
got war and peace inside my dna

@blackhermionegrangers / blackhermionegrangers.tumblr.com

maryam // shaolin's the dj that we call conductor 'cause shaolin fantastic's a bad mother - // a dumbass who accidentally deleted her blog

seen this screenshotted on ig and stuff like this really confirms that all the endless online discourse just isn’t going anywhere or progressing in any way and bc there is no big contradiction here. The beauty standard is one that idealizes light/white skin, coloured eyes, straight hair, whiteness in general. Black women do not meet that standard, the standard was specifically constructed at the expense of black women. When white/nonblack women bronze or tan themselves into oblivion, when they wear braids or locs or baby hair, when they get lip fillers or over line their lips, it’s not bc black women are the beauty standard that they are desperately trying to assimilate to but bc they view it as an exotic costume they want to try on. Being/having your features exotified or fetishized doesn’t equal being the beauty standard, it will not confer on to you the privilege + power that comes w desirability. By being “exotic” u are an Other which means by definition you aren’t and cannot be the standard. There are no negative consequences that come with a nonblack person failing to or not wanting to adhere to these aesthetics, can the same be said for a black woman who doesn’t meet the (white/eurocentric) beauty standard? Absolutely not, especially depending on how far they stray from it (how dark their skin, how curly their hair, etc).

There is no contradiction between our beauty/looks (and our humanity with it) being devalued and nonblack people appropriating our cultures. The fact that they can get praised for and profit off doing things that on us are considered ugly, unkempt, unprofessional, etc is what makes it appropriation. Cultural appropriation isn’t just “wearing things from a culture that you like” there are power dynamics at play that make it appropriation. Nonblack ppl appropriating black cultures doesn’t mean we’re the standard, if we were the standard it wouldn’t be appropriation, it would be assimilation.




*9pm, eastern standard time*

From here

on in

I shoot


See if anything comes of it instead of my old shit

  • First shot: Roger, tuning the fender guitar he hasn’t played in a year
Roger: (muttering) This won’t tune.
Mark: So we hear. He’s just coming back from half a year of withdrawl—
Roger: Are you talking to me?
Mark: Not at all. :) Are you ready?

(Guitar hit)

Mark: HoLd tHAt fOcUS, stEaDy!

(Guitar hit)

Mark: Tell the folks at home what you’re doing Roger!
Roger: I’m writing one great song—

(The phone rings)

Roger: (sarcastic) Saved!
Mark: We screen

(z o o m i n o n t h e a n s w e r i n g m a c h i n e...)


Can we give Giancarlo Esposito a role where he gets to be a normal person, has moods, and maybe smile sometimes. That man can do so much more than being the cold calculating ceo of a morally ambiguous empire


...damn, I just realised that’s exactly what he’s been in everything I’ve watched him in...

We shouldn’t have to keep rewatching Last Holiday too see him use the other part of his range as an actor


Honestly what has become of the word “woke” is truly a perfect microcosm of how black people’s languages and ideas and creations and cultures are stolen and coopted and distorted into something unrecognizable. In the case of woke, it was a word in AAVE that was basically just used to refer to someone who was conscious of the situation and struggles and plight of black people. That’s all it was. And then nonblack ppl got their hands on it and the term was ruined. First it was liberals who only had a vague idea of what it meant and ended up overusing it in situations where it barely applied or didn’t apply at all (which led to the birth of the “woke bae”) and erased the term’s specific roots in blackness. Conservatives got their hands on it and began using it as a pejorative mainly towards black people (used in the same way that terms like sjw, feminazi, etc are used). And now there are certain leftists who use it pejoratively as well as part of their endless tirade against “identity politics” (which is also usually just poorly shielded racism, particularly antiblackness). The word was stolen, overused, coopted, commodified, derided (along with its creators), distorted to the point that it was ruined and whatever usefulness and relevance it once had is gone. Nothing black ppl create is safe from this treatment

this is also why I’m at the point where any nonblack person, no matter where they fall on the political spectrum, using the term “woke” pejoratively is suspect to me lmao. Like, if you simply don’t think it’s a useful word because of how it has evolved and been distorted, if you want to critique how it has been distorted, if you don’t want to use it bc it’s AAVE and it feels out of ur lane as a nonblack person, if u just don’t care for it, fine. And if any black person doesn’t like it or wants to make fun of it obviously they have every right to. But nonblack ppl using the term as an insult, as though it’s a negative trait on a person, as though it’s the worst thing u can be, is a red flag to me at this point. The way they use it has almost become a dogwhistle.

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