
always ambitious, but not impatient


Prachi. 1994. Toronto. I queue everything. Some combo of kpop, football, politics and memes. Also I'm a student trying to succeed in university, so I go ghost from time to time because my life isn't social media.

Putting out another call to actually read the news and not get it all from Tumblr, tiktok, insta, and twitter alone, even if you think you trust the sources. Even if they're your friends.

I've seen so much misinformation parroted by pro Palestine sources -- "there can be no tunnels in Palestine, period, it's under the water line" (patently untrue, not how science works, Israel literally built tunnels and bunkers and basements in many buildings in Egyptian controlled Gaza in the past; denying it completely makes the case worse) "all Israeli captives are soldiers and generals" (no, there are some children, some of them very young; denying this is veering into dangerous rhetorical territory), and other things. There have been videos posted to tiktok, insta, and twitter that claim to have been "just filmed" but are actually several years old, or from entirely separate conflicts in other countries.

We are not immune to misinformation and propaganda.

There is enough unfairness, state-enacted terrorism, war crimes, and state-spouted lies to report on, and to share and call out and to decry. We don't need the fake shit, it only hurts your credibility. Fact check and read the actual news I beg you.

The international news has actually been incredibly pro Palestine overall and staying very up to date. There's no excuse.



You fucked up.

But look on the bright side.

At least you didn't "youtube essayist releases a 4-hour video on plagiarism and half of it is dedicated to exposing your channel, followed a day later by another youtuber releasing a 1-hour-40 minute video about the lies you just made up, and there's almost no overlap between the two" level fuck up.


been a wild 48 hours


they should invent hair that is always on day 1 post-wash no matter what


it's always i love you and never "I'll be your executioner. I'll join your sword dance. Tell me what do you want me to do first? How do you want me to do it? Who do you want me to kill first?"


GQ Daddy just straight up shoved a guy off a building into some wet concrete and then wheeled his daughter's tiny pink suitcase out of the narrative like what a king


GRRM for like, five books: A society shitting on children for being born out of wedlock and women for having sex outside marriage is fucked up and wrong. This is fucked up and wrong and neither children nor women should be treated like this.

ASOIAF fandom/the writers of HOTD: Got it, bastards are evil and women who had children out of wedlock are whores. We are so progressive and totally don't sound like creeps.


it’s been ten years and i can confirm that everything still happens so much. happy anniversary king

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