
work hard

@teaholik / teaholik.tumblr.com

Fabienne - 20 - languages and business

Studying isn’t all color coded notes and cute organizational methods.

It’s chugging cold water at 2 am because this essay is so close to being done

It’s having multiple lights on just to stay awake

It’s having a bad week and Oh god where is my textbook? Why do I have a plate of uneaten eggo waffles on my desk and how old are they?

It’s debating if you really need to do this, or you can just bs it.

Studying isn’t always pretty.


me: wants to be multilingual, a musical prodigy, an artist, an author, a poet, an honour student, working in a well-paying job, successful and happy

me: sits on my couch eating three(3) party-sized bags of salt and vinegar potato chips and watching thirty-one(31) episodes of my favourite tv show in one sitting


sending “I hope you get that job” vibes to the people out here tryna get jobs

reblogging for yall bc the shit worked for me lol

Karma will pop me if I don’t


you’re so bright, intelligent, driven. even if you don’t see it yourself - you’re the sun, the moon and the stars. and now take a deep breath and do this. you can.


French Word of the Day

Muraille - wall, thick wall (noun.f)


5.28.17  ♡  32/100 days of productivity

Missed bullet journaling like this so I did it again! Cute and fast way to bullet journal when you’re lazy like me. Can’t believe there are only 2 days left before graduation omg. It’s also my birthday today so we’re celebrating them both tomorrow c:


French Word of the Day

Muraille - wall, thick wall (noun.f)

  • sombody cares. somebody always cares. don’t forget that 
  • stop checking if they read your message, watched your story or liked your pic. these people aren’t worth your time
  • if you won’t turn your music louder because you think somebody is gonna hear it throgh your earphones just ask yourself: who cares? blast that music
  • say thank you instead of I’m sorry  
  • stop comparing yourself to her. you’re magic in your own way, don’t compare christmas lights to a flower 
  • stop caring so much about others and what they think. start doing what you reallly want
  • never let you tell to calm down. you have every right to be angry
  • just start. it’s the most difficult thing but one time you started it’ll be easier
  • do not ever call yourself ugly. you’ll never see yourself how you really are
  • self love is one of the most important things. how to do it 
  • drink enough water. clearer skin, no headaches, more energy
  • do not forget how strong you are. if you’re still living in this world you are strong
  • no one else know what they’re doing either
  • people are to busy worrying what others think about them to have time judging you
  • buy yourself a big, cozy bathrobe. you’ll thank me later
  • fake it ’til you make it 
  • how people act when you’re not on good terms says a lot about them
  • don’t interpret so much in everything. not everything is ~deep~
  • be enthusiastic. life is more fun like that
  • be kind to people when you meet them but take no shit if they aren’t
  • you were cute before anyone told you
  • you don’t have to be pretty
  • everything will be okay

there’s been a new korean student in the second grade classroom I intern in and he doesn’t speak english and can only understand very little. he always has a distant gaze in class when he isn’t receiving one-on-one interaction since he has no idea what’s going on for the most part.  the whole day, i assisted him in english and did a lot of pointing and hand gestures, but man, you should’ve seen the light on his face when i said goodbye to him in korean !!! his eyes grew so big !!! you can see how simply acknowledging students’ native language and letting them hear something familiar, even if it’s just one word, is so so so important !!! i love working with english language learners so much ahhhh

update: so usually in class, he doesn’t really talk at all so I never even really get to hear his voice, but oh my gosh I just saw him at a grocery store with his mom and he was talking so much in korean and his voice is so cute ;_______________________; HOW DO I GET HIM TO TALK MORE 

update: if anyone was curious, I was helping him in math last week! I realized he actually can understand quite more English than I thought, but isn’t very expressive; he didn’t know how to read word problems, but I was able to explain to him what he needed to do with the numbers and each time he needed to write a number down, he would point at it and go “beep beep” LIKE HE’S A LIL CALCULATOR ASLDJFDLKS (and I used a few Korean phrases with him and he also told me his Korean name!!! he’s more comfortable in asking me for help now :-D )

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