
Maybe it’s just me but I’ve seen some fan art where Luz is all like “te amo” and I’m like bro they’re 14

Anyway this took way too muc time hope you guys like it :3


Okay, so I just got shampoo in my eye (luckily my blind eye; it could have been a lot worse) and as I was grabbing said part of my face in complete agony, it hit me…that’s exactly how Zuko got his scar. Not the ‘shampoo’ bit, the ‘grabbing the face’ bit. Ozai put his hand to Zuko’s face is what I’m getting at.

I guess part of me always knew that, because his scar does look a lot like a handprint:

But still, whenever I thought about the agni kai, I’d imagine Ozai standing over his thirteen-year-old son and firing haphazardly like:

But no, I think he brings his hand right up to Zuko’s face. 

Which would explain, you know, this:

At first, I thought that he backhanded Zuko, like Azula does here.

But when I looked up these photos, it hit me (no pun intended) that we’ve probably seen the exact move that Ozai made:

Just at a different angle, because I imagine that he was standing over Zuko, due to the whole symbolism of height differences.

Still, I think he slowly brought his fire-encased hand up to Zuko’s face and held it there, burning him, just like he was about to do with Aang. The difference being that Aang is able to deflect the attack:

Which he was able to do, because he learned from Zuko.

I swear this show has more circles than a cheese grater…


Those fics where Vlad is still trying to achieve his goal of having the perfect half ghost som have me thinking he has had to start over multiple times because the damn clones keep defecting!

Vlad: Why does everything I love hate me?!

And Danny is just pleading with him to stop because its getting harder to hide all his damn clones.

“Vlad just stop! At this rate each state in the US will have a Danny Phantom!”

“I do what I want Daniel!” Slams fist on the ‘make another clone button’



The mental image here is absolutely hilarious! Plus the absolute insanity of Vlad trying again and again to clone Danny but each time the clone leaves him.

It’s also kinda horrifying because over time Vlad must be getting more and more desperate to get his “perfect son” to stay with him. And instead of actually acting as a loving parent, he resorts to more and more brutal means of control: emotional manipulation, violence, isolation, even brainwashing and mind control.

And the sad thing is all of the crap he does just drives the clones away faster and faster and make Danny, Dani, and any other clones more desperate to get their new sibling out of that situation.

Eventually everyone gets super fed up and angry with Vlad and all band together to take him down and destroy all of his research so Vlad can never create and then abuse another child.

This also brings to question how many clones would Vlad have created before they all band together to destroy every bit of his research?

too many

So many that there is no room to sit within Danny’s room.

Danny making various trips to the store to get food for them. He can’t provide for these damn clones. Thinks about suing for child support

If he actually sues though, the lawyer he gets (danny or vlad) will be so fucking confused and concerned

He needs the money tho so what can he do? lol unless he settles for stealing food

I doubt he would, but oh my god that poor lawyer 

That lawyer will think back to this case and it’ll be an interesting story to tell. “I helped a kid sue the Vlad Masters for child support…”

Amazing story 

I just love how my brain immediately wanted to make this as dark as possible and cram as many messed up clone related story lines into one story while the you two turned it into a shitpost. I love that it went that direction but my brain clearly doesn’t work like that. 

Ok but to sue you need evidence, so they’d have to steal all the research. Because all of the research is based off of Danny Phantom and Fenton the best time to sue would be post reval.

So the laywer would be like “I’m suing the Vlad Masters on behalf of our beloved ghost hero for several years and children worth of child support. Because of the circumstances we’re also pushing for a restraining order, and I’ve contacted the police because his actions unwilling caused my client to be a father before the age of majority. So we may be able to get him some prison time lmao.

The actual court case would be a mess for the court records because each Danny insists on being called Danny with increasingly odder spelling.

“and how are we spelling Danny this time?”

“Dasniy the s is silent”

“Alright, and you?”



Ok, but I read that “each state in the USA will have a Danny Phantom” as “the whole USA will be Danny Phantom” and I thought “Well, if he gets cloned enough, he might replace the whole human population, making Earth… a Phantom Planet…”

The Phantom Planet we should have gotten

This went post everywhere


an authority figure: [expresses slight, arguable disappointment in me]

me, shaking: Wow. Can’t Believe I’m The Worst Person Alive

authority figure: *is in a bad mood or even is just less friendly than usual*

me, stomach in knots: My fault? I must be the cause of this?

yet somehow also me: 

Fuck You



*ugly sobbing* please tell me you guys hear it too


really though, if i was being attacked by a ghost i wouldnt even be scared. like whats it going to do? ghosts cant touch things. the worst thing it could do is stick its head in my stomach and then criticize me for how much macaroni is in there. as if my parents havent been doing that for 10 goddamn years

also they can’t kill me because i mean how fucking awkward would htat be?  I become a ghost and now i can kick their ghost ass fuckign piece of shit

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