
focus on issues or focus on me.

@dsknsk / dsknsk.tumblr.com

banner: RiHuu1 on Twitter

a new, more organized intro

megumi|22|east asian|they/them|nonbinary agab, voidpunk|demisexual but questioning|neurodivergent|autistic|dyscalculic|plural|traumaendo, likely median?|probably has back issues idk|hypermobile|likely prosopagnostic|true leo, snake (27/07/2001 so you can know when to give me gifts, heh)

  • if you have to nickname me, it's 'gumi'
  • current fandoms vary but they tend to be on the more obscure side
  • don't mention the project moon summer 2023 controversy to me or on any of my posts
  • don't ask yi sang to come out, he will probably reject it as he's more than content chilling at the back
  • english is not my first language but i can communicate in it. i can also communicate in dutch, 汉语 and a bit in japanese
  • tone tags are not required but use full words like /sarcastic instead of /s, that shit's confusing af otherwise
  • please don't address me as 'u' (instead of 'you') or any masculine words like 'dude' or 'bro', i consider it very rude
  • not spoiler free. sometimes tags common triggers
  • i block v freely
  • note that i headcanon Emil Sinclair from LCB as transfem and i will die on that hill. feel free to block if disagree.


  • people who use any other pronouns for Dante from LCB than 'they/them'
  • right
  • f*scist/n*zi
  • anti-endo
  • ed/th*nspo
  • dsmp, aot, mha, hp or gensh*n fandom (except if close)
  • queerphobe, transphobe, nbphobe or any similar phobes/t*rf

Multiple code: N--|P[nb/as]|A(A+)|S.H|Oe/t|Mt|We|C(c+)|OF(r-/o+)|Fx^/a|M!|Rp|V---!-|Xas|Gf/m|Jx|S(r--/o+)|R

Syscourse code: πŸ‘/❀️/πŸ“—/πŸ”Έ/🟒/πŸŒ—/πŸŸ₯/🌳/β˜€οΈ/πŸ₯–/🐊/🐌/🐳


but… they’re not. Trans is short for β€œtransitioning” which is to say you go from one gender to the other. Non-binary people are not transitioning to another gender. They’re just not moving from one to another.

trans is not and has never been short for transitioning you dumb hoe

trans is short for transgender dumbass

also for those who don’t get it, the creator of the trans flag herself (monica helms, to be exact) has stated verbally, herself, that the white stripe in the flag was for nonbinary individuals + that nonbinary ppl are absolutely trans

if you exclude nonbinary folks and tell us we’re not trans go fuck yourselves


I just realized that Logos' second talent is not a RES ignore, it's a RES debuff (a flat debuff, to be percise - think Ifrit's S3). In fact this will mean that he serves as some sort of support and debuffer too because other operators that deal Arts damage will also be able to take advantage of that effect instead of when it were only an ignore.

It also means that it stacks with RES debuffs that are percentage-based, like Eyja S2, Ifrit's first talent, stacks with Arts Fragility, like RAlter talent, and (Arts Fragility does not stack with itself, but due to HG exact wording it does stack with...) Arts damage taken debuffs, meaning that his own talent is able to work with it as is Saria's S3.

The effect is not unique to him either, meaning that it's not like Carnelian's debuff which only increases damage the target takes from her, but instead the Arts damage the target takes from anyone. It's somewhat similar to how W's second talent works when the target is stunned, but does not signify who stunned it, meaning it will also activate when for example Mudrock or Texas stuns an enemy.

