Former Stark

@starknomore-blog /


                                             Childhood sweethearts, that is how they                                                   used to call us which I really didn’t                                                           understand back then.                                                 Now, I am OLDER and I realize why. I                                                      have loved you my whole Life.


( Elain )

         “ I bet that it’s the best that             Stark Money can buy.” Elain smiled before climbing into the car, smiling slightly. She moved to grab her phone, looking at the screen, where Lyanna had texted her. A small smile lit up her face before placing it back into her purse.             “ So give me hints at where we                are going, Rick.”

“Its one of the best, I won’t lie about that.” Rickard chuckled, closing the door behind her before walking over to the driver’s side and getting in. “Oh, and ruin the surprise?” He started to tease, now starting the car. ”Where’s the fun in that?” A small smirk tugged at his lips and he gave a small wink before speeding off the to the restaurant. 


( Elain )

          “ If you’re actually looking for one, please               look at the book called Lupin. It is in               there, along with the Penny Dreadfuls               and a few books of myths.” Elain smiled gently as her eyes laid on his. Her hand was gentle as she took one of his, turning it over. Her dark eyes laid on the lines before she spoke once more.            “ I hope you’ll allow me to tell me your reading,                Rickard. Your hands are quiet interesting.”

“I didn’t think there was actually a book.” Rickard replied with a chuckle, eyes never leaving her’s as a smile remained on his face. “I’m not sure how dependable they are but I suppose I could give them a look.” His tone started to drift to confusion once she took his hand, causing his brow to raise slightly. “You have my attention, I don’t see why not.”


                                      Greek Godly Parent Quiz

Do Not Reblog. Repost.


tagged by: @chainednortherner tagging: whoever wants to do this! 

Your godly parent is Hermes, Messenger of the Gods, god of travellers, thieves, merchants and roads.

Hermes is one of the only gods on the Olympian council who doesn't have many particular character quirks, making him the most reasonable and relatable god to talk to. Much like this, his children exhibit similar characteristics; easy going, down to earth, and on good terms with almost everybody. In fact, children of Hermes understand the human endeavor so well that they can blend in wherever they go. You are very well-connected and have a large group of friends, ones you stay in touch with all the time through various means of communication. You tend to bend the rules a lot, but even so, you never shirk from your responsibilities, giving you the impression of being in more places than one due to your diligence. This motivation is mainly aided by quick wit and cleverness, more commonly referred to as "street-smarts". While demigod children of Athena or Hephaestus are problem-solvers, those of Apollo or Aphrodite are charmers, or those of Zeus and Artemis are proud leaders, demigod children of Hermes have a stable combination of all these skills making them very unique. Sometimes you might be under the impression that you are not special, and can lead you to lash out in jealousy and insecurity, but you tend to calm down once you realize that your uniqueness is solely based on the fact that you contain many skills, a factor that leads you to be underestimated time and time again. But, you are clever enough to have figured out how to use this to your advantage by now.


Rationality, easy-going, cleverness, cunning, playful, diligence, extroversion, down-to-earth, insecurity


“It’s part of the show, Rick. It’s choreographed so nobody gets hurt.” Laura S explained, rolling his eyes though knowing it was always his feelings which got hurt whenever he lost.


“Sure it’s not just hurt feelings?” Rick replied, always enjoying the teasing of the showmen of the fair. 


( Lyanna )

“We spoke once of you joining me in Storm’s End. You were not ready to discuss such things, but Robert can use someone like you among his bannermen and I could use a friendly face. Would you think about it? It is an option where we leave together instead of alone.”

“If it will make you feel better then I will think about it. I know you don’t want to be alone there amongst Robert and his men...He does know how well I can wield a sword and a bow.” 


( Elain )

Elain’s words still sounded harsh when they exited her mouth. Her voice did not seem like the girl who wrote feelings of love or confusion over him. No. What they sounded like was the voice of a woman he had never met. As if the voice of the Night’s Queen.                   “ You cannot keep yourself out                       of trouble.I figured that I would                       come along to keep you out                       of it.” Her mare shook it’s head before blowing out a huff of air, as if mimicking what it’s owner might have done if she was a bit happier with him. Her eyes remained on his, lips pulled into a straight line. This was The Lady of The Last Hearth that he saw, not Elain. The woman who controlled the room. The woman who demanded the attention from those around her. She was the woman to fear and the woman made of ice.

It was the tone he’d expected, harsh and unforgiving as he’d heard before directed at others. He was the focus now, something he didn’t ever want to experience and yet had no say. Rickard’s gaze faltered once more and they fell upon his hands as they gripped the reins of his horse. “Thank you, Elain.” It was quiet, nothing elaborate or an explanation seeing as she’d most likely ignore it. His eyes looked up for a brief moment to see the actions of her mare, no wonder this horse favored her over others. Letting out a heavy sigh, he clicked his tongue and motioned the horse forward to continue on. Something telling him to keep moving, getting this behind him was on the top of his list. 


He had been the only fighter, clearly Northern, that Jon had not known. He wore no sigil, claimed no house, and brought no men. Whispers began, calling the man Phantom–– a wild beast of a man who served only his own sense of justice.

He was unsure what had kept a man so wanton in Winterfell beyond night’s fall after the battle, but Jon was thankful to find him in the armory, sharpening his steel. “It wasn’t always so barren”, he remarked, looking around the ransacked walls, unapologetically making small talk with the man.


Rickard kept to himself, making sure no one knew who he was or had been in the North. After all, he’d changed since he last saw the walls of Winterfell and he was most likely unrecognizable from his former self. He’d done his best in taking back the home he had lost years ago and when the battle came to en end he wandered the halls before finding himself in the armory, sharpening the steel of his sword. That was when Jon found him. Looking up after finishing the job, he let out a small smirk and a tilt of his head.”I know, but time causes things to change.”

“You haven’t.” She said it with a certainty that she felt in her very bones, but her expression sharpened, as she realized that he too was inhuman. “I’m one of the only ones.” And definitely the only one in this realm. Her lips thin as she draws to a halt near the male, cold gaze flicking over him. Inhaling deeply, she half-smiled. Wolf. She knew a great many wolves– truth, they were one of the wildly few races of monsters she didn’t outright dislike. “A pleasure to meet you, I’d hope.”

The certainty in her voice made him even more curious, how was that possible? It wasn’t like him to pry so he wouldn’t, maybe one question once they began to know each other but keeping to himself and not intruding was what he mostly did. Watching her, his brow furrowed and he knew that she no doubt could now smell him and what he was. “I am not here to harm you or anything of the sort so yes, I’d say a pleasure to meet you as well.”

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