
The Spoon at a Spork Fight

@vulpinevulpine / vulpinevulpine.tumblr.com

Howdy, I’m VulpineVulpine (formerly Vulpana).
Artist, writer, cosplayer.
Manga Scanlation Projects: Trigun Manga Overhaul, Kekkai Sensen Beat 3 Peat
Junk drawer blog with infrequent posts.
Not quite Tumblr famous since 2012.

...that your audience won't hate.

This is a method I started using when NFTs were on the rise - thieves would have to put actual work into getting rid of the mark - and one that I am now grateful for with the arrival of AI. Why? Because anyone who tries to train an AI on my work will end up with random, disruptive color blobs.

I can't say for sure it'll stop theft entirely, but it WILL make your images annoying for databases to incorporate, and add an extra layer of inconvenience for thieves. So as far as I'm concerned, that's a win/win.

I'll be showing the steps in CSP, but it should all be pretty easy to replicate in Photoshop.

Now: let's use the above image as our new signature file. I set mine to be 2500 x 1000 pixels when I'm just starting out.

This post pissed off an AI weeb who, with their multiple accounts, decided to whine about how copyrights for smalltime artists are tyranny or something.

That gives me a fair indication that I'm doing something right. ;V

Let me also restate that no anti-theft measure is foolproof. There are going to be ways around watermarks, always. A properly determined individual can always figure out methods of removing it.

However: add enough layers of frustration, and most will not see the point in bothering. Removing a speckled watermark from multiple images takes the kind of time and effort AI bros are, rather famously, unwilling to put in. If they have to do it for a whole gallery, most won't go through the trouble.

That's the point.

Anonymous asked:

i know you're all working very hard and focusing on trigun at the moment, and i am very thankful for the work you've put in for this passion peoject. but i also wanna say i would suck every one of you absolutely silly if you decided to take a crack at kekkai sensen considering there's barely anything online

Hey anon! Thank you for your kind words and generous offer! 

But we simply must decline this intimate offer of exchanged, consensual services, as we are a not-for-profit team and we only desire to work on Nightow’s creations out of love for his craft.

However, we can inform you can we are indeed having talks of working hand in hand with a Kekkai Sensen scanlation team. This can include sharing experience, tools and even having members of one or the other team help the other out.

As it stands right now, our team member Vulpana has already been doing editing and proofreading work for Kekkai Sensen releases.

On top of that, the latest release of Beat 3 Peat, by the scanlation team Morzo Guazza, includes editing work done by me (D, project lead), and proofreading work done by Vulpana.

It was a no-brainer to get involved with the Kakkai Sensen manga and we hope to take part in getting a full, coherent release of the entire manga and share more of Nightow’s work.

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