
I Have No Idea What I'm Doing

@blue-bellies / blue-bellies.tumblr.com

Kal's modern life

Putting this here because apparently Tesla wants it taken down and the og post was already deleted.


I saw a news story about how Teslas were slowing down early for a junction and it turned out the STOP signs were about 50% bigger than regular, and the car brain which has no LIDAR or other depth sensing tech other than smooshing several camera inputs together was just assuming the signs were closer and so needed to be stopped sooner.

lol, lmao etc but someone in the comments posited 'Hey maybe a TESLA just sees a child as an adult who is further away and thus there's no need to brake just yet' *THUD*

It's just Muskbrained enough to be the truth.


parried by the aluminum foil :0

I jhow it looks like they're blasted back, like the foil has some kinda repulsor field.


This is also a super great way to prevent cats on counters because it turns the counter into the bad thing, not you.

If you spray a cat for being on a counter, the cat learns that you're the problem and will go on the counter when you're not home. When it's tin foil that stays in place all day, the cat learns the counter itself is the problem.

what they have said since I was a teenage girl: hold your keys between your fingers so you can jab him in the face, check your car before you get into it, don't go out alone, don't leave your drink unattended, not that it's her fault but she should have used common sense what they are saying now: what do you mean you'd rather meet a bear than a strange man when alone in the woods?

@thebibliosphere I had to repost this for both of us because OOF

That is depressingly relatable. I hate how common this is.

For weeks doctors kept telling my mother my symptoms were due to being a girl of menstruation age and/or just wanting to skip school. I wound up hospitalized for a month due to acute liver failure. I was out of school for like 3 months total.

... Fuck's sake. I'm so sorry.

I've been lying to you, Boyd... keeping up the fiction that I got all manner of things tying me to Kentucky, things that forestall my moving to Florida, but there is only the one thing- you.

Justified 6x08 'Dark as a Dungeon'

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