
A Witchling's Craft


Candii is my name FAQ Etsy Just want to share a bit about me, what i have learned and how I have grown. This blog is a mix of everything really. I do very occasional divination now, mostly through my etsy. I do however adore sigils, just ask for one I now do them a bit more professional. I am a spirit worker as well as I astral travel and have my astral home with companions and family. Female Native American witch, of the BlackFoot Indian Tribe, born with the fish in Pisces. I am an earth angel, I love gemstones and tarot cards. I follow many but lead myself. I am a Reiki healer, I am a Shaman, and my craft has taken me in many different directions. I am a very very old soul in a young body I will share what I know and maybe you can teach me something new too. I have a side blog for my little side @little-strawberry-angel. And one for my writing side @writings-from-feathered-wings
Where Are We Now?

Well, we have been up to a lot.

We run an etsy, when you can find our divination, Spirit work, witchy items we make, Pride stuff and more!

You can find that at the here.

We also have a website which is here and that's exciting and shows more spirits we work with and other stuff.

We have grown, learned so much more about ourselves, found true friends and found those to avoid. We realized we can't live life for others and we are learning to do our best to make "us" time.

While we are not very active, at all, on here anymore, the blog remains because it helps others and that makes us happy. When we are on here, we try to fill our queue but, we don't make it a habit.

We have lots of problems, from mental health issues to chronic health issues, but we still try to smile and make the best of it when we can.

Either way, however you found your way here, be it a long time follower or a new one, remember you are loved by this blog. Everyone is welcomed (unless you are an asshole, in which, kindly leave)

But remember witchlings, you are magical.

~Until next time~

Blessings to you and yours,



Let's talk empath shall we?

So as many know, being an empath without knowing how to control it sucks 😖 let’s try something that have helped me 😀🤗 🌟NOTE: THIS WILL REQUIRE PRACTICE AND PATIENCE 🌟 💕hold your hand out 💕imagine a white ball of light in your hand about the size of a baseball 💕put intent in that bad boy. Ex. Only my emotions are allowed in. 💕focus on that ball and let it move 💕let it run around your whole body 💕 don’t make it any bigger than the baseball, it will stretch 💕let that white light coat you like a second skin. 💕now focus to let that energy move around you at all times 💕you might feel tired after (hence practice) 💕you will feel your energy moving on your skin 💕that energy has now become a barrier 💕it is going to run along your skin as a normal 💕the longer it is practiced the easier it becomes before it becomes second nature This helps me keep my emotions in me and everyone else’s away, I only let a small portion open when I want to know something that I am picking up on. It won’t completely cut off your empathness but dull everything around you to tolerable standards. I hope this helps even one of you 🤗 blessings to you and yours


Localizing Magic: Wild Strawberry (and False Strawberry too)

In my quest to figure out what is growing in my yard and how to incorporate it in witchcraft, I just found out that what I thought were wild strawberries in my side yard are actually “false strawberries”. Pictured above are wild strawberry flowers. False strawberries have five-petaled yellow flowers, not white ones like that. Plus, though they’re edible, they taste like nothing. I still plan on using them the way wild strawberries are used; I figure they’re a close enough match.

In witchcraft, strawberries are associated with luck and love. Their leaves and berries can be used in charms to promote desire and fertility; the leaves specifically are also used to promote healthy pregnancy. Various writers associate strawberries with Venus, Freya, Freyr and the element of Earth.

Steve Brill writes: “Scandinavians believed the goddess Frigga smuggled dead babies’ souls to heaven hidden inside strawberries. Bavarian peasants tied baskets of strawberries to their cattle’s horns so elves could enjoy the fruit at night, and return the favor by magically using their magic to make the peasants prosperous.” 


