
💙 patience 💙

@workin-to-the-bone / workin-to-the-bone.tumblr.com

//independent Sans RP blog
semi selective, OC, multiverse & crossover friendly
current M!A: n/a

//-coughs- um, well yea sorry about the absence, at this point I should put in my about that my muse is rly fleeting bc it has been lately >n> but I’m feeling good today so maybe we’ll get some shit done.


While we’re talking about abusive RPers...

…don’t forget that some of the flags of an abusive roleplayer are identical to the ones for abusive RL relationships.
The Idolize > Isolate > Devalue > Discard cycle that we see in a lot of abusive RL relationships is actually creepily common online and devastating to the victim, despite the lack of physical damage in most cases (I say “most” because I have seen people driven to self-harm or suicide attempts by online abuse of this type).
Idolize: the abuser is desperate to roleplay with the target. They lavish them with attention, gifts, plots, writing, and/or art. The abuser will do anything to become the target’s new best friend.  Some abusers will become irrationally angry if rejected at this stage and transition into stalking and/or harassment.
Isolate: the abuser begins peeling the target away from any existing friends or RP partners. They’ll attempt to occupy all their online time and suggest they do a lot of one-on-one roleplay in private with them. When in multi-person scenes, they will deliberately alienate the target’s other friends either by acting out, attacking them, or intentionally making RP awkward or impossible for everyone but their target. Gaslighting starts. They may complain the target’s friends are “mean” or “jealous” and attempt to instigate arguments where the target will feel the need to defend them and further alienate their friends. Lavishing with gifts continues in this phase.
Devalue: when their target is cut off from everyone else, the honeymoon ends. Gaslighting ramps up massively. They still want to roleplay with the target, but the target suddenly can’t seem to do anything right.  The target’s self-esteem is systematically degraded. Plots revolve increasingly around the abuser’s character with the target’s being an expendable, breakable prop. They attempt to push their target into roleplay they don’t enjoy or are actively afraid of, and respond to objections or refusals with manipulative behavior like crying, insults, or threatening abandonment.  In extreme cases, the abuser may feign self-harm or suicidal impulses and present them to the target as the target’s fault, i.e. “LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO.”  Gifts only come as “makeup” presents after a fight and are generally presented in public so that all seems well to anyone not involved. They are now the target’s only major roleplay partner and use that as a weapon. 
Discard: the abuser finds a new idol. Gaslighting hits maximum, convincing the target that they’re the reason the abuser doesn’t want to play with them anymore and that no one will ever want to play with them. Finally, they drop their current target and ignore them or harass them, often resorting to scorched-earth tactics and spreading rumors to make sure their victim has difficulty reconnecting with others. The target and their character are usually badly damaged, possibly irreparably.
Abusive roleplayers like this usually leave a trail of shattered guilds and broken people behind and often move games or servers when chasing a new target. Due to their habit of giving gifts in public and abusing in private, they may even have a good reputation in the community and staunch defenders (especially if they’re well-known for their writing, art, or crafts). 
In other words, good fucking luck catching them before they hurt someone.
Since this kind of abuse is hard to see from the inside until it’s already too late, the biggest thing you can do is watch out for your friends and guildies.  We’re all weirdos here, and we need to keep each other safe.  If you feel like somebody’s new RP partner is trying to separate them from their support system, don’t be afraid to speak up.  I don’t care if they write like the next Hemingway or their art appears to have been shat right out of Da Vinci’s asshole, they don’t get a pass.
If you feel like or know that this type of abuse is happening to you, remember that no plot or friendship is worth your mental health.  Walk away if you can, get someone you trust to help you if you can’t (yes, even the old friends you told to fuck off and leave you alone - they probably have a strong suspicion of why).  Take screenshots or chatlogs so you have some defense against gaslighting or malicious rumors.  You’re not alone, no matter what they tell you.


                                                                 you better RUN to her.

                        @rehtxm   @guardsruins   @motherly-intentions   @driimurr


//gonna make a new rule bc honestly I’m kinda tired of ppl reblogging prompts from me without sending me anything ever. //I don’t mind if you reblog prompts without sending anything sometimes but there’s some people who take it too far by constantly reblogging any and all prompts I reblog without ever sending anything and it’s very annoying & leaves me feeling like a very inadequate rper. //I am not your supply for ask memes & prompts, I am an rp blog. If you want prompts, follow a blog specifically for that, I follow a bunch of good ones that you can ask me for if need be, but please stop just using me like that.

@aku-uka-bros said to workin-to-the-bone:"HEY! Have you seen a dog running here with a power crystal?" ((Uka))

The skeleton raised an eyebrow and shrugged shaking his head. “ sorry pal, i’ve seen plenty of dogs but none with any crystal.” Sans said before putting his hands back into the pockets of his hooded jacket. “ what’s so great about this crystal anyways?” He asked, since the last time they’d spoken the mask had said he was pure evil. If that were true than it was Sans’ job to keep an eye on him and his activities.


My Muse somehow has a Control Collar placed on their neck! It won’t come off till My Muse obey’s 6 Commands given to them, and they must obey the command no matter what it is! For the Next 6 Asks, My Muse will obey Any command given to them!

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