
@zuspenders2 / zuspenders2.tumblr.com

i’m feeling something deep inside

im trying to figure out how to use tumblr again and i rlly feel like a geriatric learning how to use a computer for the first time lol


gonna be honest. if you’ve never seen an addict personally. never been close with an addict personally. never been affected by an addict personally. never personally dealt with mourning an addict who is very much still alive because of the foreign soul they’ve become. never had complicated feelings and hurt and memories regarding an addict in your life.

you have no right to speak on any of this as if you know addiction. for the love of god, shut the fuck up for once over something so intimate and so fragile that you know absolutely nothing about. if you don’t know the face of addiction. if you don’t know the highs and the lows and the creases and wrinkles and phone calls and tears and sobriety and relapse and pain and confusion of addiction. shut… the fuck…. up.

I also want to take this opportunity to give a nice little birthday shoutout to one of my best mates in the world, Mr. Liam Payne x

1719 by ha:tfelt (2020) // bathers on the lawn by ernst ludwig kirchner (1910) // braid by hannah lock (2018) // women & jars by mina hamidi (2015)


on grief

1. the chronology of water, lidia yuknavitch

2. grief, ewa szymanska

3. jamie anderson

4. inconsolable grief, ivan kramskoi

5. taking care, callista buchen

6. at eternity’s gate, vincent van gogh

7. the chronology of water, lidia yuknavitch

8. on earth we’re briefly gorgeous, ocean vuong

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