Breaking a Hex

Items needed:

Sprig of Rosemary

A piece of yellow paper

A red pen


A red clothe

Paprika or red pepper

A piece of red string

Time of Day:

Midnight on a Saturday


While performing this spell - carry a sprig of rosemary with you at all times. Write the person's name on the yellow paper. If you don't know who is sending you all this negativity, simply write, "Enemy Mine".

Using the red pen, draw a figure of a doll shape around the name and cut it out with your scissors.

Lay the paper doll face down on the red clothe and sprinkle with paprika or red pepper. Tie a string around the middle of your doll. Wrap up the doll tightly with the red clothe and hold it in your hands while repeating these words:

"Enemy Mine your power is gone. The hex is broken the spell undone. The eye has been turned away. Enemy mine you've gone away so shall it be from this day the spell is cast - the spell will last until your apology sets you free by me. This is my will, So Mote It Be.!" -Enchanting-Jewel

Deities and their Tarot Cards (Long Post)

I’ve heard of Pagans being contacted by their gods via certain Tarot Cards, so I wanted to do a deep dive and outline which Cards are associated with which Gods. Hopefully this can help you tell which God is reaching out to you :)

Major Arcana

The Fool: Pan, Zeus, Dionysus, Loki, Hermes

The Magician: Hermes, Thoth, Odin,

The High Priestess: Hekate, Selene, Isis, Artemis, Freya, Ganesha, Tsukiyomi

The Empress: Aphrodite, Hera, Freya, Frigg, Isis, Hathor, Durga, Astarte, Demeter, Ishtar The Emperor: Zeus, Lugh, Odin, Horus, Ares, Osiris, Ra

The Hierophant: Osiris, Athena, Thoth, Seshat, Ogma, Horus, Apollo, Hermes, Odin, Brigid, Saraswati, Ganesha

The Lovers: Aengus Og, Aphrodite, Frigg, Rhea, Gaia, Demeter, Inanna, Ishtar, Parvati, Hathor, Isis, Brigid, Freya, Osiris, Cernunnos, Freyr, Dionysus, Pan The Chariot: Thor, The Morrigan, Nike, Athena, Astarte, Inanna, Ishtar, Anat, Freya, Bast, Durga, Odin, Horus, Sobek, Ares, Apollo, Set, Bellona

Justice: Lugh, Aengus Og, The Morrigan, Nemesis, Inanna, Themis, Ma’at, Nike, Athena, Zeus, Forseti

Strength: Thor, Hestia, Athena, Sekhmet, Bast, Macha, Brigid, Danu, Isis, The Virgin Mary, Bast, Sekhmet, The Dagda, Lugh

The Hermit: Odin, Isis, Hestia, Persephone, Hades, Hekate, Cerridwen, Brigid, The Muses, Saraswati, Hermes, Ogma, Odin

Wheel of Fortune: Zeus, Hathor, Isis, The Dagda, The Moirai, Maat, Arianhrod

The Hanged Man: Odin, Artemis, Osiris, Persephone, Inanna, Ishtar, Buddha, Jesus

Death: Persephone, Inanna, Ereshkigal, Isis, Nephtys, Izanami, Hel, Freya, Hades, Seth, Anubis, Osiris, Manannan Mac Lir, Odin, Thanatos, The Morrigan, Morana

Temperance: Artemis, Isis, Nepthys, Iris, Ma’at, Hebe, Apollo, Vishnu

The Devil: Dionysus, Pan, Set, Lilith, The Morrigan, Banshees, Baba Yaga, Lucifer, Baphomet, Satan, Veles, The Horned God

The Tower: Kali, Ares, Pele, Sekhmet, Hel, The Morrigan, Sedna, Anat, Ceres, Chernobog, Shiva

The Star: Aphrodite, Thoth, Hermes, Ishtar, Astrea, Isis, Arianhrod, The Virgin Mary, Inanna, Nuit, Isis, Nodens, Zorya

The Moon: Artemis, Hekate, Rhiannon, Cerridwen, Selene, Isis, Phoebe, Mani, Thoth, Arianhrod, Tsukiyomi, Chang-e

