
All the Bells in Venice

@allthebellsinvenice / allthebellsinvenice.tumblr.com

California, 37. I'm a writer of fiction (not a lot of fanfiction anymore, at least not right now). This blog is mostly SFW, tho my writing is almost uniformly NOT AT ALL. Faves: Sherlolly, Khanolly, Reylo. You'll also find thoughts on writing, pics of cute actors, and general tomfoolery. ;)

Hello! My name is Nina Lei, and I am currently a doctoral student in the Counseling Psychology Ph.D. program at Teachers College, Columbia University. I am a member of the Stigma, Identity, and Intersectionality Research Lab team. The goal of our lab is to investigate and promote the health and overall well-being of diverse populations. 

We are currently conducting a study explores the experiences of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans’ experiences of discrimination and their mental health (IRB Protocol #18-375). I am contacting you to ask that you please share the flyer and hyperlink for this study with the followers of writingwithcolor. The study can be reached directly by using the following link: https://goo.gl/kwNiN6 

Your help would be greatly appreciated!

If you have any questions regarding this study, please feel free to reach out to me at nl2349@tc.columbia.edu. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Have a wonderful day!


Nina Lei

Teachers College, Columbia University


Confession: I hope I’m making sense. Can black women just exist without having to do something radical and uplifting? Can we have a good time and just exist without it having a deeper meaning? I know these movements mean well, but it’s sometimes it’s exhausting and feels performative to fall into these #blackgirlmagic etc hashtags. I just really hope for the day when black girls can just exist and thrive without it meaning something deeper? I don’t know, maybe I’ve snapped.

I support the right of black women to bum around the house in sweats and soft holey t-shirts, bingeing Netflix whilst eating Chips Ahoy and happily ignoring their looming exam and being 100% average and unmagical and simuntaneously being just as worthwhile as anybody else #blackgirljustbeing


if you dont have me on facebook you are probably not missing out on any posts but the comment section is important too lmao

I went to the Renaissance faire dressed as a warrior.  I had a real sword with me, too.  I was standing (in character) next to a sword-fighting ring, where kids of all ages got the chance to pick up a sword and challenge the champion.  Some woman walks by, with her little girl.  The girl starts walking towards the ring, saying she wants to fight.  But the mom pulled her away hella sharply, and was like, “That’s for boys.”  You don’t want to be a BOY, do you?”    And the girl looked around and saw me.  I think she thought I was a boy; I had my hair in a ponytail, and was wearing a hood.  So she comes up to me and asks me, “Do you think girls can be fighters, too?”  And her mom looks like she’s silently gloating.  Like she thinks I’m going to say no.  So I take off my hood, untie my hair so that it flows freely, and kneel before her.  And I’m like, “Milady, anyone can be a fighter.”  I swear, the look on that mother’s face made my day.


This post was good but then it got better

Okay, this is a slight topic diversion, but in response to the above comment. I’ve volunteered at the CT Ren Faire for years now. For the last 5 or so I’ve worked in the game section, and we have a game similar to the above comment called “Smite the Knight”. I’ve been in the ring before, it’s a ton of fun getting to run around with the kids. The main goal is entertainment. Have a good shtick, keep the crowd engaged, and let the kids have a good time.

In both work and observing, I have learned something about kids. A lot of parents try to get their boys to go fight. Of the young ones that do, they tend to be shy. You get the ones who just swing the boffer swords around with no regard for life, but, mostly, they’re reserved. It’s adorable. I mean, they’re kids.

But the girls. THE GIRLS. Holy crap. I swear, the pinker the dress, the more taffeta and glitter…the more intensity. I remember, the first year I worked there, one girl came in, grabbed the biggest sword she could, and WENT TO TOWN on our knight. Lifted it over head, let out this primal scream and mowed him down. Homeboy is 6′2″, she was FIVE. And once he was in the fetal position (He was fine. It was for show.) on the ground, she stopped, put her foot on his chest, and yelled “I AM A FIERCE PRINCESS!!”. Later in the day when she walked by a couple of us yelled “Ah! It’s the fierce princess!” and she stopped and flexed. It was the best, and I will never forget that girl.


