
@amaroforpresident /

sadie. specializing in italian & cuban men. frequently nsfw. new tag: 🍋
Anonymous asked:

what’s your new url????

im not publicly posting !! 💗


hi! coming to say that i will be checking in weekly to grab people that need the new account, until no one else asks! thats all


1. Hey I just wanted to say I feel for you with all the shit people have been saying anonymously, honestly that just says a lot more about the type of people that they are, not bucking up and putting a face to their comments. As a minor (in high school) I just want to say that people are way off on the whole law breaking aspect. Just because we’re minors doesn’t mean the laws can regulate our thoughts/ fantasies. If you don’t like it you can go somewhere else.


ooh! ^^


You want me to fight these Anons for you? Cause I'll do it. I ain't afraid of jail boo-boo. So I mean I gotchu if you're okay with it. I will gouge their eyes out with my house keys if you want me to.


i'll be alright! thank you !!


Hi! I’d love your new URL when you make it. It sucks that you’re getting this hate, your blog is so good :( hopefully this new one will be drama free and hater free😒


i hope so too

Anonymous asked:

No offense, but if you make a new blog people will still know its you based on the things that you talk about that no one else does

i feel generally uncomfortable continuing on this blog. if the negativity arises on the new blog it's going to be deleted. i needed to find a way to continue writing as an outlet for my own emotions and so that seemed like the best decision. i don't care if people know that's it me writing, i just don't want to be treated the way that i was here.


Let me know when you’ve got a new URL 💓💓 tumblr should always be a safe place for people to express themselves! And to the horrible anon who won’t stop fucking with you- you’re literally bullying a minor wtf is wrong with you????




A reminder

- Statutory only applies if there’s actual sexual contact between a minor and an adult

- CP only applies if there’s actual images of a minor in a sexual context

what’s wild is that neither of those things apply to a teenager writing smut about grown adults/mentioning sexual things

Anonymous asked:

It's really not a big deal and I'm not being a 'hater'. First off, if you want people to think you're mature for your age, handling criticism well goes much further than posting porn. You said to just go to a different blog if people don't want to read about minors' sex fantasies, that's exactly my point and why you should put a disclaimer. So people can go elsewhere. It's also a little odd to me that you watch SVU and don't know about statutory rape or laws regarding minors and porn.


I am not part of this conversation but nosy me wants to butt in.

I don’t understand the logic behind suggesting that people avoid the blogs of minors who post sexual content. Reading someone’s post does not make you a pervert, and it’s not a crime.

I skimmed through Sadie’s posts today and I don’t see how statutory rape laws apply. If you claim to watch SVU, anon, you should be able to make a better legal argument.

Minors posting explicit photos is one thing, that’s illegal. But talking about sex is perfectly normal. Many many minors have sex. It’s not like teens avoid all sexual things and once they hit 18, bam, they can talk/have all the sex they want. Behavior is not that black and white.

And policing people’s blogs is kinda rude.

I agree. I do have to say at first I was like ‘oh they’re a minor, maybe I shouldn’t follow them let them follow me’. It was a fleeting thought. I realized that these minors are expressing themselves in a healthy, SAFE way.

 All the stories I have read have been consensual and respectful to the other party. I think, and this is my opinion, that the content here depicts what a mature, safe, consensual sexual relationship should be. 

Anonymous asked:

If you think you’re actually being harassed, you have a real cushy life. And it has nothing to do with sexism. I’m a girl FYI. And statutory rape applies because you’re underage and begging older men such as Peter Scanavino and Al Pacino to fuck you. You’re romanticizing older men wanting to have sex with you when you’re under age. Also, tumblr isn’t some safe house. People can say whatever they feel. If you can’t handle this, you’re not ready to be an adult.

I- did I miss the part where she actually fucked Peter Scanavino and Al Pacino and her stories are true retellings?

Not to mention a lot of her writings are reader inserts and not “I, amaroforpresident, at age X, still a minor, am sucking Sonny Carisi’s dick” - it honestly goes without saying that all of her “characters” are of age- bc I’m sure if presented with the opportunity, she wouldn’t actually have sex with these men at her age. She watches SVU. She knows better.

(You’re allowed to want to have sex with older men. You aren’t allowed to- or rather, those older men aren’t allowed to have sex with you- and Sadie, I assure you, has not been apart of any criminal action.)

((There’s minors actually doing illegal and harmful things, and adults actually doing illegal and harmful things to minors, and Sadie is here quite literally doing something constructive with her PERFECTLY NORMAL feelings))

(((And if you really want to say that when you were a minor, you didn’t do something that was “””technically””” bad- fantasize, see nudity in a film, curiously browse some porn websites- you are 100% throwing stones from a glass house.)))


As long as OP isn’t posting nudes of themselves and purposefully inviting old men to talk to them in a sexual way, there’s nothing wrong with what they do. People need to get over themselves


I read about you moving to a new blog (I follow you on my svu account sonnshinecarisi) and would love to have your new URL to follow you whenever you start it up. I also wanted to say that I’m really sorry that all this shits gone down, I’ve seen it happen to so many blogs it’s sad


thank you.


It boggles my mind why people don't turn away from stuff that bothers them. The horse is dead, quit beating it! Enough leave them alone and let them post what they want! If you don't like it there is an arrow or X somewhere on your screen! Click it and buzz off stop trying to dictate what others want to write about. Im sorry that anon is making you feel unable to express yourself freely. Its your blog and you write what you want. Tumblr is a space for fandoms, and thats why we share our ideas.




I definitely would love to have the url to your new blog when you have it ready and I also want to let you know you are amazing. Some people can't stand to see others happy or embracing their talents/passions and try to tear them down. You, you have a talent and although it's hard, don't let them dull your sparkle. I believe and have faith in you, as do so many other people and I just wanted to let you know that. I hope things turn up for you, especially the corners of your mouth.


thank you so much. you all are really so incredible and wonderful people that are so full of love that i can't hardly handle it.

Anonymous asked:

I’m so sorry this is happening to you. I’ll miss you. You’re one of my favorite blogs.

i won't be gone forever, anon!



im saying goodbye to this blog. two years and 827 followers later. hopefully the time and only the most supportive people will transfer. this blog and it's contents are staying up, but i am moving elsewhere.

i won't be gone forever. im in the process of making a new blog that will be free of private information and (hopefully) discourse and drama.

in short: message me if you want the new url. it will not be publicly posted on this blog.


What’s wild is that I’m willing to bet the people harassing Sadie are all anons because they don’t wanna be called out for refusing to leave alone someone who keeps saying that she doesn’t want to argue and is in emotional distress over how she’s being treated

Like honestly. Y’all wanna preach, have the courage to not hide behind the anonymous function like the immature coward you are ✌️

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