
90's cartoon therapy

@rainbowplaidvirgil / rainbowplaidvirgil.tumblr.com

Hi. you can call me mouse. i like the sanders sides. the guy with too many au ideas and not enough time to write them. I also make icons. He/him.

Please help my family be able to afford to escape homelessness

My parents and I recently had to leave my childhood home because we could no longer afford the rent. We had to be out by the end of March. Finding a new place would have been difficult but doable, except of March 3rd my dad went to the ER because of a black spot on his foot and it turned out he had necrotizing fasciitis. We set up a gofundme for the move, and because of that we were able to afford to put all our stuff in storage.

He was in the hospital for the whole month, and my mom and I barely managed to move everything out of our house and into storage in time. We still dont have a place to live. My parents are currently staying in a cheap motel, which is draining all of the funds we had left, so we need more help. Please, if you can give anything it would be really appreciated. A reblog would also help tremendously. I know I'm sort of screaming into the void here, but I don't know what else to do. I also have a venmo and paypal for those who dont want to use gofundme for whatever reason.


Can we take a minute to talk about how the dark sides appear? Like, we've seen Virgil rise up onto the screen many times with ease, however we've also seen him be summoned in a flash by outside influences. We've only ever seen Remus flash onto the screen (unless you count his first appearance in DWIT but I don't because he was behind the TV) He clearly has no interest in rising up like the light sides do. He's there to spook you and catch you off guard. However we've seen Janus ATTEMPT to actually rise up multiple times. Once when he was pretending to be Logan in SvS, and another in the latest Asides. We can tell he isn't very good yet, as he keeps stumbling and has yet to go up smoothly, but he's TRYING. He's trying to fit in and be like the light sides. He's trying to prove to Thomas that he's on his side. HE'S TRYING TO SHOW THOMAS THAT HE ISN'T A THREAT. Anyway this has been your sporadic "Remy Wont Shut Up About Janus Sanders" post, come again.


So this episode has given us wonderful information such as...

  • Virgil can be summoned by an adrenaline spike
  • Roman sleeps for over 11 hours in one sitting
  • Janus is canonically cold-blooded (and roman knows this)
  • Remus named his shower drain "Joanne's Fabrics"
  • Both of the other dark sides have already known this
  • Janus and remus had to "come all this way" for the video
  • Logan doesn't usually plan Secret Santa, someone else does
  • Logan voluntarily wore a Santa hat and invited the dark sides
  • Logan called roman a "master of (almost) all rhythms"
  • Patton knows very little to nothing about remus as a side
  • Virgil arguably knows logan the most of all the sides

And I think that's beautiful


As hilarious as the bitch slap itself was, let us not neglect all that came immediately after it because there's so much to discuss

  • Virgil saying "it really is Christmas!" in response to the slap
  • Patton being too focused on his present to be upset about it
  • Remus watching the scene unfold with barely contained glee
  • When roman accused janus of being rude for the whole episode (mostly he was just drunk), logan agreed that "he didn't even share the mulled wine"
  • Janus actually admitted that he was out of line
  • Patton said being "catty" is virgils thing, and virgil acknowledged that it was about him hissing like a cat
  • Janus not actually being too offended by the slap at all

The subtle confirmation that Remus and Janus have just NOT been included in anything for YEARS?? Can you imagine living in a world with exactly seven people and you don't get invited to Christmas?? I'm sorry, I'll never shut up about this.


virgil in his room to himself before secret santa: no its fine. logan will know smths weird when i give him a newspaper he'll OBVIOUSLY check inside immediately. he wouldnt think id give him a gift that bad. duhh.


TS tweet 16/9/23

Collaborated on eight videos this week, made a short video with awesome voice actors, debuted a podcast, Chapter 4 of Roleslaying is premiering next week, and just finalized the script to Part 3 of the Sanders Sides finale. I’ve been working my ass off, I’m really proud of me.

Is it bad that I am relieved it is getting a finale? I want there to be an episode that feels like an episode, but more so it feels like it has been too long for the story to keep going. Maybe I am just burnt out on waiting? That feels ungrateful of me.

you are allowed to have criticisms of a 30 something year old public figure. its okay. you are not ungrateful.

Anonymous asked:

it's so sad i'm still into sanders sides - i love the characters and storyline - but i had to move on bc nothing was happening

i went back to rewatch the series for funsies and there was only 1 new episode??? in the almost 2 years i've been gone??? it's ridiculous

No yeah. It’s so sad and upsetting for real. I don’t blame you for needing to move on. I have only kept up with this blog out of pure nostalgia, both for the memories in the fandom and for the show itself, and love for the characters. Otherwise, I would have probably deactivated a while ago. I’ve been tired of waiting and waiting for so long.


literally. i used to love this fandom during its heyday. I spent almost all my time on here. but then things just... stopped happening. and people started getting bored and leaving, and then there was nothing to keep me interested, despite me desperately clinging to it. I had to move on.


Some thoughts about the new asides episode

I really like the bit where Logan tried to meet Remus in the middle. He acknowledged that Remus had a role in helping Thomas and keeping him safe, even if he didn’t quite understand Remus’s purpose. He was willing to listen to Remus, and he wanted Remus to give him the same courtesy. I don’t know, even though it didn’t work, I thought it was a nice moment.


i genuinely didnt know there was a new sanders sides ep up. on the same day that i found my virgil hoodie again too. wild

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