This has improved since last I reblogged.

I taught karate for like 5 years, and the girls were always, pound for pound, better than the boys. Even the girls who didn’t really want to do it and were only there because their parents made them were better than like 95% of the boys.

I was playing fiddle at a ren faire, and two little girls were really enjoying our set. After quite some time one of them walked up to me and shyly offered me her star tinsel tiara, because she “didn’t have any money. And this protects you from trolls!” I said “Thanks, that’s really sweet – but what about you? Don’t you need protection from trolls?”

At which point this six-ish-year-old girl whips out her certificate from the axe throwing booth and says “Nah, I’m fine.”

I still have that tinsel tiara. It’s draped over my modem. I figure it’ll protect me from the most trolls that way.


I am not in the habit of reblogging a post and slapping an “it got better” on there BUT I SAY GOTDAMN


Words, sometimes they’re not enough. Not even for my loquacious self. I often talk about BC’s looks as being raw, savage, and the pictures of him that reflect that nature always mesmerize me. You just can’t look away, can you? He’s so captivating and so powerful to look at. Those perfect imperfections contrasted so sharply against near mathematical perfection and symmetry.

(Source of these photos has asked me not to credit them).

It’s true. And it’s getting better as he ages. He’s getting all craggy and hard bitten and could play a thousand-year-old elf or a Yukon-dwelling bear trapper with equal aplomb


Writing good romance is so difficult because the entire plot is based on character interactions and producing chemistry. The readers need to believe in the love, whether the hero and heroine have known one another for a week or for years. We need to believe.

So often I see ppl criticize the romance in books and it comes off as them hating romance and I’m like no no no no no, a well done romance is an exquisite piece of writing. It’s not romance in general that sucks, it’s bad romance that sucks. Insta love with no chemistry. Relationships with no conflict. Badly written heroes. Those romances suck.

But romance books? Written by masters of the genre? Those are amazing. 




It’s easy to write bad romance, because good romance requires a near-doctorate level understanding of human psychology and motivations.

Here’s the thing… certain emotions are easy to evoke and others are very hard to master and write. 

Anger. Hate. Rage. Fear. <– negative emotions are the easiest to write because they rely on primal instinct programmed into the human brain by thousands of years of evolution. Within cultures there are certain things that will always evoke rage (and this is why not all books translate well to other cultures). Certain fears are universal. 

Every bestseller every written has a Universal Fear driving at least the opening act of the book if not the whole book itself. Most bestsellers use “I fear I am worthless.” or “I fear death.” as their driving focus. Everything from PRIDE AND PREJUDICE to HARRY POTTER has used this and it’s why it sells so well. 

It’s also why Romance isn’t taken seriously at times. 

Romance promises as a happy romantic ending. Which means the two most common universal fears are utterly erased by the genre requirements alone. No one is going to die. The characters are going to be loved and feel worthwhile by the end of the book. 

Since readers are programmed by society to instinctively fear those things some people have trouble relating to a romance story where they must latch onto something other than fear to get through a book.

Joy. Humor. Laughter. Happiness.  <— positive emotions are really hard to write because they are complex emotions. There is nothing that makes people universally happy. I know, it’s shocking. Not kittens. Not puppies. Not a mother’s love. That thing you love, adore, and can’t live without? Yeah, someone hates it.

This is why writing satire or humor is so difficult. It’s why happy books are dismissed as fluffy or silly. They have a much narrower audience. The author has to reach into the reader’s head and manipulate their emotions so that they can feel soaring triumph. There isn’t a shortcut to writing happiness.

LOVE. <– Such a complex thing. Little understood. Hard to define. Ever roving about. Love, especially sexual and romantic love, are so individual that there will never be a One Size Fits All.  

