
Trash Boi ☆Ramsey☆


I Reign Over All Dumpster Fires And Trash Disasters

May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨

10 of Pentz came thruuu


Omg this actually works!!! Thank you 10 of Pentacles!!!

I could seriously use this money right now….

Please give me my refund of 400$ soon…

I feel obligated to reblog this every time it shows up in my dash

No bragging, just 100% floored and grateful. Work hard, maintain a positive attitude, and believe that anything can happen.

So I reblogged this exactly a week ago because I thought it was funny and uh lo and behold, a family friend wrote me a big ol’ check just to help me out of a tough financial spot AND my bank refunded me $32 for fees they’d originally taken out. SO UH YEAH. Reblogging this again in hopes that it brings equally good fortune to my followers.


Sure why not? Jobs bring in money and prosperity…



It fucking WORKED.


give me money

i can’t afford to breathe


i need to fix my whole life please


If you don’t reblog this you’re a person who didn’t reblog this.


STOP SCROLLING unless you don’t wanna stop scrolling then by all means keep scrolling no problem have a nice day


If you see only ONE thing today, maybe it was this moose, maybe not. I don’t know your life.


a hard pill to swallow: if an audience can pick up on where the story is going, it’s a good story.

A kinda related note i hope you don’t mind me adding on: one of the most life-changing bits of story advice i ever received was actually in a class on “Revenge and Vengeance in the Ancient World,” if you can believe it. The professor was talking about how everyone in ancient Greece knew all the Greek myths back to front and told them over and over again - and someone asked why they would keep retelling the same stories if they already knew they ended.

She explained that basically it wasn’t the ending that was the most suspenseful or exciting part, but how you got there. This is why The Iliad spoils its own ending in the opening lines. This is why we have so many different retellings of Shakespeare, of Arthurian legends, of fairy tales. 

There are no truly original stories or truly unpredictable endings. So, IMO, it’s better to focus on how you as a writer/filmmaker/artist/whatever can bring something new to the body of the story rather than trying to shock and mislead your audience. 

We have this misplaced focus now on “preserving the surprise” that comes out in really obvious ways like the Game of Thrones finale and Marvel’s slow decline as they refuse to tell their actors or composers anything that they could actually use to add depth to the story… but I find it really interesting the subtle ways this focus has affected our media without us even realizing as well.

I’m currently catching up on an Animorphs podcast by @dorkbajirchronicles, and a ton of places online recommend to new readers to read two of the books out of publishing order in order to preserve this one big reveal, so that’s what they did… and it fell SO FLAT. The casters ended up concluding that maybe it’s just because the series is geared toward kids and they’re adults, but I think the real explanation is that the reveal ISN’T what people think it’s meant to be. 

When the readers find out with the characters (out of publishing order), yes it’s a huge reveal… but it feels cheap, because it’s not meant to happen in this way. We are meant to find out ten books prior and spend the next chunk of time positively WRITHING with this giant chunk of knowledge that the characters don’t have!! It is so much more weighty that way!! The pull for us isn’t the surprise of finding out at the same time as them - it’s the intrigue of ‘I know this thing that they don’t know and WHEN are they going to find out??? HOW are they going to find out??? ARE they going to find out??? How will they react???’

And I think that set of questions - the I SEE IT COMING BUT WHEN AND HOW - are what we’ve slowly lost in recent years. The best stories are re-consumable even when we know what’s going to happen. If the only hook is that people don’t know where you are going, and there’s no foreshadowing so they can’t even try to predict it… you’re doing a bad job.

also attempting to make your ending always a surprise tends to result in either your ending just coming off as really dumb, or it not actually being that much of a surprise, which makes all the hype about the twist feel pointless. 

tl;dr: dramatic irony is Important and Powerful and, bizarrely, “spoiler culture” has led some modern storytellers to forget this.


As an aspiring author dealing with this issue right now–thank you. I very much needed to see things put this way!!


I’d rather read/watch a story with a predictable ending that has natural/well done progression to get there, than a story with a “surprise” ending that comes out of the left field.


one of my friends sent me this, and people thought i was CRAZY for preferring lowe’s over home depot. i’ve worked at lowe’s for a while, and let me tell you, they 100% pass the vibe check. they’re offering full time, paid 2-week sick leave for the virus, tuition payback, health insurance, and other benefits to all employees, not just full time. they offered us hazard pay and unlimited overtime to help employees make ends meet when their family members were laid off. we have a self-made, black CEO, Marvin Ellison, who started out working as a cashier making minimum wage, then went to school and got his masters degree, and worked his way up. we have community projects every year to donate labor and resources to build things like shelters, parks, and infrastructure, and we have a good time doing it. on top of that, they’re very diversity-driven. in my store alone, we have veteran, disabled, black, lesbian, gay, bi, and trans employees, and not ONCE has anyone been made fun of, treated differently, paid differently or even misgendered. and yep, we did donate 25m to minorities.

tl;dr: fuck home depot


.....so none of yall was gonna a tell me Lowes WAS BLACK OWNED????


