny that stability and a team is nice lol. I’ve learned a lot with great people, and I’m continuing to learn more every day :)

In the meantime, I’m now a discord person (sorry tumblr) and do my share of community hopping there. I still give out advice but in a more casual way on servers and I’m spinning up an FAQ as well. A friend helped me name it “What the FAQ is Graphic Design” and you can see how it’s going here:

I think that’s pretty much my update at the moment. I’m sure there’s so much more to say, but that’s me at a high level.

Hope everyone has been well, cheers!


! Urgent Mutual Aid Request !

Hey y'all and thank you always for your endless support, even just kind words mean the most to us.

Unfortunately our post-covid housing issues are continuing but I am hoping and praying things will work out. I am taking the steps to reach out to fellow queer/black/disabled community members for aid.

Our environment is quickly and steadily becoming more and more toxic. We moved in with family due to near eviction due to my quickly worsening physical health. Now, two years later, an ambulatory wheelchair user and Mason works part time and is my caretaker. I try not to feel shame in typing this, reaching out to community due to not having a complete familial support network as a queer interracial couple- however, I find myself indulgent of hope and trust of a community who has been there for me as I have been there for it.

With the realities of a looming biopsy and the escalation of abusive behavior, we have no choice but to flee.

I will soon update this post with further details of reopening of my personal art commissions and a shop to sell some art also which will go towards moving expenses and bills, as we are desperate to move.

Donations can also be made directly via Cashapp , Paypal, or Venmo.

If you are unable to donate, please share. And kind messages and well wishes are always welcomed!

Bloom is a newly established mixed media anthology and international digital collective curated around a selected monthly theme, run by students between the ages of 17-24. We are focused on sharing short form prose, poetry, photography and artwork in the form of monthly issues. Through this, we hope to build a platform to highlight and uplift the voices of young hobbyist creatives.

So I did a pretty cool thing

Hello everyone! Long time no type.

So I did the big thing and I started up my own branding/design firm 😎

I started it with a partner that has more experience in this sort of thing and that I super trust, so I'm very excited!

This has been going for a few months now and it is empowering to be able to control my life to this degree. It's scary because we have to make sales and handle business things that I haven't had to handle before, but overall it's already such a great experience! And to be doing this when I'm 23 is also crazy. An ego boost on one end to be asked to join in on this but also a push for me to present myself confidently and not feel weird about it, haha.

If you guys want to follow along on this check out our website:

We're also on Instagram @ oathagency

So if any of you guys need design work or know anybody feel free to send our website over!

Love y'all and hope everyone's doing well!



hello everyone, and welcome to my studyblr! i’m lillemor (which is not my actual name, but i wish it was). i’ve been looking around studyblr community and i really wanted to make my own blog, so here it is! hope you stay around xx

about me

  • i’m currently starting second year of art high school
  • i’m 17 years old (July 6,2002)
  • i’m from Poland
  • i’m goth propably since 2016


  • i love alternative fashion of all sorts, especially goth, punk, lolita and mori
  • my favourite music genres are propably post punk and coldwave
  • i really like art, although i’m not really good at it
  • i also enjoy journaling, long walks and DIYing my clothes!
  • my favourite subjects are art history, English, Polish and German

why i started a studyblr?

  • i’m a serious procrastinator and this year my goal is to break that awful habit. i thought keeping a blog will both motivate me, make school seem less dreadful and give me a place where i can be proud of my liitle accomplishments!
  • i love beautiful notes and bullet journals! they make me v happy and studying feels way better with them
  • the community seems very lovely and helpful
  • my freshman year of high school went terrible, both due to my mental health issues and me stepping into pretty competitive and stressful environment (i also was incredibly self conscious about my art skills, which actually stopped me from learning and getting better). this year i really want to get back on track, both as a student and a budding artist!


  • to do 100 days of productivity challenge at some point
  • to keep a bullet journal throughout the entire year
  • the most important one: getting rid of my procrastination habit and turning every assignment on time!
  • (i would also really appreciate a GPA above 4.7 :v)

what i plan on posting?

  • bujo spreads + tips on keeping one
  • pictures of notes, obviously
  • what’s in my backpack
  • my study space
  • possibly some art pieces i’ll do throughout the year + sketches!
  • tips on surviving in art school
  • how i deal with mental health during school

some studyblrs (and studioblrs!) that inspire me:


Welcome! Thanks for the mention and I’m glad my blog helped! :D

Anonymous asked:

Hi Ally! um... is this "eboligraff printable assignment tracker" still printable? I can't see any download links...