When an author sets out to write a romance they have to convince the reader not only to abandon fear but they have to write humans who are complex, convincing, and through storytelling explain the psychology of these individuals so the reader goes, “Yes, yes! I see it! I see why these two are perfect together and could never be with anyone else!” 

It’s at once something many people have an innate talent for (hello, shippers!) and that many people don’t understand. Understanding love requires a very unselfish, un-egocentric view of the world. You have to think like someone else. And then, as the author, you have to create a way for a reader to easily step into the mind of someone else and understand this attraction without using shortcuts like “I saw her and got a boner. It’s love!” Because that isn’t. 

It’s easy to write bad romance. It’s easy to use shortcuts and script the book like a film. But where films can rely on music and facial expressions to convey the complexity of emotion a writer only has words. There is no soundtrack for Chapter 7. There is no set of words in the English language that properly express the depth of feeling, the longing and desire, of seeing someone you treasure turn and smile at someone else and knowing from the depths of your soul that you would give up everything just to keep them smiling. 

Writing a good romance means balancing internal and external conflict, knowing a person’s weaknesses and strengths, and pairing them with someone(s) who fill in their gaps, boost their strengths, and make them happy at the same time. And then, after all of that, you have to find readers who will understand and appreciate the characters you’ve written. You have to make the reader fall in love too. 

Done well Romance is the most complex literary form. 

Done poorly it’s just bad writing. 


@saffysmom went to Sherlocked USA 2018 and all I got was…

(OK, yeah, I almost started crying at dinner when she gave me these lovely lovely gifts - especially the Louise Brealey and Rupert Graves autographed photos!)

(And Louise remembered me from Letters Live NYC, when @saffysmom mentioned that I had her sign the Sherlolly calendar!!)


Well fine, if nobody else wants to give me sherlolly texting prompts I’ll just have to do it myself! 😆 And btw, I’m also almost done with ch 3 of Worth the Risk. I’ll probably be able to post it to AO3 a bit later. Something tells me these two might be happy to hear that news. 😏


It’s because the kids aren’t white

Obviously what’s happening to these kids is horrific but should we really be calling them concentrating camps though? What do Jewish people think about this?

Hello, Mexican here. They are fucking modern day concentration camps. Children, even infants, are being ripped from their homes, forced into overcrowded abandoned Walmart’s, with only 2 hours a day of outside time. This is no way for children to live. There is a mural on the wall of Trump with the quote, “Sometimes by losing the battle you find a way to win the war.” Do you know what people call shit like that? Propaganda. You can fuck all the way off. I cannot fucking believe you chose to fucking nitpick how this humanitarian problem is discussed because you’re uncomfortable with the horrors happening right before our eyes and would rather call it “problematic.” I can’t fucking stand gringos for bullshit like this.

Hi, Jew here! They are concentration camps and any Jew worth their history will tell you that. The Trump murals, the “we’re just going to take your baby for a bath”, the photos of confiscated rosary beads, the older children taking care of younger children they have no relation to because there are no parents around.

We see this shit and it sends chills up our spines because that was the kind of shit gentiles ignored because it wasn’t “that bad”. It wasn’t “that bad” when they were just confiscating our wedding rings and throwing them into a pile because we were “prisoners”, because it wasn’t “that bad” when they were separating children from their mothers to put them into a separate barracks, because it wasn’t “that bad” when little kids were having to flee through Kindertransport without their parents. 

“What do Jewish people think about this” my guys. Jewish people have been saying how fucking scared they are of this shit for a goddamned year and a half. There’s senior citizens in nursing homes crying when they watch the news because it reminds them of nazi germany.


I call upon the fan fic writing gods to bless you with the perseverance to finish one of your unfinished drafts. 

May your fingers dance along the letters upon your device with ease, may the devil of distraction stay far from you, and may your work not need much editing.

I pass this blessing upon every fan fic writer out there.

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