
Hunters, Soccer Players, and Volleyball Dorks

@emerald-dewdrop / emerald-dewdrop.tumblr.com

Hi! I'm emerald-dewdrop. Call me Tsu if you'd like. Hit me up if you wanna chat, I'll gladly listen ✌🏾️👌🏾👍🏾 *tips hat*

Archive.org is facing a lawsuit

tldr: the Internet Archive/WayBack Machine is super important in term of archived content, billions of stuff are on there, and with the current event happening in the world like stated above,without this tool, it will be hard to properly document what took place. It will be easy for certain people to rewrite history. Dont let them.

DONATE HERE (post dont get much exposure with working links sorry)




On twitter,tumblr,facebook,heck,anywhere you want,this needs to be talked about !

they’re being sued due to putting together an “emergency library”, essentially, in the wake of schools and libraries closing due to covid-19.

you can read about it in a few places. here’s one article on the subject, but there’s plenty to be found.


Hey I just went to look to see if there was any new developments since this was posted (June 2020), And the actual trial as far as I know the trial will begin around November 2021. So this is still relevant.  Archive.org Blog |  Publisher’s Weekly 


You are an ethical necromancer. All your minions were raised voluntarily, under fair contracts. But some people can’t see a spooky castle in the woods staffed by undead without breaking in and trying to kill you.


“Cancer?” I asked. The spirit in front of me nodded and sighed, the translucent blue figure of a young woman floating in front of my office desk.

“Yeah, uterine. Every doctor told me that it was just Woman Things until the bleeding didn’t stop for a month and a half. By then, it was stage four and I had. Like. A month left, maybe.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Wouldn’t have even happened if they’d have let me get a hysto when I wanted, but noooo, a family history of cancer wasn’t a good enough reason, didn’t my husband want children, I’d change my mind and regret it, blah, blah, blah- I don’t even have a husband, I have a girlfriend–”

I nodded solemnly as the translucent woman continued her tirade. It’s something you get used to, when dealing with the dead. Sometimes they just need to vent. While death comes to all eventually, that doesn’t stop it from being unfair and often unexpected.

“-anyhow, I was only one semester out from my degree, and I didn’t put four years of my life into college not to have the paper to show for it, even if I am dead. I heard you were willing to help out with stuff like this.”


I love that in the ten years I've been on tumblr, tumblr users' attitude towards tumblr has come full circle, now we're back where we started at "tumblr is our beloved home, no other social media can compare, no other website has what we have, do not trust other websites, do not tell the outsiders about us", only this time we're like. Really exhausted and with a sense of irony about it.

you know what, we should organize a tumblr convention


I love that in the ten years I've been on tumblr, tumblr users' attitude towards tumblr has come full circle, now we're back where we started at "tumblr is our beloved home, no other social media can compare, no other website has what we have, do not trust other websites, do not tell the outsiders about us", only this time we're like. Really exhausted and with a sense of irony about it.

you know what, we should organize a tumblr convention


❤ “You’re my end and my beginning” 💙

Inspired by TealBlaze dtiys and cute art by K_Kohjima (on Twitter)

I’ll never stop laughing at the fact that he dreamed about marrying Langa pffffiggvitvi


If you haven’t ditched the Amazon-owned Goodreads in favor of the independent, Black-owned StoryGraph, what are you waiting for?

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  • Users can apply content warnings so you can avoid triggers before ever opening a specific book
  • The same applies for ‘mood’! Wanna read something sad? Find books tagged as ‘sad’, that’s literally it

Addressing some comments in the tags: It’s true that the database isn’t as vast as Goodreads’ - yet. The site is much, much newer than Goodreads. But you can actually help them expand!

When you search for a title, you may not find what you need. Then all you have to do is click the handy “Can’t find the book you’re looking for?” link, and you’ll be taken straight to this page, where you will be able to help them find books to add to their database! If you can’t find that non-English book you’re looking for, help them out!

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