
Costco Deep Dive

@northofus / northofus.tumblr.com

meeyah | she/her | 25 | aries | "Turned on by public transportation" | "Horny for pens and pencils" | "She doesn't even go here"

It's important to drink a lot of fluids when you're sick so that your body has the raw materials to generate gallons of snot.

I learned recently that mucus basically traps the viruses and expels them from your body which is why your body makes SO MUCH of it so now I just imagine drinking liquids as hiring a bunch of goons to take out the thrash y'see nyeehh see we taking back the streets from the bowler hat boys flush em out real good

Perhaps there are many problems which could be solved if you just made enough mucus

Reblog if you are solving problems by generating enough mucus


as a child being told "the moon controls the tides" with no additional explanation was like. oh okay. you want me to believe in magic? you're talking about magic right now? okay. fine

sorry. only semi-related but i simply wasn't ready for "the sun is a distant gorilla". thank you NASA


tried to google search for that post that's like.. something about squids and it goes "the squirterrrrrrrrr" and believe it or not that did not show me the thing i was looking for

hey guys ✌️ just checking in. "the squirter meme" didnt bring it up either

(exhausted and covered in blood) i found it


thought about the Katara v Pakku fight too hard and made myself cry

the thing is that Katara's right.

there are a lot of episodes of ATLA where the main characters aren't totally right, because they need to learn a lesson about something. they're kids, it's a kids' show, there are morals to get across. that's not a bad thing; for the most part ATLA tells those stories really well without condescending its characters or its audience, which is why the cast gets to grow and change so organically and we're all still frothing about how good the writing is twenty years later.

but when Katara attacks that old man right there in public where everyone can see, she's right. this isn't a lesson about her needing to learn patience or humility or deference to her elders or respect for a belief system that's different than her own. in that moment Pakku is both the face of the Norther Water Tribe's cultural misogyny and an asshole who has disrespected Katara personally, and instead of having to find a way to play nice she gets to attack him with everything she's got.

she doesn't win. she can't win, it would be ridiculous. but the show knows this; Katara herself opens the scene by saying she doesn't expect to win while Sokka and Aang try frantically to talk her down. it's not about winning, it can't be. Pakku is, very literally, old enough to be her grandfather; he's had decades to master his form in a walled city untouched by war. Katara is 14 years old and the only bender from a village that's been diminished to nearly nothing. there's never been anyone to teach her; the artform died out before she was born. she has nothing. every scrap of knowledge she has is something she's had to struggle and steal for. how much of her waterbending has she learned on the fly, improvising as she fights desperately to keep herself and her friends and innocent bystanders alive? she's the Avatar's waterbending master, sure, but she's learning alongside him.

and she still gets to hold her own, for a few furious minutes. this old man doesn't even initially respond to her challenge, won't even dignify her by looking in her direction, treats her with scorn when he does finally address her. she is always, always at a disadvantage against him but she gets to make a scene, she gets to tear down entire structures, and she gets to be right. the fight ends with Katara immobilized in ice, completely outmatched, still seething and snarling at Pakku that she's not finished with him. she never backs down for a second, never doubts even for a moment that she has every right to beat this man's ass for the way he's disrespected her.

and the narrative backs her up on that, 100%. Katara is, frequently, unreasonably self-righteous to the detriment of herself and her friends, but this isn't one of those times. there's no moral for Katara to learn here; Pakku is the one who needs to get his shit in order.

a smug old man is a dismissive, sexist twat to a teenage girl who has suffered more than he will ever understand and when she sttacks him no holds barred she is framed as so completely, totally in the right that it's still cathartic two decades later as a woman in my late twenties. teenage girl moment of all time.

she gets to make a scene. she gets to tear down entire structures. she gets to be right.


Mongolian history class, 2022, start of the semester. We're having a discussion on animal slaughter, featuring the one Mongolian student in our school.

The student explains that he's slaughtered animals himself, and there are two ways of doing it that avoid the spilling of blood. For a small animal like a chicken, you reach up into the chest of the animal and sever the arteries. For a larger animal like a camel, there's a spot on the forehead that, when hit hard enough, causes the animal to die instantly.

While this discussion is going on, a couple of the students are sharing something back and forth on their phone

The professor calls this out, asking if what they're sharing is more interesting than Mongolian animal slaughter

The room is dead silent for a few seconds. The two students look at each other awkwardly.

Eventually, one of the students pipes up:

"Well, the queen of England just died."

And without missing a beat, another student:

"Did they hit her on the head like a camel?"


"if you're going to eat that rotisserie chicken please do it in an area where none of us can see" you hate me. you hate me because i have different eating habits than you and you want me to STARVE

look upon my works ye mighty and weep (im not done there's still plenty of good meat on there)

reviews are in

I agree entirely with OP’s method of stripping and devouring a rotisserie chicken and have been inspired to pick one up on the way home myself

Also tags are entirely correct. Waste not want not! And then stick the bones in your planter pots to feed your plants and BADLY frighten your neighbours!


And if you want a really good gravy to go with the chicken pulled off the bones, check out the “recipe” tab on this page.

(I’d rather use the page for this recipe at the EuropeanCuisines.com website, but it’s down right now due to our ISP suddenly going out of business.) :/


I watched that shitty skit the israeli government twitter account shared and it's so fucking wild. The literal second that american queers turned out to be slightly less receptive than they expected to their whole "only lgbt-friendly country in the middle east uwu~" shtick they immediately pivot to literal Stonetoss-level "limp-wristed effeminate liberal arts gender studies major with dyed hair" homophobic stereotypes.


What to boycott NOW to help stop Israel’s unfolding genocide of Palestinians in Gaza

Reminder that boycotting DOES work, there is historic proof! Don't let anyone discourage you otherwise!

The BDS movement uses the historically successful method of targeted boycotts inspired by the South African anti-apartheid movement, the US Civil Rights movement, the Indian anti-colonial struggle, among others worldwide.
We must strategically focus on a relatively smaller number of carefully selected companies and products for maximum impact. Companies that play a clear and direct role in Israel’s crimes and where there is real potential for winning, as was the case with, among others, G4S, Veolia, Orange, Ben & Jerry’s and Pillsbury. Compelling such huge, complicit companies, through strategic and context-sensitive boycott and divestment campaigns, to end their complicity in Israeli apartheid and war crimes against Palestinians sends a very powerful message to hundreds of other complicit companies that “your time will come, so get out before it’s too late!”

Please reblog! Spread this! There is an effort by zionists to discourage people from boycotting! Don't let them trample your spirits and help us in the fight for a liberated Palestine!

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