
somewhere, even now, there is snow.

@okaybirdboy / okaybirdboy.tumblr.com

corey/bug / 17 / he/him / ‘artist’ - multifandom :)

The romanization of Hawai’i only tightens America’s grip on my people.

We are not the land of Lilo and Stitch. We are not a paradise.

We are a nation suffering.

There are only around 600,000 Native Hawaiians left. Only around 200,000 of them live in Hawai’i.

Hawai’i has the second largest homeless population in the nation, falling just behind New York. There are 19 million people in New York. Hawaii only has 1.4 million people. Yet their homeless rates are neck and neck. A majority of those experiencing homelessness in Hawai’i are Native Hawaiian.

Tourism destroys sacred land. Mountains are moved to make room for telescopes. People live in tiny concrete apartments that cost $2k a month because the rich move to the islands to carve their own paradise. My people spend every night praying we can afford to eat the next day

The Navy poisons the water over and over. They lie and say it’s safe. People fall ill. Then they dump the waste into the ocean and promise to do better. They lie.

End the romanization of Hawai’i. There is no paradise under American occupation.


not to be rude but some of y'all need to look on the bright side sometimes. like, yeah sure the world is fucked and people suck and we all die whatever, sure, but like. go outside.

ok i phrased this poorly, hang on.

i'm not saying the cure for depression is touching grass. however, if you surround yourself with sad things and talk about how terrible life is and how much you're suffering and never take a breath and remember it's not all bad, you'll end up making yourself worse.

like, i've been diagnosed with clinical depression, and anxiety, and insomnia, and chronic pain, and a million other things that get in the way of me having a simple fucking good day, but you know what?

i watch videos that make me happy and wear pretty clothes and cut my hair in fun styles and do my makeup and drink strawberry tea and take two showers a day and i look on the bright side because goddamnit if god is trying to break me down, he'll have to try harder.

i see so many people talk about how sad they are, who make their depression their first priority, and i get it, i really do, but you know that is actively harming your mental state, right? please, just do something nice for yourself, think positively for one day. i promise things get better when you step back and breathe.


this will never not be funny to me

i think as op i shd give the context here...they're talking about the fucking hamburglar ❤️


in all seriousness it's very alienating knowing theres Something Wrong With You. like seeing your mental illness come through in your behaviour and thought processes and knowing it's irrational and unhealthy, knowing other people are reading you as weird or stupid, and not being able to do anything about it is such a lonely experience


i dont get how ppl will see a picture of like. a super deep sea squid and be filled w horror. like bro its a squid. possibly undiscovered, yes, but still. a squid. YES its tentacles r strange and long. YES it is gross to look at. but when was the last time u were at the bottom of the deep sea floor? do u rlly think that it is going to hurt u? its just some guy minding its business leave him alone

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