



As I gear up to launch my adaptation of "Phantom" on Webtoons, I'm thrilled to share my conceptual sketches with you.  Today, it's the man, the myth, the legend, Erik: The Phantom of the Opera himself! 

Inspired by the Susan Kay book, I've delved into Erik's facial development from childhood to adulthood, considering how his deformity might evolve with age and hormonal changes. One unique feature is his darkly tinted fingers, indicating chronic poor blood circulation due to Raynaud’s. His facial deformity is based on the Phandom theory that Erik was born with congenital Syphilis, a concept I want to explore in the series (as well as Erik being on the ASD spectrum, inspired by Ramin Karimloo’s characterization.)

I've experimented with various interpretations of his deformity, balancing accuracy to Gaston Leroux's novel while allowing him the ability to convey nuanced levels of emotion. 

Plus, a sneak peek at my version of Christine Daaé—stay tuned for her full reveal in the next post!


The Music of the Night Returns in 2024! My new WebToons Originals series reimagines Susan Kay's cultural juggernaut "Phantom", based on the gothic romance The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux.

“You are crying! You are afraid of me! And yet I am not really wicked. Love me and you shall see! All I wanted was to be loved for myself.”

Erik (unintentionally) in various paintings


POTO fandom presents

Dream Girl Evil: A Luciana Appreciation Week (July 21st—July 28th 2024)

Hello everyone and welcome to a new & fresh out the slammer event in our Phandom! I am excited to announce the first (and hopefully) annual edition of Dream Girl Evil: A Luciana Appreciation Week, dedicated to one of the most overlooked (and overhated) character in the Phantom of the Opera-verse. This year’s event is taking place from July 21st to July 28, a week where you can show your love for Luciana and create something amazing focused on her! The event takes place here, on Tumblr, and on AO3 since these are my only POTO associated socials.

In this post, I gathered all the necessary information & some rules you’ll have to stick to in order to participate. Please carefully go through all of them.

Now. . .


𓏵 The Phantom of the Opera BPD …

A flag for those with BPD { Borderline Personality Disorder } & a connection to " The Phantom of the Opera ". This includes any and all adaptations of POTO & the original novel.

  • Made By : 心愛, 🐭.

Some illustrations for The Phantom of the Opera based on the book and the 1990 movie.

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