The Sun: Lugh, Apollo, Kupala, Helios, Brigid, Sol, Artemis, Athena, Aine, Bast, Sekhmet, Freyr, Horus, Aten, Ra, Agni

Judgement: Persephone, Ma’at, Osiris, Hephaestus, Isis, Kuan Yin, Horus, Hades

The World: Aengus Og, Demeter, The Dagda, Isis, Gaia, Cernunnos, Green Man

The Suits

Suit of Swords: The Morrigan, Freya, Hades, Odin, Athena, Hel

Suit of Wands: Lugh, Hephaestus, Ares, Bellona, Pele, Aine, Brigid, Apollo

Suit of Pentacles: Gaia, Demeter, Macha, Freyr

Suit of Cups: Poseidon, Aphrodite, Isis, Boann, Hera, Hathor


King of Pentacles: The Horned God, Freyr, Pan, Cernunnos, The Dagda

King of Cups: Lugh, Poseidon, Manannan Mac Lir, Njord, Apollo

King of Swords: Odin, Tyr, Zeus, Hermes, Horus

King of Wands: Ares, The Dagda, Zeus, Apollo


Queen of Pentacles: Hekate, Gaia, Eostre, Aine, Artemis, Ceres, Demeter

Queen of Cups: Aphrodite, Venus, Hera

Queen of Swords: The Morrigan, Freya, Athena, Themis

Queen of Wands: Brigid, Hestia, Bellona, Aine


Knight of Pentacles: Athena, Athena, Macha, Persephone, Lugh, Artemis, Demeter, Ceres

Knight of Cups: Aphrodite, Boann, Isis, Hathor

Knight of Swords: Badb, The Morrigan, Athena, Hermes, Nemain

Knight of Wands: Apollo, Brigid, Bellona, Lugh


Page of Pentacles: Athena, Apollo, Lugh, Pan, The Muses, Hathor

Page of Cups: Aphrodite, Lada

Page of Swords: The Morrigan, Freya, Odin, Athena, Nike, Bellona

Page of Wands: Artemis, Apollo, Brigid, Athena


How To Create Your Own Spells

Dedicated to @a–special–one​ Thank you so much for asking! I felt like this needed a post all it’s own ^u^

-from my grimoire

I’d like to say before anything else, and as I always say, this is not the only way to do this. There are many different ways to create your own spells, and this is simply the method that I find easiest when teaching beginners. And always remember that when it comes to crafting a spell, your intentions are whats most important.

Gathering Your Thoughts

The first step to creating any spell, is thinking about what kind of spell you want to perform, how you want to perform it, and how you want it to manifest.

Ask yourself some questions. “What kind of spell do I want to make?” “Does this need to be a very specific spell or a vague one?” “What method am I going to use to cast/create the spell?” “How do I want this spell to affect me or the person it’s aimed at?” “What kind of ingredients am I going to need?” “What time of day or moon phase would I like to perform this spell?” Anything along those lines are important questions to ask before you start working on your spell. Write the questions and answers down on paper that way you can keep track of everything!

Types of Spells

The next place you’re going to end up is choosing what kind of spell you want to do. Picking what type of spell you want to do is important because this is what decides how effective it is, how long it’s going to last, and when it’s effect will activate. This is not a list of all the types of spells out there, but simply the types that I do on a regular basis. And as another note, you can totally combine methods as well! This can easily enhance the power of your spells and make your intentions more clear and direct.

