
Journey before destination, you bastard

@crowreys-wormstache / crowreys-wormstache.tumblr.com

Jess, 24, ISFP, Multi-fandom, notorious shitposting, the occasional post in czech

It shouldn't happen. It doesn't happen. Not here.

This one is for my foreign followers. If it is relevant to you or yours, I'm sure you've already heard. If it isn't, I want you to hear about it anyway.

CW/TW: mass shooting, endangerment of students, death.

On Thursday the 21st, there was an active shooter at the faculty of arts of the Charles University in Prague, Czech republic. My university. My faculty. He killed 12 students, two teachers and himself and wounded 25 more. Some of them are still in critical condition.

It was the first ever school shooting in out country and the worst ever mass shooting.

Me and mine are safe. Everyone I know either wasn't there that day or was evacuated. Others were not so lucky. We do not know the names of all the victims yet as they haven't all been offiicially shared. But we do know 6 of them. The two teachers and four girls, all freshmen, all barely out of their teens if at all.

It's horrible. Nobody knows what to do, how to feel. I haven't slept more than a couple hours since.

It can happen anywhere. It will happen anywhere. But specifically to my american followers I want to say this: I promise you this does not mean that regulations don't work. It means the exact opposite. Again, this is the worst it gets here if a shooting even happens. 15 dead is still too many. But it is one incident in decades. One. Prevail. Oppose lax ownership laws. It makes a difference.

If you are willing and able, please consider donating to the fund for the survivors and families of the victims.

Stay safe. I love you.


The Original Rainbow Pride Flag (1978) by Gilbert Baker.

As this post gets popular every June, I would like to remind people a few things about it!

  1. The pink stripe is there, it's just hard to see
  2. It's displayed this way to protect the flag
  3. Gilbert Baker was not Jewish
  4. It likely came from many sources of inspiration, including: -The promise of the rainbow in the Bible (Baker was raised Methodist) -"She's a Rainbow" by the Rolling Stones -The American Hippie Movement -The Flag of the Races -The general symbolism of rainbows in mythology and culture

have i ever shown u people my hand sofa

my prized possession is this loveseat I bought from a divorced dad who couldn’t tell me anything about it and in the years i’ve owned it i’ve never been able to find out who made it or where it came from. it’s got nails and finger creases and palm lines but they’re all kinda hard to see in this pic.


Trans women will never be free until people stop having strong emotions about penises. Like we, as a society, have got to stop caring about dicks! Dicks have to stop symbolizing maleness, obviously, but they also have to stop symbolizing power, dominance, sexual agency and aggression, violence, and even sex itself. Like trans women can’t be free if the very conceptual presence of a penis represents an intrusion(!) of unwanted(!) sexuality(!) in public life. Like that’s why trans women are abhorrent to both male chauvinists and radical feminists, because both groups have extremely strong feelings about what a penis *represents*, and find the conceptual and actual presence of a woman with a penis to be simultaneously vile and nonsensical because they’ve loaded so much symbolic baggage onto both women and penises.

Anyway dicks are totally neutral body parts and seeing a dick, or a bulge in a swimsuit, or simply knowing that there’s a dick somewhere in the same bathroom as you isn’t harmful or violent


the grim reaper being armed with an enormous razor sharp scythe becomes a lot less intimidating when you understand just how common a tool scythes actually were in the pre industrial era of agriculture. it's like if we invented a personification of death called "the dark handyman" who takes souls by loosening them from the body with his wrench.

lunch break at the grim reaper factory

sure, and in the first half of the 20th century people had in their minds the spectre of the axe murderer and in the modern day we have a collective understanding that scary and violent death rapidly approaching looks like this:

humans will just be like "damn we have some scary equipment lying around where anyone could pick it up. hope that doesn't embed itself in the collective unconscious" and then it will


I think people going about Jon being in the therapist office are forgetting the very important part that they were in a place for court-ordered therapy. We don't have the insane take of a version of Jonathan Sims that seeks help we have a version of Jonathan Sims that somehow commited a crime and was forced by law to finally go to therapy.


"objectively physically attractive but in possession of negative rizz" is one of my favorite character concepts. i think it's so great when there's an absurdly hot person who's just a complete fucking loser. the mood is unsalvageable the moment they open their mouth kind of deal. you get no bitches because you're so sucks.

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