It also lasts for 5 seconds but his own ASPD is 1.6 seconds. Make of that what you will.


the thing that sucks most about Joanne Rowling being a terf is that she is actively hurting real life trans people every day.

the second worst thing about joanne being a terf is that the Harry Potter intellectual property is So Much Larger than her. look at the credits for just one of the harry potter movies. every single one of those people put YEARS of time and effort and dare i say love into those films. think of all the people involved in theme park design and operation who put together the wizarding world park lands and detailed them so lovingly and fully

and yet even though the intellectual property of harry potter is so much larger than joanne, she's poisoned the whole well

i feel so. so immensely sorry for every person involved in the harry potter ip who isn't jkr. doubly sorry for every trans person involved. it's fucking sad

I want to be very clear, before we have a category 4 piss on the poor moment, that this post is not saying "it's ok to like Harry Potter still because other people were involved in it, and the ip is larger than jkr" NO! you must fully divest yourself from the harry potter intellectual property!

if you go to universal studios, it's fine to ride the rides and appreciate them on a theme park artistry level. jkr had nothing to do with the engineering. and you're already there for other reasons--riding the rides doesn't give any more money to jkr. but do NOT buy any hp branded merch, at the parks or anywhere else! that's where joanne makes her money! hp merch funds anti-trans legislation! almost directly!

"What about buying indie merch? What if I buy from artists on etsy? Nothing goes to JKR then..." I hear you cry. and you have a point. that's harm reduction. buying indie merch is unambiguously better than buying licensed merch.

but you must be aware that it still makes trans people feel unsafe. you become schrodinger's terf. i see people with hogwarts houses in their bios and i feel a chill. i see cars with glasses-and-lightning-scar bumper stickers and i have to wonder if those people literally wants my wife dead or if they're just clueless.

it's just horrifically sad that so many people put so much love and years of work and artistry and blood sweat tears etc into an IP that is now retroactively so emblematic of transphobia


If you need that HP fix without all the terfyness may I suggest β€œMisfits and Magic” a campaign by D20

I would like vaguely leftist youtubers and science and diy channels especially in general in 2024 to stop casually referencing Harry potter.

I feel like there's no way to be entirely clueless about it anymore and I have straight up unsubscribed from people because of how casually they reference the franchise or make something from it at a time when there's really no escaping what Rowling is doing anymore.

Please stop making me guess whether you are secretly transphobic, the running around unmasked and unvaccinated is enough, please.


Um, Valiant Force girls are doing that optical illusion pose torso forward, legs backwards pose again.Β  Maybe they’re taught this at knight school.

This one is at least not as confusing as Mulan’s, it just looks like she has her legs on backwards.

(Game art of Victoria Bloodknight from Valiant Force, XII Braves, submitted by anonymous)


Im not great at anatomy either tbh but i was overcome with the urge to edit her

Nice edit! I noticed you fixed her armor a bit too. The pose definitely makes a lot more sense than the original where she literally looks like she put her legs on backwards. Also the edit kinda highlights how tiny her torso is despite how armored it is.

Some art is nearly beyond redemption, some needs just a few edits and some, like this, would require extensive fixes to address ALL of its anatomy and costuming problems. @dr-teatime focused on the couple most crucial edits and that already highlighted how there’s still hope for this design, and even the pose… Just let the artist use some anatomy reference (no, lingerie catalogue doesn’t really count) next time.



The interesting thing is that Alchemaniac, the artist, CLEARLY can draw good stuff, just look at their Arknights work. Which makes me think that they were ASKED to draw all their Valiant Force like this.

It's a shame to reduce a good artist to...this.


Sims 4 page on Steam. Not to be controversial but I think the CEO of EA should be beheaded for this

if anyone got the game from origin heres an unlocker for dlc + links to the dlc files to download that an anon sent me a while back :] its worked perfectly for my game but jus make sure u have enough storage for the packs




The 2024 Gender Census is now open!

The 11th annual international gender census, collecting information about the language we use to refer to ourselves and each other, is nowΒ open until 13th June 2024.

It’s short and easy, about 5 minutes probably.

After the survey is closed I’ll process the results and publish a spreadsheet of the data and a report summarising the main findings. Then anyone can use them for academic or business purposes, self-advocacy, tracking the popularity of language over time, and just feeling like we’re part of a huge and diverse community.

If you think you might have friends and followers who’d be interested, please do reblog this blog post, and share the survey URL by email or at AFK social groups or on other social networks. Every share is extremely helpful - it’s what helped us get 40,000 responses last year.

The survey is open to anyone anywhere who speaks English and feels that the gender binary doesn’t fully describe their experience of themselves and their gender(s) or lack thereof.

