
Soph x Jess

@sophiaxjesse-blog / sophiaxjesse-blog.tumblr.com

Linstead, Bushfer and CPD fan 😍💛🙌

To the anon: I didn’t know any of that, I thought something has to been wrong but I didn’t knew all those details. Pleeease tell me more hahaha I’m not surprised lol

talljewThey ask you what you do and who you do it for. And how you come up with this shit up in the (production) studio. All you want for your birthday is big golf ball cake. And friendship. Happy mother effin bday. I know I’m a day late MAN but listen, wait, listen we talked about it. @jesseleesoffer
Anonymous asked:

Torrey and Jesse are good friends but Torrey date taljew(Aaron) that is Jesse best friend so stop tel Jesse date Torrey when he is stil with Sophia

Oh my gOOOOD, please stop!! 

Anonymous asked:

Why is Jesse mom and best friends stil follow Sophia and why are Sophia parens and best friends stil follow Sophia?

I don't know why. Also, I didnt know they still follow Sophia, thought they unfollowed her a while back idk.But its pretty obvious that Soph's parents follow her on Instagram though 😂

Anonymous asked:

dude no one can be sure torrey and jess are dating. liking eachothers pictures does not mean dating. jesse's mom still follows soph. sophias mom still follows jesse. and youre naive bcs u think a guy and a girl cant be friends

Ugh, this is why I dont come here that often anymore. You keep thinking whatever you want, anon :)

Anonymous asked:

Wait Jesse and Torrey are dating?! How do we know this?

Um I dont know when you sended this anon but they’ve been a thing for a while now.. aaand we don’t exactly know for sure but at the same time we do? Hahaha it’s pretty obvious 


Every time I see this I am so not over it. Her soothingly rubbing his shoulder/chest like that, it was just so unnecessary. He’s a grown man and a cop, not a small child who needs to have his booboo comforted away. But his angel just wants to coddle him and make him feel better if she can, even on the job. That’s one of the things I love about their depiction on the show, they always have these little supportive, couple-y gestures and interactions while on duty, it’s so sweet. And a nice way of keeping a throughline of their connection and relationship on the kind of show that doesn’t revolve around or put a heavy emphasis on romance. And Erin’s little chest rub was just the most adorablest thing I’ve ever seen her do for Jay. I can’t with them sometimes.

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