
langblr ahoy (´∀`)

@jpn-langblr / jpn-langblr.tumblr.com

just trying to learn some japanese. 一緒に頑張りましょうか? Header illustration by @shinjitsuchimochi. I block empty blogs and encourage you to use tumblr on desktop.

its official: tumblr is selling our data to Midjourney

we'd been hearing rumors about this for a bit but now its open and out there. some details from this article

it goes without saying, but if @staff goes through with this its going to be an utter shitshow and im all but certain the website will not survive it.


everyone go enable this immediately. it can be a bit hard to find because “visibility is under blog settings instead of general settings or privacy. you have to do this individually for each separate side-blog

if you can’t find it on the app then the update probably hasn’t rolled out to you, and you’ll have to go through the web browser. what a truly wild way/time to implement this


地震 (じしん) related words

April has been full of earthquakes in Taiwan.

In the past two days there's been so many earthquakes 🥺 I wanted to talk to my teacher about it, so here's the list of words I've collected.

Related pronunciations

  • 地震 - earthquake
  • 自信 - self-confidence
  • 自身 - self

Related words

  • 震度 (しんど) - seismic intensity 震度5強 (きょう) の地震があった。 There was an earthquake with a seismic intensity of strong 5.
  • 余震 (よしん) - aftershock 大きな地震の後に何度も余震が続いた (つずいた)。 After the big earthquake, there were many aftershocks.
  • 断層 (だんそう) - fault (geology) その地域 (ちいき) は複数 (ふくすう) の断層が存在 (そんざい) している。 There are multiple faults in that area.
  • 震源地 (しんげんち) - epicenter 震源地は市 (し) の中心部 (ちゅうしんぶ) 近くにあった。
  • マグニチュード - magnitude その地震のマグニチュードは7.2だった。 The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.2.
  • 地震計 (じしんけい) - seismometer 地震計が大きな揺れを検知 (けんち) した。 The seismometer detected strong shaking.
  • 揺れ (ゆれ) - shake 地震の揺れがとても強かった。 The shaking from the earthquake was very strong.

Difference between マグニチュード and 震度

マグニチュード: total amount of energy released by the earthquake at its source 震度: how big you felt it in your local area

the first day of my hand drafting class in my senior year of college, after the prof taught us how to frame up on the drafting table and went over how to use the tools we'd bought, he had us all take our pencils and make a mark on the top right corner of the vellum. then he walked us through the setup steps - the border, the title block, etc.

and he told us to erase the mark.

when someone - rosie, i think - asked what the mark was for he smiled.

"if you give a novice student an expensive, blank piece of paper, they panic. they think if i start using that i will ruin it. so the first thing i want all of you to do, any time you stare at a blank piece of paper, is to ruin it a little and take the pressure off yourself. pencil erases. anxiety has to be managed."

i hated that man for a myriad of reasons, but that was some of the best advice i've ever been given.

There have been some reblogs of this that assert it works with writing if you keysmash or outline or whatever, and here is the secret, my blueberries; it works with everything.

Afraid of a recipe? Fuck up your prep a little- mildly sloppy knife work is usually easy to fix and ignore. Now something has gone wrong. Nervous about a conversation? Make a purposeful mistake in the beginning that you can correct easily. Move on and keep going. Anxious about public speaking? Screw something up in an easy to ignore way. I like to mispronounce a word.

The trick here is that the call is coming from inside the house. Your brain is the only one who is demanding that you do things perfectly the first time. You can (and will) make a million little mistakes. None of them will be the end of the world. But if what you need is to control the situation, then control it. Ruin it on purpose and then erase the error.


if you want

  • a magical girl series that isn't an ecchi comedy or a hyperviolent melodrama
  • a magical girl series where 99% of the cast are 20 and older
  • a magical girl series about... uh, the dangers of deregulation
  • great art
  • cool deliquent tracksuit-wearing senpai magical girl who makes big yowly grins

you owe it to yourself to give Magilumiere Co. Ltd. a shot


marine biology is so scary because it’s such a small field. i was giving a talk on cetaceans and afterward a woman approached me with her husband and she said, “you did very well. [husband’s name] actually pioneered the research and published the first paper on that. We were very impressed by you.”

Which is such a scientific interpretation/public education win I will cherish forever but also for the rest of my life any time I give a talk I will be haunted by the knowledge that the world’s leading expert who literally discovered/invented the topic might be in the room,

which is like, the opposite of what you’re supposed to do for stage fright. In fact I never used to experience stage fright but now I will.