Hey I know that we’re dealing with something huge right now but trump is trying to allow adoption agencies to refuse services to lgbtq+ families.... not only is this descrimination but there are TOO many children in the system for them to allow this. Those kids need homes.... I’m disgusted

Also this was posted on JUNE 6th, 2020 for context. Alright guys!! I couldn’t find a petition for this cause so I created one myself! If you want to sign it you can go HERE! If you have already reblogged this try and reblog it with the petition link! I appreciate you guys.


Archive.org is facing a lawsuit

tldr: the Internet Archive/WayBack Machine is super important in term of archived content, billions of stuff are on there, and with the current event happening in the world like stated above,without this tool, it will be hard to properly document what took place. It will be easy for certain people to rewrite history. Dont let them.

DONATE HERE (post dont get much exposure with working links sorry)




On twitter,tumblr,facebook,heck,anywhere you want,this needs to be talked about !

they’re being sued due to putting together an “emergency library”, essentially, in the wake of schools and libraries closing due to covid-19.

you can read about it in a few places. here’s one article on the subject, but there’s plenty to be found.


Netflix on Youtube: Hey! You like the Witcher right?? Look! New Witcher content! We recommend this video to you because our Witcher videos are really popular right now!!

Me: ʷʰᵉʳᵉ ᶦˢ ʲᵒᵉʸ

Netflix: It’s about monsters!

Me: W̶̺̬̣̆̍̇͑͂̃͂͒̆͗̓H̵̩̺͇̅̑̿͒͆̍͜Ĕ̵̡͈̠̼͔͉̜̖͛̈́̎Ȓ̶̭̰͉̈́̅̽̾E̷͇͈̾̈́̓̅ ̸̛̬̥̘̂̈́̃͐̾̏͛̾͂͂̌̚̚Į̸̲̙̤̠̟̭̤̬̺̀̑͋S̶̨̧̛̩̤̫̹̭͓͍̦̉͋͒͊̈́̕̚͠ ̸̧̨̙̥̦̩̤͓̫̮̅͊̓͂͌̎̑̂̈͗̕̕J̷̡͕̠̠͇͍̼̠͎̩͇̝͂̊̅̿̎̈͘ͅO̴͉͎͕̙̺̩̗̹͇̲͎̪͇͌̋́̆̈́̈́́͛̑̚͝͠ͅE̴̞̙̓̄́́̈̊̋Ŷ̴͈̺̎̓̎͋͂̒̃̽͛̅̂̚ͅ


Geralt/Jaskier: books vs Netflix adaptation

In the wake of the new Netflix series, Geralt/Jaskier has suddenly become one of the most popular ships in the Witcher fandom. As someone who’s been shipping these two idiots for almost fifteen years, I couldn’t be more pleased. However, I can’t help but notice the majority of the fandom acting as if the adaptation had invented love between Geralt and Jaskier, and I must call bullshit.

Sure enough, the Netflix series has blessed us with Joey Batey, whose Jaskier is a wonderful bisexual disaster, hopelessly in love with his Witcher. His feelings for Geralt are clear as day, impossible to miss. That’s not the case for book Jaskier. Not because book Jaskier doesn’t experience the same love and yearning, but because book Jaskier can’t afford to let it show, just as he can’t afford to exclaim his full name to a bunch of strangers, or show the darker, more insecure side of his personality to anyone but Geralt. What the Netflix Jaskier puts on display, the book Jaskier tries to keep hidden, and you can only see it when he slips up.

The main difference between the books and the show, however, is not the portrayal of Jaskier. It’s Geralt.

The show chose to present the relationship between the bard and his witcher as very one-sided, with Jaskier obviously pining for Geralt, and Geralt being too emotionally constipated to even call Jaskier a friend. That’s not the case in the books – the first time we get a mention of Jaskier is when Nenneke announces his arrival to Ellander and asks whether Geralt wishes to see him, to which Geralt responds right away with ‘Of course. He’s my friend’. ‘Opposites attract,’ he tells Nenneke a moment later, when she wonders what on earth brings these two together.

