
A venomous, androgynous fey.

@fitzefitcher / fitzefitcher.tumblr.com

hi I'm fitze I draw and write things

fucking adhd. I have to run a con on my own brain to get anything done.

I'm staging everything I'll need to do paperwork and a stressful phone call, real sneaky-like so as not to alert my brain to the plan. Going into the kitchen for coffee and casually turning on my computer as I pass. Telling myself I'm just picking up these papers so I don't step on them. Planting my favorite pen in a strategic position.

Later, I'll subtly imply that completing this task is quick, it's easy, and it's free. And then I'll see everything laid out and think "well, surely a little 5-minute trial run won't hurt, and of course I can stop if I want to." and that's when the bear traps will be activated.

and maybe you're thinking nobody would fall for that but lemme tell ya: I know the mark and he's a real goober. you can trick him into taking pills just by placing them on top of a package of mint oreos. he doesn't even question it, just finds the pills on his way to the cookies and goes "sure, why not?"


Screw terfs n all but are you normal about transgirls who don't want to medically transition? Are you normal about transguys with boobs who don't wear binders? Are you normal about the trans people who only want to socially transition because that's what's right for them? Are you normal about the transgirls with beards? Are you normal about the transguys who love their curves? Screw terfs, but are you normal about trans people?

Screw terfs, but do you prioritize the love and safety and comfort of trans people over spiting a terf?


“long hair on guys doesn’t make them less masculine. think keanu reeves, jason momoa, danny trejo, or the guy at your local dive bar who rides a motorcycle”

*the crowd nods*

“so long hair doesn’t necessarily determine masculinity”

*the crowd, more hesitant, still nodding*

“butches can have long hair—“



that wasn't a gunshot, that was my heart stopping and restarting 🥰



in b4 95% of all websites in june 2024 announce that "for security" they will only work with browsers that use manifest v3


The more people who use Firefox the better! It's got versions for the desktop, android, and iphone, all free. In addition to ublock origin there are thousands of addons. You could also consider using one of Mozilla's paid products, such as their VPN, or donating to the Mozilla Foundation, in order to ensure they're able to keep going.


Not to be Old on main but I remember this exact thing happening in the late 90s and early 00s. I remember it very well. Microsoft pushed out all the browser competition with Internet Explorer, at which point both browser and web innovation stagnated for years because why fix something that's broken if everyone is using the broken thing anyway because there are hardly any other options. If you want to know how bad it was, Internet Explorer did not have browser tabs and it certainly did not have any sort of adblock. And everyone just lived with it.

I am watching the exact same thing happen with Chrome in real time today and that's why I always reblog these posts and sometimes am extra annoying and add on to them. I don't want to see it happen again because it sucked. Please use Firefox. Use it on mobile too (it has browser extensions!!! Including ad blockers!!!) And reminder that Edge/Brave/Vivaldi are all built on Chromium and you should not be using those either. Those browsers will show up as Chrome on tracking analytics and it does not help the overall project, which is showing web developers that Chrome is not the only browser people are using.

Your passwords and other useful things transfer to Firefox, btw. Go make the switch. You have nothing to lose.


Most websites that tell you they need Chrome to work are lying, even if they block you from accessing them if you're not using Chrome. They just do not want to support the dev work to optimize for anything else, or may have a special deal with Google.

Fortunately, there are Firefox extensions that just basically tell websites "yeah, I'm definitely Chrome. don't worry about it"

Please note I have not used either of these, because adblockers and script blockers are good enough at disabling those annoying messages.


deeply unlikeable and unpleasant female characters are actually so important for the ecosystem and also as a good litmus test over if a person is Weird about women or not


Why do people need subtitles to watch a show in English? I don't get it. What is wrong with the ears of young people?

Modern movies and shows tend to have very unbalanced mixing. Also, a common trend in modern movies is more realistic dialogue (mumbling) that is not as crisp as it was in previous eras of film making.


I’m eating corn chips and they be crunchy and loud as hell and also I’m half deaf I think


You, a heroic paladin have successfully slain a fearsome dragon. But the dragon warns you that death is but a door, and dragons don’t die, they reincarnate. You paid it no mind….until your son was born with golden, slitted eyes.

curious friends and family: hey why does your kid have golden eyes

paladin who for sure fucked the dragon instead of killing it, thinking fast: dragons uh. reincarnate. surprised you didn’t know about that. it’s a common fact that i definitely did not make up. no further questions


Me & the other drivers were really impressed when you swerved around all of us at high speeds & got to the red light before anyone else

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