Me: I should really get back into a healthy sleeping pattern
Also me: Proceeds to open Ao3 instead and read about the same two people falling in love 151738515163 different times until morning
Me: I should really get back into a healthy sleeping pattern
Also me: Proceeds to open Ao3 instead and read about the same two people falling in love 151738515163 different times until morning
(230324) soloist kai’s very emotional encore stage — #Rover1stWin
KAI 카이 The 3rd Mini Album [Rover] Concept Photos #2
KAI, ROVER (2023) – “You can’t figure me out. You sniff around for gossip, I bite back. Blah, blah. Let’s just stay in our own lanes. No need to cling to illusions. Peel away the fake from the real. As you see who I am, watch me go. Y'all buzzin’, catch me if you can. I’m coming over, throw away my name, call me Rover.”
i’m gonna throw up oh my god
Jongin: I want to eat peaches 🍑😫
Goms: he's filming with cars for his mv?!
Meanwhile me: ...ass?
I really feel like I'm onto something here
Jongin: I want to eat peaches 🍑😫
Goms: he's filming with cars for his mv?!
Meanwhile me: ...ass?
kaist episode 1 sending jongin through the 5 stages of grief (+ bonus: acceptance)
KAI 카이 ‘음 (Mmmh)’ MV
“Thank you… When I debuted, I was a student as well. I was 19 years old. I was wearing a yellow school uniform and now I’m releasing my solo album and I’m thrilled to share this moment with you. As KAI, as a singer, I am fulfilling my dream but I’m really happy that you’re with me. You kept me going through hard times. 900K people are watching and I’m crying so much. Oh my… Thank you so much. I’ve read your messages, I wish I could read more. Sorry I could only read so much. I have a runny nose. I know your feelings, thank you. Thank you for your supportive message. Good luck on your college entrance exam. I want my fans to be happy just like I’m happy thanks to you. What do I do? I’m so grateful. I have about 5 minutes to go ‘til my album release, I’m afraid it’s time to wrap it up. I’m not ending this abruptly because I’m crying, it’s time. I’m really happy but I was so nervous. I don’t get nervous often. Because this is the moment I’ve been waiting for. 1 million people have joined me for this V Live. I’m nervous but I’m crying in front of 1 million people because of these messages V Live brought. Please support my album KAI. Saying this while crying feels like I’m doing business. Please check out my first performance on Naver No W at 9pm. Have a wonderful time, please look forward to it!”
-KAI (开): The Opening V Live
(because his birthday is coming up)
“Since it’s a new year, we’re starting afresh on a new piece of paper. Draw on this everyday as the days pass and at the end of the year, check with me what kind of drawing you have. I feel like a painting created with EXO-L will always be pretty.”
“It would be great if I became someone else’s scenery”
“Nail polish.. I thought it was lip balm. I applied it on my lips and then I cried.”
“My skin is dark. My mind is white (pure). My heart…is pink.”
“I’m Kaptor (Kai + raptor) and EXO-L’s are L-rannosaurs. I’m strawberries and EXO-L’s are grapes. I’m a chef and EXO-L’s are eggs. I’m Vegeta and EXO-L is Bulma.”
“My foot size is 4000. My height is 5000. My attacking power is 1 billion.”
“EXO-L’s are the fingers. I am the toes. We are hands and feet combined. Couple ring for EXO-L and I? Since I am the feet I should have it sized for my toes.”
“Everything breaks when it falls into my hands..”
“Before I sleep I close my eyes.”
“Don’t hurt your body doing excessive measures to lose weight.”
“You can’t judge just by someone’s expression. You have to see their hearts. For me, I’m not really a tough guy. My expressions might look a bit cold but even so, I’m very warm hearted.”
“I love you. You’re mine, you’re mine, you’re mine, you’re MINE, you’re mine, you’re mine, you’re mine, you’re mine!!”
“I’m a guy who’s like the ocean. My heart is really unpredictably deep. You just have to jump in, and I’ll rescue you out of there.”
“I always have to surpass myself. Yesterday’s me, no matter what good things happen, I forget them and want to do great things again. I want to spend time personally understanding myself. I would like for the me of today to sing better and dance better than the me of yesterday.”
“My toes are cute aren’t they? They are saying hi!” *wiggles toes*
“Kai kokoro. Open mind.”
“I bought Rahee a toy car but she’s afraid of riding it. She hasn’t even ridden it once. I’m crying…”
“Jongin oppa who is always telling his fans to be happy is happiest when he is telling his fans to be happy.”
“I really like my skin color.”
“I like long hair. I like short hair. I even like bald head.”
“I saw a typhoon being prevented. I was the one who stopped it. Because I’m Vegeta.”
“Difficult times are defined differently by everyone. Something that is terribly difficult to me might not be tough to someone else. And though it’s important for you to get advice from others and apply it to solve your problems, it’s important for you to solve problems yourself too.”
“As I gazed up towards the heavens after finishing a schedule, I could see the moon go up so beautifully. We’re looking at the same moon, if you’re looking at it as well after seeing my writing. It feels so great, EXO-L looking at the same moon as I. Doesn’t it?”
“I’ll work even harder to not lose this battle of our love. I’ll love you even more!!”
me, writing in my journal: day 52 without any news on andante-
me, adding to my journal: along with that nothing has been said about catman or dear archimedes-
*sneaks into your room and steals your journal* adding: also the masterpiece called how are you bread
*grabs the journal* : and unexpected love-
*somehow finds the journal* : what about spring has come? *teary eyed*
day 200: with the news of andante’s release and spring has come set to come out next year some of our questions have been answered…but will we ever get to see sehun acting as a cat? or figure out how suho’s bread is doing? and what about yixing getting to act with his old crush?…looks like this case will remain.. unsolved.
day 'I don't even fucking know time is just a construct' CAT. MAN. CAT MAN IS COMING
I think..and this is just a theory but this symbol…it’s a four leaf clover
which symbolizes luck
but it also symbolizes the lucky charm marshmallow
one of the many different types of marshmallows found in a popular cereal brand that is also called…”lucky charms” and exo was once asked about what their lucky charm was and what were suho and chen’s answers? a ring
uh oh what’s that on sehun’s finger in his instagram update that gave us all heart attacks?
a ring…a very familiar ring…
anyways back to the lucky charms. who is in charge of the cereal? this guy. the goddamned leprechaun.
and if I recall this correctly there is also a movie called leprechaun but it’s a horror film (i won’t show a picture of this leprechaun though because he’s creepy af) but that leprechaun is like a monster and- oh would you look at exo’s teaser photo
and look at this leprechaun dude
he’s playing an electric guitar. an electric guitar which is one of the main instruments rock bands use. and what hand symbol is common in the rock and roll world?
that’s right. hand horns. and what is my sweet boy jongin doing with his hand?
do you see how this is all coming together?
they’re leprechauns.
my aesthetic: kyungsoo in booty shorts with his sleeves rolled up