

@fatalfairyfiend / fatalfairyfiend.tumblr.com

Lily ¤ 20 ¤ she/her ¤ pansexual ¤ ENFP ¤ oh stop it, you ~definitely a witch~

The Navajo have a unique tradition. When a baby is born, it is regarded as the ultimate, precious gift and must never be abused. From the moment of birth, the child is watched over continuously by family and friends, who patiently wait for the child’s first…laugh.

“Has your baby laughed?” is common question posed to parents who have infants around the age of three months. The first laugh of a Navajo child is a very significant event. It marks the child’s final passing from the spirit world to the physical world, meaning he or she is now fully human. This milestone warrants a party, and what a party it is!

Whichever brother, sister, parent, cousin, aunt, uncle, or passing acquaintance is present at the first laugh is deemed to have caused it.  The laughter instigator then receives the honored privilege of preparing a special ceremony to welcome the child into society.

Once a baby has laughed, training in generosity begins immediately—a value held in high regard among the Navajo people. At the party, where the baby is considered the host, the parents or person responsible for the first laugh help hold the baby’s hand as he or she ceremonially gives the rock salt, food, and gifts to each guest. There are also bags of candy, money, and other presents that the child “gives” along with the food. [x]


Fact Sources/more info: [1] [2] For more facts, follow Ultrafacts

Is this true? lol

Yes it is true. I have had of a few relatives invite me to a A’wee Chi’deedloh "The Baby Laughed Ceremony" however I have not had the privilege to actually attended one personally. The Dine’ peoples believe that babies are of “two worlds” (Earth people & Holy people) when they are born. The first laugh signifies the babies desire to become a part of the Earth People so it is a great cause for celebration.

This is beautiful.


This is so pure and good I’m crying


throwback to the time I got really annoyed at the funko pop men who were coming into my store and bothering me during the pandemic so I made a bunch of memes and fake tweets


you can’t do this shit to me for a second i thought i had missed something important


laser-free diet.

y'all need to hear about gerb.

gerb was my high school physics teacher. (gerb is short for mr. gerber.) when we were learning about radiation and whatnot, and we touched on radiation poisoning, gerb decided to tell us a story.

when gerb was in high school, he worked in a supermarket. a cashier. there was this one little old lady, mrs. cassopolis, who was a regular. mrs. cassopolis firmly believed that the lasers used to scan her food items would give her radiation poisoning. they tried to explain that’s not a thing. but old cass wouldn’t hear a word of it.

the employees had to punch in every. last. grocery. item. MANUALLY.

and this woman would buy cartfulls of food every week, like any good grandma trying to feed her five children and eighteen grandchildren every time they come for a Sunday visit. so pretty soon, the employees figured out a strategy to get her on her way and get on with their lives.

one or more employees would distract old cass while the cashier would scan all the items he could as fast as humanly possible while she wasn’t paying attention.

now this supermarket had a rewards program for its most efficient workers. the computer would track how quickly the cashiers scanned items, and how many total they scanned in one day, that kind of thing. so one day, gerb’s boss came to him and said “uh,”

“you scanned three hundred items in six minutes last Tuesday during your shift” and gerb says “i recall” “that’s about four times faster than anything i’ve ever seen” and gerb says “yea ok” “jeremy what happened?”

and gerb says

“i had to save a little old woman from placebo radiation”


i hope they both rot <3


I’ve been looking at the links and stuff in regards to this and there’s like, absolutely no proof, even on Twitter, of her having mugged people?? I can’t even find proof that she was actually purposely gay baiting people either. This whole thing is literally just people making claims and posting cropped screen shots. Either I am too bad at understanding Twitter posts or this is literally just a he said she said thing...

There are screenshots of Ashley basically telling Maddie “oh but you still hang out with these people who robbed you so why can’t I?”

SS from Maddie/dollltears @dolllfears acct.

Thank you because Twitter and Instagram are a fucking mess and my adhd brain was having a hard time figuring out who was saying what. This is still very sus to me but at least I can finally see a mentioning of the robbery because I could not even find that when I was trying to look. Still don’t see how this means they specifically targeting lesbians, though. Like, clearly this girl is a piece of shit but I’m still just like 🤔 because it seems the girl making these claims hangs out with shitty people herself while using that as one of the reasons why the girl in the pictures is shitty??

Idk, this is a goddamn mess and I’m still confused. Thank you for trying to clarify though.

Okay someone was kind enough to DM me ACTUAL PROOF that this is literally all a lie. This girl is not gaybaiting, she’s literally bisexual and this was started by a racist who hates drug addicts and bi people apparently to try to tear her down. Stop believing shit on the internet without using your critical thinking skills first!


Thank you @gem-femme my gut told me that that’s the case, based on the fact that the “evidence” I saw of them being bad people are threads on drama image boards where everyone just anonymously makes fun of their mental illness and drug addiction, but i didn’t have evidence. Can people stop treating anonymous image boards as a source? the idea that a robber would lure people into their own space to rob people is completely nonsensical unto itself, unless the robbers in question are trying to get caught


gimme sammich

gib bagul

i’m on the verge of tears because i’ve seen this post tons of times but today i realized the second reblog is cheezeburger speak for “give bagel” when i thought it was a dark souls boss name like 

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