

@corvidscorpse / corvidscorpse.tumblr.com

23 - runs by queue - art blog pinned

having sex with your friends is so very normal please stop poisoning the youths minds with shame surrounding hooking up with your friends. especially if you’re gay

people are so fucking mad in the notes that adults have sex with each other and aren’t married sometimes. yall are carbon copies of your conservative parents and you’re so proud of it. ewwww

calling the sex I have with my friends “hookup culture” is insulting and incorrect. these are guys who take care of me and take me on dates and watch fun movies with me. being a disabled faggot too, they help me clean my place and take my trash out for me. they care for me and are on my emergency contact lists. trying to slap the label of “todays hookup culture!!!” on it is diminishing and devaluing those relationships

secondly, gay and bi men have been fucking all their friends and cruising and hooking up with total strangers since LLOOONGGGG before you were born and will continue doing so LLOOONGGG after you die. it’s never been a trend or a fad for us. It’s just a way of life for some of us and you aren’t going to change that by being disgusted by it

this tag has me in stitches


the thing about the way people go on and on about how smut and shipping ruins the ability to think about character or worldbuilding or whatever, is that this is inherently a skill issue. nothing better to tell you about a character and their most important internal neuroses (personal, social, cultural) than discovering how they like to fuck and who they want to fuck and the why of it all. such complainants should, rly speaking, read better smut.


when you go to the gender clinic you can ask about being buried alive left to scream and claw at the lid of your coffin until you emerge into your real body & your real name but idk if it's covered by insurance


"but people are allowed to have preferences" NOT ANYMORE. you will love fat tgirls with broad shoulders, you will love black women, you will throw your skinny white anime twink drawings onto the fire and never look back. you have no say in this


super curious about something because i didn't realize it wasn't a universal thing until my partner said something about it

reblog for sample size etc

i thought this went without saying but seriously no food shaming on this post, including things like "what sort of crazy person does this". i know it's usually exaggerated outrage for comedic effect but y'all need to be more normal about people eating food differently from you


Compilation of people holding things that shouldn't be held, please add more if you have any


@is-the-snake-video-cute looks like a coral snake (blunt nose) but double checking- is it ?

That's indeed a coral snake, good ID!!

This thread is full of the luckiest people on the planet, I think. Also goes to show just how calm even venomous snakes are - coral snakes rarely bite unless you're actively harassing them - and how important it is to make sure your ID as non-venomous is 1000% certain before picking up any wild snake.


Pour one out for a real one.

Reading up on him, he was a pretty cool guy. He was one of the first people to stand up to John Money about his theories of gender development and position that intersex infants should receive surgery and never be told about it using his abuse of David Reimer as ‘proof’, asserting that Money didn’t have the evidence and standing his ground even when Money straight up started screaming at him. And then later he was proven right when he got into contact with David Reimer, not only discovering proof that Money was wrong but also how abusive and horrific Money had been. He then went on to write advocating for intersex and trans rights and to avoid unnecessary procedures on intersex people without full informed consent and that intersex people are part of natural human variation and that we deserve acceptance and not to be treated like a disorder.

A quote I really like from him: ‘Nature loves diversity, society hates it’


hi, just as a reminder to everyone here, if you care about trans women, do not give staff a CENT. they banned another high profile transfem poster, charlottan, for no reason other than transmisogyny. go fuck yourself staff, and especially you, photomatt.


Greedflation is manifest.


So I decided to look further into this story. I've been lamenting my rent recently-- in 2019, it was a hefty 1,900. Now, in 2024, it's 2,850.

This complex prided itself on safety. My car was broken into, and my neighbor's car was stolen. In the garage-- which has no security cameras-- several other, more severe crimes have occurred.

My apartment had roaches for eight months because another tenant left their home in disarray. Nests upon nests of roaches.

Our air-conditioner, which is not optional where I live, has broken down 15 times in the past two years. The emergency maintenance number has never worked, and I recently learned-- after going to visit the managers myself-- that it simply hasn't been working for a year.

Oh, and they told us they can't replace the fridge filters anymore. It's just... oh, perish the thought, too expensive.

