@nyu-zitos / nyu-zitos.tumblr.com

loving the clouds

sorry for being so ia lately, promise i'll stay here now 😸


ultimamente eu tenho estado meio cansada por causa de alguns problemas e da escola, então vou entrar em hiatus por um tempo, perdão às pessoas que eu não respondi as asks de agora.

use translator

Anonymous asked:

can you pls make some tzuyu layouts

here! hope you like<3

2nd and 3rd headers by me

Anonymous asked:

what kind of keywords do u search in pinterest to have some aesthetic headers?

i use to search for example "yellow messy moodboard" "pink messy moodboard", you just need to search the color you want + "messy moodboard", at least this is how i do 😉


oii me dêem ideias de idol pra fazer pack !

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