Hello! I didn't make that printable and I just reblogged it from someone else, so I would ask them if it's still available :)

Anonymous asked:

do I have to be able to use Adobe Creative Suite to work as a graphic designer? It's too expensive for me and it seems a lot of GD jobs want someone who has experience using those programs instead of other programs like GIMP or Affinity.

I would say that I highly recommend it. A lot of places have standardized the use of Adobe Creative Cloud, and if not your specific company, then whoever your company works with will also most likely be using Adobe Creative Cloud.

If you want to hold off on getting a subscription then you could start on GIMP or some sort of alternative free program. Usually, the interface and programs have a lot of similarities so you’ll be able to at least practice and have experience in making graphics and then make a small jump to Adobe when you can afford it or land the job. If you want to try and be cheaper about it I would pick one program that you think you’d be using the most and just get that one so you can at least have an adobe program in your skillset and that jump to Adobe will get even smaller.

Anonymous asked:

hello I'm looking to change career paths into graphic design but is it possible to land a decent paying design job with just a 2 year degree? I live in California and Google tells me the average salary for graphic designers here is around 50-60k a year.


Well, I guess it depends on what your prior experience is and what exactly in graphic design you're aiming for. In general, I would say it's possible to switch over! If you learn principles and the programs and make a portfolio you can pretty much sell yourself as a designer. You'll probably have some lower level design positions at first because of your lack of degree or experience but it'll be a step at a time sort of thing. If you aim for an in-house position in a smaller company you could also end up as their only designer, especially if your original background is also helpful to them.

Hope that answers your question! If you wanna chat it up about details feel free to message me :)


Oops just saw the degree part (tumblr cut off part of your question until I answered, weird). With that id say you can definitely find something but if you don't at first I'd start with freelancing to build up your portfolio. The salary makes sense but your first position(s) might be lower to be honest. It'll also depend on the size of the company and the pay will usually scale with that.

Anonymous asked:

hello I'm looking to change career paths into graphic design but is it possible to land a decent paying design job with just a 2 year degree? I live in California and Google tells me the average salary for graphic designers here is around 50-60k a year.


Well, I guess it depends on what your prior experience is and what exactly in graphic design you're aiming for. In general, I would say it's possible to switch over! If you learn principles and the programs and make a portfolio you can pretty much sell yourself as a designer. You'll probably have some lower level design positions at first because of your lack of degree or experience but it'll be a step at a time sort of thing. If you aim for an in-house position in a smaller company you could also end up as their only designer, especially if your original background is also helpful to them.

Hope that answers your question! If you wanna chat it up about details feel free to message me :)


ok I’m going on a follow spree because, as made obvious by the most recent ask game I did, I don’t follow enough people. Please send help.


  1. studyblr
  2. studioblr/artblr
  3. illustration
  4. graphic design
  5. lettering

(if you have any recommendations you can also mention them in your reblogs! I’m really looking LOL)

Hi there! I sort of have the same issue, but solely with graphic design students (I can’t find a hashtag for us, other than “graphic design student”); I came across your post by punching in designblr, and I think that there is a problem typical of language dialects in general: a couple of groups use different words to signify the same thing, while still belonging to the same group (ask your local langblr for more details on that, I am just studying graphic design).

And yeah, I have a question: do us graphic design students have a hashtag fitting into the greater eco system of *blrs?

If you don’t know of any, care to make one up for us?

I’ll add it to the list of graphic design students I have found and keep finding under https://mariobreskic.tumblr.com/post/185241157490/gdlist

Hey! The only tags I've seen so far is #designblr and #studioblr but the latter was me trying to get visual art students in general under a tag.

Anyone following me have any other tags they use for design student stuff?

(also this post of mine is crazy old haha I'm not really on here anymore I just check notifications)

Anonymous asked:

Thanks for your answer ! I know this sounds like a bunch of dump questions but can you learn from scratch? Can I start using adobe illustrator cs6 without knowing the ABCs of drawing? Could you recommend sources for learning to draw and graphic design in general? Is this really doable ? Or if I don't the talent or the gift for it then I am just wasting time?Thanks in advance!

No problem! I’ll try to answer these in a short and sweet way so this answer doesn’t get horribly long, haha!

Can you learn from scratch?

Yes! Everyone starts somewhere. Just make sure that if you’re really starting from the beginning you don’t skip basics, the seemingly pointless exercises, and principles (no matter how tempting it sounds).

Can I start using adobe illustrator CS6 without knowing the ABCs of drawing?

Technically, yes! There are people that build graphics/icons/illustrations with shapes and the pen tool rather than literally drawing. The drawing background helps with anatomy, the idea of space and composition, and so on. You could start with some flat icons of things around you and that you’re familiar with if you just want to get familiar with the program.

Could you recommend sources for learning to draw and graphic design in general?