Is the love between Geralt and Jaskier romantic in the books? Not necessarily. It’s not any less deep or precious because of it, though.

What’s important to keep in mind, is that Geralt’s relationships generally fall under two categories: those driven by destiny, and those driven by negative emotions. The first category is people like Vesemir, to whom Geralt is bound by the Law of Surprise, Ciri, bound to Geralt by the same law, and, in a way, Yennefer, whom he can no longer escape, after the wish he made. Yennefer could also fall under the second category, though. Her relationship with Geralt is strong and fierce, but ultimately toxic, full of jealousy, doubt, and often resentment. The other relationships stem from either pity, or Geralt’s self-loathing, and more often than not Geralt enters them just so that he can hate himself for it later, the way he did with Renfri, for example.

There are two notable exceptions in his life, however. First being Nenneke, the priestess of Melitele, the mother-figure in Geralt’s life. Nenneke is the missing puzzle-piece to Vesemir, Geralt’s other parent-figure, she’s the person Geralt needs to complete his illusion of a family he wants so badly, she’s the person whose approval Geralt craves, with whom he’s not afraid to be vulnerable. The other exception, is Jaskier.

What makes Jaskier special is that Geralt doesn’t need him. Jaskier doesn’t fit into a specific archetype, he’s not bound to Geralt by a greater force, he might very well be a casual acquaintance like Mousesack. And yet, whenever their paths cross, Geralt chooses to keep Jaskier in his life.

This friendship and platonic love that stems from it, defy all logic. On one hand, we have Geralt, who spends his entire life pushing regular humans away, convinced that they must despise him deep down, and doing his best to not get involved. Geralt, who sees a bard in trouble, and saves his sorry ass, without thinking. And on the other – there’s Jaskier, a coward, who meets the infamous Butcher of Blaviken, and follows him to the end of the world, as if that’s the most natural thing to do.

In the show, it’s Jaskier, who approaches Geralt, who invites himself to tag along, who doesn’t get discouraged even when he gets punched in the gut. In the books, two lonely men run into each other while running away from their problems, and decide to travel together. And they will keep running into each other, time and time over, because they feel safe around each other. Geralt keeps Jaskier safe physically, saving him from monsters, fleeing with him from war. Jaskier, on the other hand, keeps Geralt safe from his worst enemy – himself. He’s not afraid to call Geralt out on his bullshit and be brutally honest, when it’s needed. The story we first see Jaskier in is called ‘The Voice of Reason’. And that’s precisely what Jaskier is for our Witcher who’d otherwise brood and spiral.

And the book Geralt appreciates it. He never treats Jaskier the way Netflix Geralt does, he’s never violent, or intentionally cruel. When they get captured by the Elves in Dol Blathanna, Geralt pleads with Filavandrel without calling Jaskier ‘just a bard’. When they encounter the djinn and Jaskier gets hurt, Geralt seeks help and bargains with Yennefer not because it was his wish that injured Jaskier, not because he feels guilty, but because he genuinely cares for his bard and simply has to do all he can to save him. He’s willing to pay whatever price Yennefer demands, but only after he gets Jaskier into safety.

What the show misses is the softness and casual intimacy that is a big part of Geralt and Jaskier’s relationship in the books. They feel perfectly comfortable touching, they share a bed on multiple occasions, they share clothes, they ride Roach together many a time, and if Jaskier is conscious during those rides, he always clings to Geralt’s waist. They’re always looking out for each other, often making small sacrifices just to give the other what he needs at the moment.

The Netflix Geralt treats Jaskier as a mildly amusing nuisance. The book Geralt gets exasperated at times (hey, who wouldn’t?), but he’s never dismissive – he knows Jaskier is talented, intelligent, and well educated, and he cares for his opinion. ‘I’m a poet, Geralt. Does it matter what I think?’ Jaskier asks when facing the golden dragon. ‘It does,’ Geralt says. And it’s Jaskier’s ‘Don’t kill… Can you?’ that affects Geralt’s final decision, not Yennefer’s ‘Kill that dragon for me’.

The book Geralt would’ve never said something like ‘If life could give me one blessing, it would be to take you off my hands’. The book Geralt enjoys Jaskier’s company. ‘You must’ve lost your mind, Jaskier,’ he says instead. ‘You must’ve lost your mind, if you think I’d leave you’. Because the book Geralt loves his bard, out of his free will, he chooses to love that absolute disaster. And that disaster loves him back, without jealousy, without strings attached, without destiny’s sword and axe hanging above their necks. Because not all relationships have to be grand and tragic, and full of heartbreak.


