

@chozopriimed / chozopriimed.tumblr.com

Indie RP blog for Samus from the Metroid series.
Read the rules before interacting.
Anonymous asked:

by the way, considering smash. i feel like if samus found out this kid that isn't old enough to have a driver's license was bragging about seducing his teacher, she'd take a trip to japan to beat the shit out of her for not only screwing a minor but also screwing one of her students. and then she'd probably yell at joker for a month about being too young for any of that.

anon, I understand, but please don't fault Joker for shitty writing

if you wouldn't fault Samus for Other M don't fault Joker for the fact Atlus sucks

Anonymous asked:

the gravity suit is in other m. the gravity suit is a big purple light that gets put on samus's model while she's its active. the stated reason for them deciding against going with the traditional appearance of the gravity suit was that it would look silly in cutscenes. this implies that any of samus's suits can be taken seriously.

hey I was aware of the stupid purple glow shit but that's genuinely the worst explanation I've ever heard for why, the Gravity Suit's design fucking rules

Anonymous asked:

this blog alternates between being a samus roleplay blog and entirely justified complaints about the metroid community. i appreciate this. about the only thing i'd fight you on is other m's gameplay being kinda ok in a vacuum removed from other metroid games.

I mean hey I'll be completely fair and say I've never played Other M, I have no idea if its gameplay is good

still a bad fuckin game tho

Anonymous asked:

you ever think about the curious parallel between ridley killing samus's's parents and samus killing ridley's kid?


first off, ridley does not have a kid what are you talking about and secondly Anon, I'm sure you mean well but this is not what a parallel is

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