And last time we went to re-sign our lease, when I spotted a listing from our building managers-- our exact unit plan, our exact floor-- for 2,315, I took screenshot. Why, I thought, would us long-time tenants be asked to pay 2,850 when new renters were looking at 2,315?

Eleven days later when I went to ask them about it, the listing had mysteriously disappeared. "Oh, when was it that price? It wasn't listed at that price. Oh, that screenshot's from... a few days ago. The market's volatile." They told me. Really? $600 in 11 days volatile?

If we adjust what I was originally paying for cumulative inflation, I should be paying 2,415 a month. It just didn't make sense! But moving was expensive, and the other options in our area were expensive too.

So you can imagine that when I looked into this story and learned the fucking company that the FBI is investigating is the same company that manages my building, I SCREAMED.


So, check this shit out. This is absolutely fucked beyond imagining, and almost certainly worse than you even thought, and they wrote this shit down:

Last month, the FBI reportedly conducted an unannounced raid of Cortland Management, a major corporate landlord based in Atlanta. The surprise search appears to be part of a Department of Justice criminal investigation, first reported by Politico in March, into an alleged scheme among many corporate landlords to artificially increase rents through collusion.  ... According to the lawsuit filed by the State of Arizona in February, landlords that are supposed to be in competition with each other "outsource daily pricing and ongoing revenue oversight" to RealPage. The company allegedly facilitates and encourages landlords to work cooperatively to increase rents. [In other words, to illegally collude.] An e-book produced by RealPage says that the company allows corporate landlords who are “technically competitors” to "work together . . . to make us all more successful in our pricing." RealPage bragged that landlords that use its software “continually outpace the market in good times and bad.” In other words, RealPage helps landlords charge higher rates than they would in a truly competitive market. ... RealPage's former CEO revealed that participating landlords share "occupancy rates, rents charged for each unit and each floorplan, lease terms, amenities, move-in dates, and move-out dates."  After feeding in this highly-detailed information that would normally be kept proprietary, "landlords agree to outsource their pricing authority to RealPage—rather than competing with one another on price." RealPage even has a feature called "auto-pilot" that lets the software set rent prices without any human approval or intervention.  ...
...RealPage employs "pricing advisors" who "meet with landlords to ensure that properties are implementing RealPage’s set rates." This is described by Arizona as "policing the conspiracy to make sure no one cheats by lowering prices and trying to gain market share." RealPage training materials, cited in the DC lawsuit, advise that landlords "should be compliant" with the software's pricing recommendations. The Arizona lawsuit claims that landlords "agree that if they fail to consistently implement RealPage’s set rates, their contract with RealPage will be terminated." Jeffrey Roper, who created the RealPage algorithm, explained that if "you have idiots undervaluing, it costs the whole system." 
... According to the plaintiffs, landlords using RealPage "account for over 53% of the multifamily rental market in the Atlanta Submarket."

Did you catch all of that? These landlords, who control over fifty percent of the multifamily rental market in the Atlanta Metro area, turned over a bunch of privileged information to a company which promises them greater profits. How does it do that? Well, RealPage literally requires them to collude with each other to fix prices. @artsekey saw the effects of that in real time: rents jumping $600 in a couple of days, and why? Well, in the words of Amber Ruffin, which I will take totally out of context:

So yeah, it's a fucking cartel. Literally, this is "an association of manufacturers or suppliers with the purpose of maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition." That is the literal definition of a fucking cartel, and this absolutely meets that definition.

They wrote it down! They fucking WROTE IT DOWN! They're so confident that they put it in their fucking training materials.

(LegalEagle used that clip in a video about Trump so that line has been stuck in my head all fucking day, but SERIOUSLY Y'ALL.)


hi i've been subjected to transmisogyny and antiblackness within less than a week, sub to my coffee right the fuck now

actually, if you cannot sub, or is prioritizing fundraisers for Palestine, Sudan, Congo, Haiti, Tigray, etc. (which i urge and would rather you to), you can just follow me for free on my game's page, and follow its updates in @4nil-vz

knowing that i have an audience that is looking forward to trans Black art gives me a sense of purpose and encourages me to produce more, even when my revenue comes sporadically. thank you, much love and light 🫶🏼

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