  • Prayer - This is the most simple form of a spell, and best to do if you’re only looking for a little aid rather than something major. A spell like this puts you in the universes hands completely.
  • Spoken Word - Differing from prayer because this has actual intentions in mind. This is usually a word, phrase, rhyme/lyric, or short paragraph spoken with energy. A spell like this can be very effective depending on how much energy you put into it and how much you actually believe in yourself. If you’re low on supplies and need something solid, spoken word is the way to go.
  • Incense Spell - An incense spell is usually directed at yourself rather than at another person, though that doesn’t mean it can’t work on another. But these are very temporary spells and only last as long as the burning incense. Usually this kind of spell is used to enhance focus.
  • Candle Spell - One of the most common types of spell you’re going to see are ones with candles. You can perform this spell on yourself or another person easily, and they’re very fast acting depending on the type of candle you use. When doing this kind of spell, take things like color and size in account.
  • Crystal Grid - A type of spell work that is done by placing specific crystals in a manner where their energies intermingle and work together to perform a task. This is a spell type that I use on a daily basis to set the mood for the day and keep me energies.
  • Sigil - A type of drawn magick that puts your intentions of paper. Usually these need to be charged and activated, but once that’s done, they have quite nice effects!
  • Bottle/Bag Spell - My personal favorite type of spell! These work well if you need a constant effect, and depending on the size of bag or bottle you use can easily be carried with you everywhere. These are very long lasting, don’t need to be charged often, and produce the best effect.
  • Energy Spell - Probably a more advanced technique, but this is the use of pure energy to put your will into motion. Doing energy spells takes lots of practice and in the early stages can be very unstable in whether they work or not, or whether they’ll completely backfire. This takes patience so don’t give up!

Picking Your Ingredients

Unless you’ve decided on spoken word or prayer alone, you’ll be looking for ingredients next. You don’t need expensive or fancy ingredients, and if you need to you can totally add spices and such from your kitchen ^u^ Think about correspondences carefully, and if you associate something with a feeling or ideal specifically then use it! Things that have personal meanings to yourself can be the most powerful ingredient in any spell.

Here are some of the correspondences I’ve posted about. (If tumblr wasn’t fiddly I would post links, but they’re on my blog in the “My Grimoire” and “My Tips” pages) Herbs and Spices Incense and Oils Common Crystals Colors Flowers Feathers (be mindful of the feathers you pick up, some could get you in legal trouble!)

When To Cast

Once you’ve got all your ingredients together, next thing you’re gonna wanna sit down and figure out when you want to cast your spell. This isn’t always a necessary part, and most spells can be done whenever you feel like, but taking things like Time of Day or the Current Moon Phase into account can really add to (or even take away from) the power of your spell

Here are some simple correspondences for Moon Phase and Time of Day. (I’ll go more in depth in a separate post if enough people show interest)

Moon Phases

  • New Moon (when there is only the tiniest sliver) - Good for sowing the seeds of new ideas
  • Waxing Moon - Good for healing, and growing ideas
  • Full Moon - Best time to perform any sort of spell
  • Waning Moon - Good for cutting things out of your life
  • Dark Moon (when the moon is not visible) - Take this time to rest and focus on yourself

Time of Day

  • 1am-3am - Good for communicating with spirits
  • 4am-6am - Good for planting new ideas and fertility
  • 7am-9am - Best time to make offerings to deities or local spirits
  • 10am-12pm - Best time for positivity and growth
  • 1pm-3pm - Good to focus on yourself and your studies
  • 4pm-6pm - Time to harvest and be with family
  • 7pm-9pm - Best time to cut things out of your life
  • 10pm-12am - Good for any magickal workings

Like I said earlier, this stuff isn’t necessary unless you really want that extra ‘umph’ in your magick, so don’t feel like you have to plan it down to a T especially if you’re in a hurry. Only plan if you want to and have the time to.