Moochin off an idea I posted earlier... Jaskier is born blind but still finds a way to navigate the world and be a bard. Cue Geralt learning how to help him and be there for him in unexpected, heartwarming ways


This turned into being more about Geralt’s first reaction to meeting him, which I hope still floats your boat! And did I turn this into another excuse to give them a dog? You bet your sweet bippy.

Inside the tavern, Geralt doesn’t pay the blind bard much notice, other than to be mildly impressed by the confidence with which the man moves about the room.

Outside the tavern, after the bard has overheard the villagers’ talk of their devil and insisted on tagging along, Geralt punches him in the gut. He can’t afford the distraction of trying to keep the man safe.

It doesn’t work. They proceed down the dusty road, the bard chattering away, one of his hands swinging a long, thin cane before him and the other resting on the scruff of a dog that trots obediently at his side. She’s all white, and Geralt would have thought her a wolf except she’s not quite large enough. She watches him with pale-blue eyes but doesn’t make a sound, a stark contrast to her master. 

After the incident with the elves, Geralt resigns himself to traveling with them until they reach the next village. He can’t very well abandon them in the wilderness. As they walk along, the bard sings to himself, composing a song about their day that is entirely fabrication. When the time comes to make camp, Geralt turns Roach off the road and toward a suitable clearing in the sparse woods around them. He hears the dog–Beauty the bard calls her–make a soft sound, not quite a bark, and the bard–Jaskier–lets her lead him to the clearing and then to a stump. He taps it a few times with his cane and then sits without hesitation or a single stumble. He sets his cane and lute carefully on the grass beside the stump and then slings his pack to the ground and begins to dig inside.

“Do you have food for an evening meal?” Jaskier asks Geralt. “If not, I’m happy to share.”


you know what’s sad?

  • a lot of the fandom viewed/views preserum steve as weak and unable to take care of himself and needing b/cky to look after him 24/7
  • then after the serum, ppl write steve off as a hunk who doesn’t know anything/is amazed by simple technology/arm candy for their fave
  • and now, as an older man, he’s wrinkly and  homophobic and a tr/mp supporter bc of reasons (?)

steve rogers is more than his appearance. he was always worthy - preserum, post-serum, and even now, sitting on that bench.

Pre-serum Steve wasn’t broken or ‘imperfect’ or completely helpless. He lived on his own, he could get by on his own. He was smart, creative and finished high school. Keep in mind, he joined the army program before he got any extras. He trained for a while. He did what all those ‘big strong men’ did, and though with difficulty, he could keep up. 

And though the ‘Steve Rogers doesn’t get the 21st century’ is a funny trope, people sometimes take it way too far. Lots of stuff had already been invented in the 1940 years guys, he’s not from the stone age, and Steve’s intelligence was once described by Nick Fury in the comics as that of a ‘super computer’. Yeah, he doesn’t get what Tony and Bruce are talking about, but then again, I’m pretty sure 90% of the population wouldn’t either! Tony and Bruce are geniuses who have studied and been to college for this, whose lives revolt around their tech and science. Their talk about ion fusion is literally their job. You can’t bitch at an art student that he doesn’t understand rocket science, that’s not how it works. Steve has lots of other qualities. He’s a strategic mastermind, speaks multiple languages, and has close to a photographic memory. That already makes him much smarter and advanced than most people.

Old Steve is exactly the same Steve, only he had a long life with the woman he loved. He’s not a Tr/mp supporter just because he chose to have a happy life, knowing his friends would be alright after saving the world again. He has not fought literally all his life, sacrificing everything time and time again, for these antis to say he’s selfish and homophobic (bitch when??). He’s allowed to go home. To be happy for once in his goddamn life. 

It’s fine to not like the end of Endgame. It’s fine to not like the direction the writers and directors decided to take the story.

But don’t claim that Steve is a conservative or a bigot or supports a literal white supremacist because he chose to return to a woman he loved so he could be happy. That’s not who he is. That’s never who he’s been. Steve is a good man. That is the be all and end all of his character.


Broke: Witchers purr when they’re happy

Woke: Witchers murderchirp when they’re in training and have to learn to hold it in, but still sometimes slip when they’re training over the winter with each other, or if they’re super riled up

I am delighted at the image of Geralt stalking a monster from afar, and he’s just vibrating with pent-up energy, and without realising he starts murderchirping

And there’s Jaskier 10 yards behind him like

This is how I think he’d murderchirp

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