
as straight as an unstraight line



When you draw smut of your otp for a school art project and tell the teacher its abstract.


don’t rp smut with minors because it’s literally illegal

we can debate the morality of it all you want but its still literally illegal


okay i just unfollowed a shitful of blogs so uh

reblog if u post

  • homestuck
  • steven universe
  • dirkjake
  • homestuck
  • davekat
  • homestuck
  • kanrose
  • homestuck
  • invader zim
  • pokemon
  • lgbtq/trans stuff
  • humor
  • splatoon
  • anything about dirk strider or just striders in general
  • gravity falls
  • homestuck
  • homestuck
  • h o m e s t u c k
  • H O M E S T U C K

also put in the tags what kinda things u post lmao thank yall


Alternative Music Link (music has no lyrics, scroll at your own pace)

While all art here was drawn by me, the song and characters are not my property and belong respectively to Two Steps From Hell and Andrew Hussie. I am not profiting off of the use of these creations.

A long time ago someone proposed the prompt: “What I learned in Homestuck is…?” and I never could shake the idea. I wrote the script for this about a year ago, remade the panels about three times, and finally ended up with this. Please take your time reading, the song does not have lyrics. I recommend viewing this on my blog rather than on your dashboard.

Thank you, Homestuck. Thank you, Hussie. Thank you, fandom. Happy 413!



my best friend just called me to ask what color he should wear to prom and I was like “um?? idk??” and he was goes “well we have to match, so like what color is ur dress??” but he never asked me to go so I was kinda confused so I told him “hey, yeah since when are we going to prom?” and the line goes silent for a bit and he very quietly whispers “shit. I forgot to ask u”


Happy 413

                                                            ==> End. ____________________________________________________________ Caff: Wanted to do a big thing before my ship sinks. Happy 4/13 Caff: (If you’re not happy with the canon end, there’s always this lmao)

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