There are limitations to the benefits of being a marine biologist


and is your shame helpful? is it inspiring goodness and change? or is it keeping you frozen in time unable to move on and be everything you have expanded to be?




this season


そんな とき に やくだつ の が、こんき デザインせい たっぷり に しんか した シャツ と、デコラティブ な あまさ が ぎゃく に いさぎよい ブラウス。

In this case, a shirt that has been evolved with many design elements from this season, and a blouse with sweet decorations that is actually elegant, are useful items.


"You find an old CD player. turn it on?" [yes] [no]

Weekly Update | 今日は火曜日。4月16日2024年。

  • Not a great week overall. I got 5 hours of immersion in this week. still not 1 hour a day, but hey its 1 more than last week!
  • biggest problem is my adhd medication ran out this week and my pharmacy isn't able to get more until the end of April. which blows. :\ so my routine i built over the last two weeks basically got hit by a bus and is still recovering, lol. Im surprised i got any immersion done at all, tbh.
  • Im trying not to take it so hard. I had a couple good moments this week, after all.
  • Finally got my Anki backlog under control! I hope to get back on taking new cards sometime this week. rn its all reviews so its time i start actually learning new vocab.
  • my other good moment was i understood all of the dialog in one part of the 乙女ゲーム実況 I'm watching on youtube, then right after immediately understood the commentary from the lets player :) i laughed. was a good moment.
  • Starting to get a better feel for my routine again, even after a bumpy week. I want to try and front load the hours where i feel more energetic, cause i get better comprehension when Im focused and not tired.
  • i also finally worked out a routine for doing Anki. 1-2 15 min pomodoros is pretty good for me, any more and i start getting frustrated. I think its important to use anki how you desire, rather than whats 'optimal'.

So yeah, overall a not super productive week, but i think I can give myself a pass. Hoping to meet my immersion goal this week, and maybe i'll peruse for a manga to read? if you all have any reccomendations for manga, id love to hear them cause honestly idk how to find stuff thats learner appropriate. (already read yotsuba.)

until next week, またね!


Look, I knew five languages by age 19 and now I am learning like 3 more. I work as a language instructor and a consultant. If I can give language learners only one advice, this is it.


You're doing yourself a disservice by learning lists of "30 words you must know!" "100 most common words!" like it literally means nothing if you cannot use those words in an appropriate context with proper grammar. So what you actually need to do is learn those words via example sentences.


Avoid sci-hub too👀


Also, everyone seems to forget this, but if you’re in college, CHECK YOU LIBRARY’S WEBSITE. they usually have access to a ton of journals. Sometimes a site that says you don’t have access will work if you access it through your school’s library website.





academic bias is so funny because you’ll be reading about the same historical event and one person is like “Despite the troubles that befell his homeland and near constant criticism of the court King Blorbo remained strong in the face of adversity” and the other one is like “after letting his people carry the brunt of his cringefail decisions Blorbo the Shitface refused to listen to any reason and continued to be a warmongering piece of shit. Also he was ugly.”

I've been down a rabbithole on 9th century Anglo-Scandinavian history for the past six months, and all of this is so unbelievably accurate. 😂

And then for bonus points, ask yourself:

Why is this author so invested in making King Blorbo look good?

(The answer is usually that they're a nationalist, engaged in the project of constructing a glorious national history.)

Or, why does this author have inexplicable beef with King Blorbo?

(Could be that they're from a culture King Blorbo colonized and terorrized, and they're rightfully fed up of hearing about how cool he was; could be that King Blorbo is the one about to get colonized, and this author is priming you to feel that he had it coming.)

But, you might be saying, King Blorbo died 1100 years ago! Why does it matter whether he was good or bad? Who cares if some historian is doing some shady scholarship to retroactively polish (or tank) his reputation?

Welll, because if they get their version of history entrenched in the cultural consciousness, that is going to shape how we understand the world around us, and how we deal with the current issues that are a direct legacy of that history. That's how you get Victorian scholars cherry-picking Anglo Saxon history to build a myth of British exceptionalism, to justify British imperialism, and American right-wing personalities canonizing Lincoln and the Founding Fathers for the same damn reasons.

History isn't dead, and whenever an author clearly wants you to feel a certain way about King Blorbo, good or bad, you should be asking why it matters to them, and what the implications are if you do.

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