

@sharkquestionmark-blog / sharkquestionmark-blog.tumblr.com

New Single "California Grrls" now available from Old Flame Records TRUE WASTE now available on cassette from Old Flame Records or download: iTunes, Bandcamp, Amazon, eMusic, or InSound Press Contact: Dave Halstead at Canvas Media dave@canvasmediapr.com
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Here's our most recent music video for "FINGERS" from our album Savior. It was made from a collection of pictures, GIFs, and Video from our two 2013 tours. Thanks to everyone who we played with, everyone who came to the shows, and everyone who is in this video whether they know it or not (ahem mission of burma ahem)


Zula are a young Brooklyn band with a West African name and tunes built around the songwriting of cousins Henry and Nate Terepka. Exploring psychedelic sounds with a heavy dose of delay, their songs are pleasingly disjointed, experimental pop jams that makes clever use of groove and melody — not to mention a lot of really weird sounds. What it all adds up to is a deliciously unpredictable blend of jazz, rock, pop, electronica, and ambient bits and pieces, strung together through whatever weird magic these guys possess.

Featured song: “This Hopeful”

Complete broadcast and audio playlist: http://b-t-r.co/16qPiU7

Zula’s latest release, This Hopeful, is now available.

Official website for Zula: http://zulamusic.net/ Facebook: http://facebook.com/pages/Zula/210496538966783 Twitter: @zulaband

Source: blip.tv

Shark? Fall 2013 "Savior" Tour Dates (by shark questionmark)

we go on tour today! check us out somewhere along the way:

OCT 3 // Philadelphia PA // Kung Fu Necktie

w. Shocked Minds (HOZAC records), Conversations with Enemies, Cassavetes 

Oct 4 // Toronoto, ONT // Parts & Labour

w/ Cellphone, Gay, Alpha Strategy

Oct 5 // Toldeo, OH // Ottowa Tavern

w. Hot Love, Board

Oct 6 // Chicago, IL // The Burlington



Oct 7 // Ann Arbor, MI // Keene Theatre

w/ SW/MM/NG, Fred Thomas, the Erers

Oct 8 // Bloomington, IN // The Bishop

w/ Sleeping Bag

Oct 9 // Cleveland, OH // Mahall's 20 Lanes

w/ Kid Tested, SW/MM/NG

Oct 10 // Princeton, NJ // Terrace F. Club

w/ Grooms

Oct 11 // Boston, MA // Radio

w/ Earthquake Party, Fax Holiday, Chandeliers

Source: youtube.com
Anonymous asked:

can we all have your babies?

Yes. We keep all our babies in a burlap sack under the stairs, please help yourself. Two per customer.


New music:

Check this song out from these Brooklyn native kids, Shark?. It’s called “California Grrls” (yes it’s spelled like that). It’s from their upcoming LP entitled,  Savior.Out in October 1st.

*This song also appears in GTAV.

Source: Bandcamp
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