

Ella | She/They
Formerly erhb51402

Auditory Processing Problems

• *someone says something* “what?” *repeats themselves* “sorry?” *repeats themselves again* “pardon?”

•"hey, y'see the red thing at the top of the shelf, will you get it?“ “Sorry, what?” “On the sh-” “oh yeah sure, I’ll get it.”

•*doesn’t hear teacher because someone’s pen is making a scratchy sound at the back of the room*

•*replays video 10 ten times to figure out what they’re saying*

•teachers asking, “why do you always stop writing in the middle of a sentence, just write down whatever I’m saying,” followed by the response, “I’m just processing it,” rebuked by, “we’ll stop processing it and just write.”

•*gets really focused on staring out the window and goes through four songs without hearing a single on*

someone is whispering to their friends in the library, you don’t even know who this person is but you know their major, what state they grew up in, and their hobbies during high school. you just wanted to find a quiet spot to do your chemistry homework.

wanting to chime in on other people’s conversations all the time, but don’t, because you’re not suppose to be “listening” to them.

being the only person in the house that can hear that awful buzzing sound certain electronics make

hiding in your room because everything is too loud. 

motorcycles were invented by satan

being told that you have dog-like hearing by friends and family

being yelled at for “not listening” by friends and family. 

God. God. God. God.


This entire post is so fucking relatable it hurts


“You just need to learn to tune it out.”

Forgetting how to think because ambient noise is drowning out your internal monologue. 

“No, I don’t need the volume up, I’d just really like to put on subtitles. No, I don’t need to move closer, I just…”

Leaving the room whenever someone starts talking on the phone. 

Pausing your video whenever someone starts talking but trying really really hard not to seem passive aggressive about it. 

Struggling to explain why this one sound is the most horrible thing in the world while other very similar sounds are fine. 

you’re trying to listen to what some very important person is trying to say, but you can only focus on the conversations of the ppl around you

sitting in a restaurant and thinking the people sitting next to you are being SO loud because you can hear everything they’re saying, but when you mention it you get weird looks so obviously you’re just overreacting.

not being able to handle the little keyboard sounds as your mom types a text from across the room, but when you ask your mom (who is a quadruple texter) to put her phone on silent you get a murderous look, like you’ve asked her to kill her cat.

turning on ambient noises and trying to relax, only to end up turning it off because it’s not actually helping you fall asleep.

“the speakers are making this high pitched noise”

“what the hell are you talking about?”


“Just ignore it, and focus on the show.”

people telling me “how the fuck can you hear the wall clock ticking but not understand a word im saying when im talking to you??” (i swear i’m not ignoring you, i just can’t process your words)

and the absolute kicker:  it took me nearly three decades of life to realise that all of the above meant I had an auditory processing disorder because, quite frankly, it isn’t discussed enough.  and by enough, i mean at all.


I… experienced way too many of these not to be stunned right now.

i have… most of these??


“I don’t want to go to that restaurant because it’s too loud.”

“It’s 2 PM, like three people will be in there.”

“Great, so the TV will sound even louder to me.”

“We’ll ask them to turn it off.”

*hopeless look* “None of that will help because the ceiling is too high.”

“You noticed the ceiling?”

“You didn’t notice the echoes?”


there’s evidence that ancient roman curse tablets were mass produced and that’s honestly the funniest thing in the world to me.

oh to be born in 4th century BC Rome and wake up every morning to head out to my shift at the Curse Factory


There’s a lot of demand! Mater and pater curse shops just can’t keep up with it. 


No, it still applies.

The Third Amendment states that “No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law” meaning that the national guard or any other military force can’t just force themselves into private establishments for housing without permission, like how they forced hotels to accommodate them. And, thanks to the Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer (1952) case, Justice Robert H. Jackson is quoted saying that “seizure of needed military housing must be authorized by Congress.”

Guess what they didn’t do?

Go through Congress.


Night in the Woods and Oneshot are both in it, not to mention literally hundreds of other cool indie games I haven’t played yet that look really cool and promising. 

