
Darkness cannot drive out darkness


only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

ppl in the age of cell phones: fucking up their necks

ppl in the age of books: fucking up their necks

ppl in the age of textile art: fucking up their necks

ppl in the age of picking lice: fucking up their necks

ppl in the age of cooking: fucking up their necks

in the age of keyboards: carpel tunnel

in the age of writing by hand: carpel tunnel

in the age of squeezing water out of wet clothes after cleaning them by hand: carpel tunnel

in the age of using hand-sized stone tools: carpel tunnel


the most fucked up fictional universe is all those mouse movies where mice have a secret society underneath human society where they’re fighting mouse versions of the same wars and have the same religious oppression and each have a human version of themselves

Why does Mouse Victorian London have a military campaign in Mouse Afghanistan in The Great Mouse Detective?

What does Mouse England gain from the continued occupation of Mouse Afghanistan


Mouse Opium


“If I am killed, write about me and tell the world about my dreams”

The martyr, Reem Mahmoud Abu Daya. Reem's greatest fear was not death itself, but rather being remembered only as a statistic after being killed in the Israeli aggression.

She often told her friend Mohammed, "If I am killed, write about me and tell the world about my dreams. Tell them that I had undergone LASIK surgery a few months ago and started seeing Gaza with my own two eyes.

Tell them that I want to buy a camera to capture the beauty of Gaza."

Reem Mahmoud Abu Daya is not just a number; she will be remembered. Reem, along with her family, was martyred in an Israeli airstrike on January 7, 2024.

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