
@fleur-sorciere / fleur-sorciere.tumblr.com

Genny | bi nb | Eclectic

witches of color, do you do ancestral magic or spirit work or engage yourself with the history of white ancestors if you have any?

I have nothing to say to the somewhat recent ancestors on my mother’s side who ‘owned’ some of my great great greats and brought my bloodline to where it is with sexual violence through slavery.

But past them I’m thinking about my mixed Scottish and Irish roots from the family it came from before they did their damage. It just struck me as interesting and I’ve honestly never thought about it before.


The darker seasons are upon us, so here are some reminders for my fellow witches:

-society forgets that this is supposed to be a time of rest, make sure that you don’t! Take extra time for rest and sleep.

Here are some Very Good Reasons to take walks in fall and winter:

- take walks in nature to remind yourself of the natural cycles and connect with nature.

-take walks for some of that fresh, cold air. It will cleanse you from your troubles and calm your mind. Try to not listen to music and instead listen to the silence.

- walks are also great to talk to your gods, guides and/or ancestors. Give thanks to them and to nature itself.

- prepare your body and immune system for the winter and gradually get used to the cold by spending time outside.

- the air in a forest or a park is a lot cleaner than that in most public spaces, especially with the germs flying around right now.

- avoid the public transport system by walking whenever its possible for you!

- also, appreciate all of these beautiful colors autumn has to offer! There are a lot of energies to be found in them:

- the birds leave the cold weather and fly towards a climate thats more suited for their needs. Do the same and reevaluate whom and what you give your energies to, and who you share your space with. Leave unhealthy situations behind whenever possible.

-sew or draw sigils in your jackets, scarfs and hats to keep you warm and dry

- the bright lights, songs and consumerism of christmas aren’t natural and can be very draining. Don’t beat yourself up for not being as productive as usual. Few plants grow and bloom during winter.

- ward yourself before visiting christmas markets (or any supermarket, let’s be honest). I like to spray my scarfs with protective sprays, and this can be done with any piece of clothing. But make sure to always let them fully dry, folks!

- I cannot stress this enough, never underestimate self care and rest at this time of year. Remind yourself that nature itself survives winter by going to sleep. Never feel bad for resting.

- evergreens in the home will help you to stay healthy, positive and in touch with nature. It’s great and easy color magic and perfect for closet witches.

- I smoke cleanse most gifts I get. I do nkt need anyones negative energies hafting on things I might put up in my bedroom.

- catch every ray of sunshine you can get, you will need it. If you are prone to seasonal depression, consult with a doctor. For me personally, supplements have helped a great deal :)

-clean your personal space. Your bed, your room, your house. Fall and winter are important times to look within, make sure you have a welcoming space to do somthe state of our home often influences the state of our mind.

- ginger and cinnamon (and often lemon) can be added to most hot drinks and will give you some extra warmth and energy even on the coldest days.

- hot water plus ginger in the morning, with honey in the afternoon and instead with chilies in the evening will do wonders for your immune system!

- if you buy crystals on the christmas market make sure you get what you pay for.

- when you spend time with old friends and family during the festivities, communicate your (new) boundaries clearly and calmly, and do not force yourself to spend time with those who cannot respect them. Your wellness is the most important thing and you should treat it accordingly! Sigils and spells to improve your patience and clear communication can help here.

- if you must spend time around toxic people, cleanse yourself afterwards and remind yourself that people act and speak only for and against themselves and never against you!

- I love you and I wish you a beautiful and holy time. I hope you will rest and find peace this winter so you can have a wonderful start into a new year full of blessings and growth



I think they're super cute, and not only do they make the most adorable earrings you've ever seen, but they're incredibly powerful in the witchy department.

Acorns have a plethora of uses, but for me personally, one particular effect of them draws to me: their ability to reflect and amplify power. If I have an acorn laying about, there are several things that I like to do to increase the effectiveness of my spellwork.

I'll list a few of my favorites here:

  • If I grind my own herbs with a mortar and pestle, I'll grind an acorn into it before pouring the powder out and grinding my other spices and herbs. It amplifies the influence of the herbs and also the influence of whatever I may be adding it into.
  • That powdered acorn can be dusted into wax that seals spells jars, and seems to be especially effecting with protection and safety jars.
  • Shattered bits of shell can be burnt along with cleansing incense to amplify the cleansing of your space.
  • Carrying acorns in your bag or on your person can increase the intensity of your presence
  • Throw them at assholes to chase them off

Tips and Commissions: Ko-fi


Hey! I'm interested on Necromancy but I'm not really sure how to get into it, do you have any advice?


Hi there! I apologize for putting off this ask, I wanted to link some posts and can’t do that via mobile. 

So honestly.. there’s just so much to it. And there’s so many other witches on tumblr I feel that have already answered this question so much more wonderfully than I could. 

So for very general links… Here is brattybruja’s post defining necromancy, and here is necromancermoon’s amazing post defining necromancy along with several sources. Another great post is this one of thebloodybones explaining necromancy, which also includes many other links!

From here I’ll just start listing!

Here’s some of my favorite blogs about death work/necromancy!

I hope this helps! I’m always around if you have any more questions!

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