Organizing and Casting

How are you going to cast the spell? That’s probably one of the hardest parts you’re going to come across if you’re new to spell crafting. You want to think about this part carefully so you get maximum results. I can give some tips ^u^

  • If you’re combining methods, think about what order you want to put them in. Organize them in a way that flows naturally.
  • Practice your spell! Set up a play scenario and rehearse your spell a few times to make sure you get it right, and the whole process goes smoothly.
  • Don’t be afraid to make a mistake though, mistakes are part of life and they always tend to happen when you want them to the least. If your spell doesn’t go perfectly the way you imagined, that’s okay. Intention is what matters.
  • Keep all your spells in a file or in a book. Keeping records of spells is important if you ever intend to use them again, write everything down from ingredients to how you cast
  • Dont be afraid to experiment! Especially with random things, that’s how you make your own associations. Making your own associations is how you make a spell even stronger!
  • Lastly, don’t feel obligated to get fancy or over the top. Spoken word spells can be just as effective as a bottle spell, especially if it’s said every day.

Crystal Safety

These crystals will fade in the sunlight:

  • Amethyst
  • Rose Quartz, Aquamarine
  • Smoky Quartz
  • Kunzite
  • Hiddenite
  • Spodumene
  • Fluorite

These crystals will dissolve in water:

  • Halite
  • Sulfates: Borates, Calcite, Gypsum
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Turquoise
  • Ivory
  • Pyrite: degrades when stored at high humidity. (Place silica drying gel in the container to absorb moisture)

When In doubt, most crystals are water soluble if:

  • End in “ite”
  • Moh’s Hardness less than 6
  • Scratches easily with a steel knife

These crystals will dissolve in acid solutions (such as acetone & vinegar):

  • Calcite
  • Gypsum
  • Limestone
  • Marble
  • Amber (acetone: contained in most nail polish remover)

These crystals will produce POISONOUS gasses when HEATED:

  • Cinnabar
  • Realgar
  • Stibnite

Wash your hands after handling them and do not eat while working with them.

These crystals ARE TOXIC to INGEST:

Minerals and metals containing:

  • Aluminum
  • Arsenic
  • Barium
  • Cadmium
  • Copper
  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • Zinc

These Crystals will get damaged by Salt:

Any raw, rough stone.  Any stone with hardness under 7.  If you are not sure, use another method.

  • Amber
  • Angelite
  • Azurite
  • ALL Calcites
  • Dioptase
  • Imperial Topaz
  • Fire Opal
  • Kyanite
  • Kunzite
  • Malachite
  • Moonstone
  • Opal
  • Red Coral
  • Selenite
  • Turquoise

DO NOT make Gem Elixirs, Gem Waters, or Massage Oils & DO NOT Ingest, Consume, or Put in Your Mouth:

  • Adamite – zinc, copper
  • Amazonite – copper
  • Amber – toxic dust, fumes, possible ingestive toxicity
  • Angelite – lead, sulphur
  • Aragonite-
  • Atacamite – copper
  • Auricalcite – zinc and copper
  • Azurite – copper
  • Boji-stones/Kansas Pop Rocks (may contain sulphur)
  • Bronchantite – copper
  • Cerrusite – sulphur, molybdenum
  • Chalcantite (aka “blue shit”) – copper
  • Chalcopyrite (Peacock Stone, Peacock Ore) – copper and sulphur
  • Chrysacolla (Chrysocolla) – copper
  • Cinnabar – mercury
  • Cobaltocalcite (Pink Cobalt Calcite) – cobalt
  • Conicalcite – copper
  • Copper – copper
  • Coral – organic, may contain bacteria as well as pollutants from toxic materials in the water it forms in
  • Cuprite – copper
  • Diopside – copper
  • Dioptase – copper
  • Eliat Stone – copper
  • Emerald – aluminum
  • Garnet – aluminum
  • Gem Silica – copper
  • Galena/ Galenite – lead
  • Garnierite (Genthite, Falcondoite) – nickel
  • Hiddenite – aluminum
  • Iolite – aluminum
  • Kansas Pop Rocks – may contain sulphur
  • Kunzite – aluminum
  • Kyanite – aluminum
  • Labradorite – aluminum
  • Lapis Lazuli – may contain copper, sulphur
  • Marcasite (Markasite) – sulphur
  • Magnetite (Lodestone) – iron in large quantities
  • Malachite – copper
  • Meteorite – may contain many toxic substances
  • Mohawkite – copper, arsenic
  • Moldavite – aluminum
  • Molybdenum – molybdenum
  • Moonstone – may contain aluminum or other toxic substances
  • Mother of Pearl – organic, may contain bacteria as well as pollutants from toxic materials in the water it forms in
  • Opal – toxic dust for inhalation
  • Pearl – organic, may contain bacteria as well as pollutants from toxic materials in the water it forms in
  • Psiomelane – barium
  • Pyrite (Fool’s Gold) – sulphur
  • Quartz (Do Not Inhale Dust) – toxic dust for inhalation
  • Realgar – sulfur, arsenic
  • Rhodocrosite (Rhodochrosite) – lead
  • Ruby – aluminum
  • Sapphire – aluminum
  • Sodalite – aluminum
  • Spinel – may contain aluminum, zinc
  • Stibnite – lead, antimony
  • Smithsonite (Galmei, Zinc spar)- zinc, may contain copper
  • Sulphur – sulphur
  • Tiger’s Eye
  • Topaz
  • Tourmaline, Watermelon – aluminum
  • Turquoise – copper
  • Uranium – radioactive mineral
  • Vanadanite – lead
  • Variscite – aluminum
  • Wulfenite – lead, molybdenum

