
books,television, quotes and photographs


I think the title says it all.

Do y'all ever have that one character who is your fav from anything ever at all and they calm u down when ur stressed and they cheer u up when ur sad and they make you happier even when you’re happy? And they are like the ultimate comfort character??

Dean Winchester, anyone?


Do y'all ever have that one character who is your fav from anything ever at all and they calm u down when ur stressed and they cheer u up when ur sad and they make you happier even when you’re happy? And they are like the ultimate comfort character??

She really needs to believe she’s special. I admire that about her. Because you have to believe you’re special before you can do anything special.

Wendy Wunder, The Museum of Intangible Things (via quotespile)


me: it’s okay if people dislike my favorite character. everyone is entitled to their own opinion

person: *dislikes my favorite character*


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