
The Lair of A Sad Butterfly

@chronicangelca / chronicangelca.tumblr.com

Welcome to my blog where I post what I want and am very tired. Check my About Me page for an actual description. PFP and cover both by @hgmercury73.

never let anyone tell you that trawling through mediocre victorian poetry isn't worth it. we just happened upon an absolute BANGER of a worm poem. go read it or else 🪱🪱🪱


the reviews are in... glad everyone's enjoying song of the worm

[id: tumblr tags reading 'dude This Fucking Rules', 'holy fucking shit! that was legit so cool?', 'holy shit that is fucking metal', 'oh this fucks severely', 'yeah no this fucking SLAPS', 'yo this RULES']


Holy fucking shit this is one of the most incredible things I have ever read. I am dead serious. I PROMISE you that you want to read this, and you're going to immediately send it to all your weird friends who you also know will love it.


Interesting that Stephanie Brown reminds Dick of a young Barbara Gordon but reminds Bruce of a young Dick Grayson. So much to read into there.

Batgirl (2009) #7 & Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Batgirl

They’re both projecting. They’re impressed by what they see in Steph so they liken her to the person they hold in the highest of regards; for Dick that’s Babs and for Bruce that’s Dick.

On the other hand, Stephanie, current Batgirl and former Robin, does in fact draw parallels to both Babs and Dick; the first Batgirl and Robin!! And Dick and Bruce recognise this. Her spirit is relentless and fucking unbreakable and she’s independent to a fault; qualities associated with Babs’ strong character. More technically, she’s light-footed, agile and always pinging around the battlefield, and she’s also cunning, always using her words to throw off her opponents; skills and techniques particularly associated with how Dick operates.

Another important thing to note is that that Dick, now Batman, has come to know Stephanie as the Batgirl, and so likens her to the original Batgirl, while Bruce still remembers Stephanie as his Robin, and so likens her to the original Robin.

Nevertheless, despite what a lot of the bat fandom may tell you, people can be more than just one thing.


Вообще это должна была быть серия артов дейвджейдов в разных музыкальных референсах, но было слишком наивно надеяться на такую продуктивность (прошел год) да и сейчас это может сделать нейронка такчто мхе


method actor this method actor that. toshiro mifune played a guy getting shot at by arrows by getting shot at by arrows

and yeah i believe it. ^ this is the face of a guy getting shot at by arrows



(For those who are about to ask, it’s called Throne of Blood in English but its actual name is Spiderweb Castle and some Shakespeare scholars are big mad about it because other Shakespeare scholars consider it the best film adaptation of Macbeth ever made and we can’t have that)

THE ARCHERS DIDN’T KNOW MIFUNE’S BLOCKING. Every time you see him fling out an arm he’s actually signaling to the archers which way he’s about to go. That’s it, that’s what they had to go on. And they were shooting on location on Mount Fuji, which Akira Kurosawa had chosen SPECIFICALLY FOR ITS DENSE FOG.

However, BECAUSE this was Akira Kurosawa—if you don’t know that name think “Stanley Kubrick but earlier and Japanese and not quite as much of an asshole to his actors”—and he was insane, Mifune is also wearing real 19th-century feudal lord armor, in the sense that while it’s a modern reproduction it is completely functional. A feudal lord from the early 1800s could have been resurrected in the 1950s when this was filmed, handed this armor, and would have gone “yeah, that’s correct.” There are actually a couple of shots where you see arrows hit his torso and bounce off, or stick in the armor but they’ve very clearly only just barely stuck rather than going through.

So his torso is protected, and there’s a railing in front of him that provides some protection to his legs, and yes, this means THE MOST VULNERABLE PART OF HIM WAS ALSO THE ONLY PART THAT WOULD DEFINITELY KILL HIM: his face. I’m sure it was of very little comfort to him that the archers also weren’t very powerful shots.

Oh, and his character dies by taking an arrow through the neck. You can tell that one is a trick shot because it’s the only shot filmed from that specific angle, but I can imagine Mifune was none too eager to do it after all this.

While I’m here: you should watch Spiderweb Castle. I show it because it is a GORGEOUS retelling of Macbeth, which is relevant to my panel, but more importantly Kurosawa decided to shoot it in the style of Noh theatre drama, and that’s what I like to highlight. Although the story that inspired it is Western, Kurosawa took one look at it and went “oh that is 1000000% a thing that would have happened here” and the story as he tells it is so clearly, fully, and unashamedly Japanese in both style and tone. It’s a fantastic look into another culture and a masterful film.

For anyone interested in a look into Spiderweb Castle's camera work, here is a link to a video by @swampjawn comparing shots from Miyazaki's Princess Mononoke to Spiderweb Castle (aka Throne of Blood)! It's very good and thoughtfully laid out.


It's important to drink a lot of fluids when you're sick so that your body has the raw materials to generate gallons of snot.

I learned recently that mucus basically traps the viruses and expels them from your body which is why your body makes SO MUCH of it so now I just imagine drinking liquids as hiring a bunch of goons to take out the thrash y'see nyeehh see we taking back the streets from the bowler hat boys flush em out real good

Perhaps there are many problems which could be solved if you just made enough mucus

Reblog if you are solving problems by generating enough mucus


hello ms. fish may i please get a voice line of you yelling "POLYAMORY BLAST" for i would like to do a little sound designing of said blast thank you very much ily


[Audio description:

Okay sure thing here goes:

(said like the title of Full Metal Alchemist) Polyamory Blast.

(said like a magical girl's attack) Polyamory Blast!

(said unsurely, as triumphant battle music plays) Now let's see how well you face against my Polyamory...Blast.

end description]

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