Masterpost of Crystal Meanings

Source: meanings.crystalsandjewelry.c.om   Tip: Press CTRL+F to search for traits/stones!

  1. Abalone – Handling Emotional Situations, Psychic Development
  2. Abundance Crystal – Bring state of abundance, prosperity
  3. Aegerine – Energizing, Protection Against Psychic Attacks,
  4. African Crystals – Bring energies that are primal and forceful to crystals
  5. Agate – Protection, Calming, Courage
  6. Agate Eyes – Evil eye
  7. Blue Lace Agate – Gentleness, Tranquility, Communication
  8. Botswana Agate – Transitions, Creativity, Solutions, Nervous System, Broken Bones
  9. Crab Fire Agate – Individuality, Courage
  10. Crazy Lace Agate – Protection from Evil Eye, Decision-making, Focus
  11. Barnacle Crystal – Helpful for group issues, harmony,
  12. Beryl– Varies by color of beryl,
  13. Binghamite – Good Fortune, Elves and Fairies Energy,
  14. Biotite – Clear Picture of Issues,
  15. Bixbite – Harmony, Compatibility,
  16. Black Color Energies  – Survival, Grounding, Protection, Lower Blood Pressure, Root Chakra,
  17. Blackstone (see Black Jasper) – Highly Protecting, Healing,
  18. Bloodstone (Heliotrope) – Centering, Adaptability, Reduce Anxiety,
  19. Blue Color Energies  – Truth, Loyalty, Communication, Peaceful Dreams, General Healing, Relieve Pain,
  20. Boji Stones – Release Blockages, Align Chakras,
  21. Bone – Vitality, Strength,
  22. Dinosaur Bone – Increases Energy, Memory, Said to Heal Broken Bones,
  23. Botswana Agate – Transitions, Creativity, Solutions, Nervous System, Broken Bones,
  24. Bowenite – Protection, Dream-solving,
  25. Brazil Crystals – Said by some to be the most powerful crystal energy, healing,
  26. Bridge Crystal aka Inner Child, Penetrator –  Public Speaking, Heal Old Childhood Issue,
  27. Bronzite – Focused Action, Courtesy, Inner Certainty, Muscular Tension,
  28. Brown Color Energies — Stability, Grounding, Protection, ADD, Instability, Immune System
  29. Bustamite – Clear Energy Blockages, Emotional Safety, Stress Disorders
  30. Calcite – Amplifies Energy, Reduce Fear, Reduce Stress,
  31. Blue Calcite – Soothing Amplifies Energy,
  32. Green Calcite – Prosperity, Increase,
  33. Honey Calcite – Gentle Amplification,
  34. Orange Calcite – Emotional Healing,
  35. Other Calcites – Black Calcite and Others
  36. Pink Calcite, Mangano Calcite – “Reiki Stone”, Self-Love, Universal Love,
  37. Red Calcite – Detoxify, Release Fear,
  38. Yellow Calcite – Energy, Personal Power,
  39. Candle Quartz – Lightbringer, Ancient Knowledge, Abundance,
  40. Carnelian – Creativity, Individuality, Courage,
  41. Castellated Crystal (Castle, Cathedral Crystal) – Balancing, Akashic Wisdom,