Also I’d like to reiterate it is $5 minimum for over $3,400 worth of content, which is just fucking insane.


as a welsh person i want you all to accept that W is a vowel because honestly it makes pronouncing acronyms so much easier. wlw becomes ‘ooloo’, wjec becomes ‘oojeck’, love yourselves and stop giving us shit when we tell you welsh has 7 vowels. english actually has 15 vowel sounds but because y’all only use 5 letters you have to rely on a spelling system devised by satan

and please, enough with the “keyboard smashing” jokes. not original, not funny.

yeah, we can actually because the spelling is phonetic. meanwhile english folks have placenames like bicester or keighley or beaulieu, which you have to learn the pronunciation for individually because the rules are so inconsistent. i mean people can’t even agree how to pronounce marylebone but sure welsh place names are the weird ones

fun fact: for decades children were beaten for speaking welsh in school, even in areas where english was barely spoken, because the government decided in 1847 that the language made people lazy and immoral

fun fact: welsh orthography is actually easy to read if you take your head out of your arse for one minute and learn our alphabet - just like french, or spanish, or korean, because surprise! languages use different spelling systems that are not based on english. novel, i know - and in the 18th century, travelling schools were able to teach people to read and write welsh in a matter of months, so that wales enjoyed a literate majority, a rare thing in europe at the time

fun fact: the english have been taking the piss out of welsh for years, just like they’ve been doing for irish, and scots gaelic, and cornish, and british sign language, and a hundred and one other languages, because evidently the fact that the whole world isn’t anglophone and monocultured and Still Part Of The Empire is a problem, and something that needs to be corrected

(quietly cheers in support of the Welsh, and your language sounds beautiful, too)

drag them, wales!

Go Wales

the thing people need to get through their heads is what the original statement is:

W is a vowel, and LL and FF are single letters not two Ls or two Fs. Saying LL is two letters is as dumb as saying W is two letters just because it looks like two Vs.

We have a different alphabet, it just looks a lot like the english one.


Welsh is, in addition, one of the oldest surviving indo-European languages. It dates back as far as 4,000 years and is one of the few surviving Celtic languages. 



If you could colonise Mars, it would only take two generations before there were conspiracy theories that we never came from Earth in the first place.

Unlikey, scientists keep better records than redit

Nobody would ever mistake Mars for our homeworld, it fucking sucks.

It’s unlikely we would ever colonize Mars in the first place, it’s a glorified pebble with literally 10% of Earth’s mass. That’s right, the same as 0.107 Earths.

That’s one reason it only has 38% of Earth’s gravity. A 200lb astronaut would only weigh 76lbs on Mars, which may not be enough to prevent low-G health problems like brittle bones and weakened heart muscle.

It’s also not enough to hold an atmosphere, which is why Mars has 0.006 atm of air pressure. To be clear, Earth at sea level is 1 atm.

That’s not very good for holding warmth, and combined with the extra distance from the sun, Martian temperatures are downright Antarctic.

Solar power is sketchy at best, considering the combination of less sun and planet-wide dust storms.

That doesn’t help with radiation either. Mars has neither an active magnetic field, nor a thick atmosphere, so the surface gets fried with UV every single day.

For compparison, Venus is closer, it has a thick atmosphere to block radiation, and it has over 90% of Earth’s gravity!

Sure, the surface of Venus is hot enough to melt tin, lead, or zinc. Yes, there are clouds of acid, and yes, the atmospheric pressure is equal to being under a kilometer of water, but those are all surface problems.

So don’t land on the surface!

At 55km/34miles up, it has the most Earth-like environment in the entire solar system. The average temperature at that altitude is 27°C/80°F, with air pressure actually less than sea level, comparable to the pressure on an Earth mountain or Tibetan monastery.

However, due to the fact that Venus has an atmosphere that’s almost entirely dense carbon dioxide, both nitrogen and oxygen would be buoyant lifting gases. Normal breathable air would have over 60% of the lifting power helium has on Earth.