Thank you so much!

Image credit:Β Malachite and rhodochrosite.

Anonymous asked:

Hey there! So, basically, after learning about Tulpamancy, i've spent countless days contamplating about it, and I decided to create my own Tulpa! His name is Nico and I had my first forcing session with him last night, and i'm exicitated for my second session later today. But I have a question about what is Nico communicating and what is not. So, today I tried to passive force while going through my day, and whenever I called our his name, a feeling of warmth spreaded through my body. This wasn't a one time thing, it was consistent multiple times, and it was always when I called his name. I was wondering if this is really him? I tried researching to see if anyone expirienced something similiar, but found nothing, and I really don't know if this is my mind tricking me or something.

Oh shit, congrats! What you're describing is (almost) definitely an emotional response, you can tell by now consistent it is. Getting emotional responses from your tulpa is way common before getting actual full sentences and such, so this is a big step in the right direction for ya both. Keep paying attention to the kinds of emotions you get from him, it's probably his best way to communicate! Generally, if it feels like it's attributed to your tulpa, it probably is- he can always clear it up later when he can communicate clearer for ya if need be.

Good luck to both of ya!! Your progress is wild already good going


Yeah congratulations! Absolutely wild to get something like this already right off the bat! I didn't and still haven't lol


Oh i looove her. Her name is Keloid

Super gross in a good way

Dont like how it clashes with the bright pink but thats just a nitpick


I'm still wondering about the name, though. Like, 'keloid' is straight-up the term for the shape that two of my scars take, and now they itch like the mosquito bite from hell.


And we have a complete group of 12! (This image is a small version of the full one because tumblr only accepts a low file size). Here's some details and/or stuff you might've seen or not, going in order.

  • It's relatively obvious, but there's a certain Japanese theme (like how the original group has an Italian theme as per the Inferno), as everyone has a Japanese weapon and each group has one person whose references to certain traditions are a bit more obvious.
  • Sam uses a tantou, that is, a type of short sword that might also be called just a dagger. When I was making a plan for this, I was considering weapon choices influenced by personality.
  • Aidan uses a naginata. It's similar to a glaive or a guandao but it is yet something different. It's stereotypically also used by women but I thought to shake that up.
  • Bonnie's weapon is a bit more obscure, as in that it's tekkou-kagi; 'ninja' claws that was used more to climb with. She's shown using one here, but if her other arm is intact, then she totally uses two.
  • Daniel uses a kusarigama, which is also the only real way for me to see a scythe as a realistic weapon (the blade is curved towards you!), because it's been used as one in that form. Around his arm is a red and white lint.
  • Omar's weapon is a yari, edited in shape to resemble his symbol. I was also inspired by Kyouko Sakura's spear.
  • Clara's weapon looks similar to Sam's, but is different as it is a yoroi-doushi, an armor-breaking dagger.
  • Leonardo is the odd one out.
  • Jacqueline's uniform was based on the okappiki - Edo period law enforcers, and she thus uses the weapon that they used, that is, a jitte.
  • Dawn's weapon is kunai, and I made her uniform to slightly resemble ninja robes (the real ones, not the stereotypical ones).
  • Ash uses a rope dart. Poisoned weapons sound cool, until you realize that often, it just seeps back out with the blood. I figured that thus, a precision weapon is better if you want to make use of it.
  • David's weapon is similarly more obscure but I based it off a monk staff that you often see in media. Sort of a reference how he isn't really a fighter.
  • Anders, finally, uses a chigiriki (I didn't draw the weight). He's also holding an ofuda (paper talisman) and is surrounded by shimenawa (rope that's used to mark where the transition is between the mundane and the sacred).
Peculiars: Reticent Even though this Sinner has regained the ability to speak, he still is not a person to express himself much using words. It seems like he has been isolated from some time, but the manager should not let this impede any connections that may be needed within the company. In fact, Certain Things have already shown their interest in him - maybe, his power of the Mind Reamer - but the nature of this is as of yet not known. This should be approached with plenty of caution.

wee last stretch

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