To be honest, a lot of what I learned was through classes in school so any online courses could be useful (like skillshare). I’m the type of person that learns by doing, so practice and just trying out different things and looking up tutorials/youtube videos when I get stuck is a great help for me! I would suggest finding how you learn best and pursuing that.

Is this really doable? Or if I don't the talent or the gift for it then I am just wasting time?

This is totally doable because, in all honesty, “talent” doesn’t exist probably in the way you’re thinking. No one wakes up and is “naturally” an amazing, anatomically correct, color theory aware, seasoned designer/artist. Everyone starts from the bottom. The dedication and discipline to learn, get up when you fail, and to keep improving are what separates a lot of people. If you are willing to learn and you don’t give up you will improve more than the “naturally” gifted artist that never tries anything.

If you’d like to talk more feel free to message me and I can add you on discord or something! I have a studioblr server that maybe could be helpful? We have a resources channel and you’re free to ask questions in there where artists/designers other than me could answer!

Anonymous asked:

Would you recommend Adobe Illustrator CC or CS6?

Although it is more expensive, I would recommend CC. CS6 is several versions (which means a ton of features) behind at this point. With companies most likely working with CC on work computers or providing a subscription to CC to their employees you’ll probably want to be as up to date as possible.

If you’re wanting to use CS6 for yourself, freelance, or to learn the basics of Illustrator then I think that’s a great idea. If you’re going to continually use this in a setting where you’re expecting to interact with other people’s (updated) files or aiming for a job where they will provide CC on their work computers then you may want to invest in CC.

Hope this helped!

Anonymous asked:

Could I learn graphic design on my own without school?can I learned it if I am not gifted in the creative area, and I can't draw?

Hello!I am honestly a believer of the idea that you can learn anything you have the dedication, motivation, and discipline to learn. So if you truly want to, then you're able to! It may take you longer than others because you don't come from a certain background and you're not getting dedicated guidance/college for it, but you can always find online courses and teach yourself. You can also teach yourself to draw (you just need the basics at first and can always pursue more later), and you don't have to always be creative, it's more about critical thinking. Everyone has their own process, so don't doubt your potential just because the "typical" path doesn't fit you. :)Feel free to let me know if you wanted more specific advice on any of this!

Anonymous asked:

THANK YOU SO MUCH for drawing out the priority chart a while back! I would really have scrolled past without your help! I hope you get that happy surprise of generosity back sometime soon!

No problem! I’m so glad it helped you out! :)


The Shift

The name “allydsgn” has been my brand for quite some time, but on platforms like Instagram and Tumblr, never really on its own. The time has finally come for it to be my brand as a whole. As a Tumblr blog, I was in the studyblr community (students on Tumblr) and founded the studioblr community (studio/creative students on Tumblr) with the studioblrcollective blog and populating the #studioblr tag…

Hi! Im a new follower that loves your blog so far!! Great work! I do have a question for you that might be more loaded than I intend. I'm a graphic design student in my 2nd of 3 years, but there is an optional 4th year that will get me a Bachelors of Arts instead of an advanced diploma. Do you think I should go for the 4th year (which is another year of tuition in a different city), or is it not really worth it? Thank you so much for any help!!


Thanks so much!

I honestly think that you are your best opinion on that. If you think you need the fourth year to push yourself to make the best portfolio and make yourself appealing for employers, then I think it’s worth it! There are people that are able to do really well outside of school and there are people that need that structure to help them build out their portfolio, skills, and work. If you can afford it and want that experience I think the safest bet would be to go for the bachelors (especially since some jobs require a degree). You can make sure it’s “worth it” by pushing yourself and pushing the projects to be the best they can be and asking all the right questions (and taking the right classes if you get to choose). I’m a huge advocate for “it is what you make it out to be”, so either option can work depending on your personal situation, but it’s what you make of it with your own actions and determination that’ll make either direction “worth it”.

Hope this helps! Feel free to message me or ask again if you’ve got any more questions :)

Anonymous asked:

Do you think i can pursue graphic design even if Im not good at drawing??

(part of this is a copy paste from me answering this before so if it seems familiar that's why haha)

Yes! It’s more like knowing how to draw is a great perk, but it’s not completely necessary. I recommend practicing observational drawing (drawing objects/what you see) and gesture drawing (quick sketches of poses) just so that whenever you’re sketching out ideas it doesn’t take forever and you can show people your sketches and they see what you’re going for. Also, sketches don’t have to be perfect either, but just good enough so the idea is there.

If you pursue illustration with traditional mediums it can also open up options of styles you could implement! Scanning those in or just being able to work with a tablet to do digital illustration could speed up the process and have better results when doing that style.

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