A balloon could float you above the acid cloud layer, where temperatures are like a summer day and you could safely go outside wearing nothing but an oxygen mask. A hole in the balloon would not cause explosive decompression, and could easily be patched by hand.

The atmosphere is very dry, but those clouds of acid come in handy because they contain water that you can distill.

Venus receives more sunlight than Earth, and the clouds are so reflective that you could have solar panels on both the top and bottom of a floating habitat. Even without those, you could tap into the constant hurricane-force winds for power.

Predictably, the uninterrupted sunlight, slightly reduced gravity, absence of pests, and high levels of CO2 would make it easy to grow food crops.

Carbon fiber and nanotubes are only going to get more popular, and they may be easier to produce in zero-G. Hell, what isn’t? Having machinery weigh nothing is a major advantage.

That obscenely dense CO2 atmosphere is a pretty superb source, and the short transit times between here and there are good for commercial shipping. At the closest point, Mars is 55 million kilometers away, but Venus is only 40 million kilometers away.

That means less lag time for communications, more frequent launch windows, and almost a month less travel time, which allows you to get away with less supplies and more cargo.

Anyway, fuck Mars

Fuck it, Venusian Cloud City here we come


In Revenge Of The Sith (2005) baby Luke and Leia had to be played by actual babies due to the fact that that Mark Hammil and Carrie Fisher had not been babies for some time.


sam really told frodo ‘it’s me, it’s your sam. don’t you know your sam?’ and yet homophobes are still out there thinking they’re allowed to enjoy the lord of the rings. idiots

Sam when Frodo wakes up from a coma:

“He ran to Frodo and took his left hand, awkwardly and shyly. He stroked it gently and then he blushed and turned hastily away.

‘Hullo, Sam!’ said Frodo.

‘It’s warm!’ said Sam. ‘Meaning your hand, Mr. Frodo. It has felt so cold through the long nights.’“ (225)

Sam to a sleepy Frodo after they’ve been traveling with Gollum for a while:

“If we’re caught napping, Stinker will come out on top pretty quick. No but what it would be safe for you to have a wink now, master. Safe; if you lay close to me. I’d be dearly glad to see you have a sleep. I’d keep watch over you; and anyway, if you lay near, with my arm round you, no one could come pawing you without Sam knowing it.” (714)

Sam watching Frodo sleep:

“Then as he kept watch Sam had noticed that at times a light seemed to be shining faintly within; but now the light was even clearer and stronger. Frodo’s face was peaceful, the marks of fear and care had left it; but it looked old, old and beautiful, as if the chiseling of the shaping years was now revealed in many fine lines that had before been hidden, though the identity of the face was not changed. Not that Sam Gamgee put it that way to himself. He shook his head, as if finding words useless, and murmured: ‘I love him. He’s like that, and sometimes, it shines through, somehow. But I love him, whether or no.’“ (659)



a black woman named zoe amira posted a video on youtube. this video is an hour long and filled with art and music from black creators. it has a ton of ads, and in result will rack up a ton of revenue. 100% of the ad revenue from the video will be dispersed between various blm organizations, including bail-out funds for protesters. it will be split between the following, dependent on necessity

  1. brooklyn bail fund
  2. minnesota freedom fund
  3. atlanta action network
  4. columbus freedom fund
  5. louisville community bail fund
  6. chicago bond
  7. black visions collective
  8. richmond community bail fund
  9. the bail project inc
  10. nw com bail fund
  11. philadelphia bail fund
  12. the korchhinski-parquet family gofundme
  13. george floyd’s family gofundme
  14. blacklivesmatter.com
  15. reclaim the block
  16. aclu
turn off your adblocker and put the video on repeat. do not skip ads. let it play on loop whether you’re listening or not. mute the tab if you need to focus elsewhere. but let. it. play.
youtube will donate to blm for you.

please, please reblog. for people who don’t have money to spare, this is incredibly important information to have.


this is my funniest post because i accidentally replaced early with early.

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