Blocky Bonsai

@blockybonsai /

:+) | Please check my Resources page before sending a message ^^

🌻 sunflower silo🌻 inspired by @blockybonsai she inspired me to begin building & i love love her builds!!

also sneak peak of my barn !! ^^

tutorial for the silo is by Fresh Joy on Youtube!

#silo #mizunos16craft #minecraft #bsl #blockybonsai #builds #cottagecore


Gorgeous 🌻 I love all the sunflowers around it ❤️

Anonymous asked:

hi!! i was just curious on how u actually use the resource packs. i already downloaded them but im not sure how to enable them so they actually work in the minecraft realm! i have java edition so yeah.... thanks for reading this!! i love the builds u recreate <33

Hello hello! Thank you so much! So glad you like them <3 I am not very good at explaining things but I found a video on Youtube that should help you out! You can find it over here ~

Anonymous asked:

we are still waiting for the town map download ;-;

Hi! The town map “I built” doesn’t belong to me, I simply followed tutorials and re-created someone else's work so it doesn’t feel right to me to upload a map that is someone else’s creation. If you want to follow the tutorials yourself you can find them here or if you’re looking for any specific one I have always linked them in the pictures I took. I’d like to add that I don’t even have that world anymore because I had to fully reboot my computer so, even if I wanted to, I can’t upload it. Thank you for understanding :’)


hi! I'm new to texture packs, and i checked your resources, the "Vanilla" one didn't have a link, and I was wondering how to get it. The pack used in your photos is so adorable and I have windows 10, java, and ios so I can get it on a least one if it's available, I just dont know where to go. Your builds are so cute and I've used so many for inspiration, and the texture pack and everything you used would be the icing on the cake! :)


Hello! I was previously using Mizuno's 16 craft but recently I have been just using the vanilla texture pack with Better Leaves, meaning I am not really using anything other than Better Leaves and the BSL Shaders ~ Thank you so much though! You’re too kind ❤️  


Hi! I That's it. Perfect. Could i ask... What's your pc config? did i already said that i love you?)))


Hello! You’re so kind, here you go:

  • Processor: Intel(R) Core (TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
  • Installed RAM: 8.00 GB 
  • Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB

I think these are all the specifications that matter, but do let me know if you want any other one!

Anonymous asked:

Love the build, what resource pack is that?

Hi! I got this message (I think) after posting the modern build pictures so I really wasn’t using any resource pack other than better leaves 😊


Hello ~ヾ(・ω・) As you might have noticed I decided to post again on this blog! I don’t know how long it will last but what matters is that I’m here now ~ Here’s just some things to keep in mind:

  • I am going to be deleting the messages on my inbox, they’re way too many and they make me a bit overwhelmed ( ╥ω╥ ) Feel free to send in an ask again, though!
  • Please please please check my resources page before sending me a message or asking “what’s the texture pack” in the comments... I have answered this question so many times ( ; ω ; ) Also, all you need to do to find the page is to click on my profile! My resources page is linked in my bio (´・ᴗ・ ` )
  • I am not the owner of any of the tutorial videos I link in my descriptions. I can’t build on my own because I am not that talented and so I follow tutorials (⌒_⌒;) Me linking to the tutorial is simply me giving credit to who built it and giving you the opportunity to build it too if you want!

One last thing: thank you for all the love! I was away for so long and knowing I still had a community to come back to made me extremely happy, thank you so so much! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡

Anonymous asked:

miss u ;_;

I’m sorry I have been so AFK on this account Q-Q I just noticed now that I have over 26 messages on my inbox and some more in the private chats. I have been really busy with university and for some reason really uninspired to go back to building and such. I should try and download the game again or at least answer some of my messages

Anonymous asked:

hi! i’m starting up a mineblr but i’m stuck on a username, i’m really into pumpkins & halloweeny autumn stuff etc. it would be awesome if you could give some username suggestions? xo ;)

Hello hello, sweetpea! Hope you like at least one of these (´ ε ` )♡

  • spookyblocks 
  • pixelatedpumpkin
  • spookycraft 
  • pumpkincraft(s)
  • pixelspooks
  • pixelpumpkins
  • blockypumpkins
  • ghostcraft
  • pixelghost
  • trickorcraft
  • hallowcraft
Anonymous asked:

how did you make bsl shaders look less... bright? during the day? i have a problem where everything is very glowy and not as pleasant to the eye like in your images. ive played around with the settings but nothing seems to help it!

Hi hi! I don’t think the BSL shaders are super bright but I do edit my pictures so maybe that’s it ^^ I answered an ask about it a while ago, you can find it over here  (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡


Commission for @blockybonsai :D She wanted herself as a chibi with a block for a head as they have in Minecraft. I left the cat looking a bit weird intentionally because it looks weird in Minecraft too xD Might end up changing it anyway though because it’s killing me ^^;


Guys!!! Look at what the lovely @artbyrhuviel drew for me! (*♡∀♡) I am over the moon, thank you x1000!! I love it so so much ❤ (ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc)


Hello hello! Sorry I have been so AFK (。╯︵╰。) Uni has just started so everything is kind of hectic rn, I’ll be back when I can though! I’ve been playing Minecraft but haven’t really had the time to build anything so maybe I’ll post some gameplay pictures soon or something like that ^^ Feel free to still message me/send me asks, I’ll get to them asap! Wishing you all the best day and good luck to whoever is starting uni/school as well!  ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ )

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