  42. Catlinite (Pipestone) – Spirit Communication, Prayer, Ritual,
  43. Cavansite – Stimulate Psychic Awareness, Rid Negative Thoughts,
  44. Celestite (Celestine) – Angelic Guidance, End Worry & Anxiety,
  45. Abalone – Handling Emotional Situations, Psychic Development
  46. Abundance Crystal – Bring state of abundance, prosperity
  47. Aegerine – Energizing, Protection Against Psychic Attacks,
  48. African Crystals – Bring energies that are primal and forceful to crystals
  49. Agate – Protection, Calming, Courage
  50. Agate Eyes – Evil eye
  51. Blue Lace Agate – Gentleness, Tranquility, Communication
  52. Botswana Agate – Transitions, Creativity, Solutions, Nervous System, Broken Bones
  53. Crab Fire Agate – Individuality, Courage
  54. Crazy Lace Agate – Protection from Evil Eye, Decision-making, Focus
  55. Barnacle Crystal – Helpful for group issues, harmony,
  56. Beryl– Varies by color of beryl,
  57. Binghamite – Good Fortune, Elves and Fairies Energy,
  58. Biotite – Clear Picture of Issues,
  59. Bixbite – Harmony, Compatibility,
  60. Black Color Energies  – Survival, Grounding, Protection, Lower Blood Pressure, Root Chakra,
  61. Blackstone (see Black Jasper) – Highly Protecting, Healing,
  62. Bloodstone (Heliotrope) – Centering, Adaptability, Reduce Anxiety,
  63. Blue Color Energies  – Truth, Loyalty, Communication, Peaceful Dreams, General Healing, Relieve Pain,
  64. Boji Stones – Release Blockages, Align Chakras,
  65. Bone – Vitality, Strength,
  66. Dinosaur Bone – Increases Energy, Memory, Said to Heal Broken Bones,
  67. Botswana Agate – Transitions, Creativity, Solutions, Nervous System, Broken Bones,
  68. Bowenite – Protection, Dream-solving,
  69. Brazil Crystals – Said by some to be the most powerful crystal energy, healing,
  70. Bridge Crystal aka Inner Child, Penetrator –  Public Speaking, Heal Old Childhood Issue,
  71. Bronzite – Focused Action, Courtesy, Inner Certainty, Muscular Tension,
  72. Brown Color Energies — Stability, Grounding, Protection, ADD, Instability, Immune System
  73. Bustamite – Clear Energy Blockages, Emotional Safety, Stress Disorders
  74. Calcite – Amplifies Energy, Reduce Fear, Reduce Stress,
  75. Blue Calcite – Soothing Amplifies Energy,
  76. Green Calcite – Prosperity, Increase,
  77. Honey Calcite – Gentle Amplification,
  78. Orange Calcite – Emotional Healing,
  79. Other Calcites – Black Calcite and Others
  80. Pink Calcite, Mangano Calcite – “Reiki Stone”, Self-Love, Universal Love,
  81. Red Calcite – Detoxify, Release Fear,
  82. Yellow Calcite – Energy, Personal Power,
  83. Candle Quartz – Lightbringer, Ancient Knowledge, Abundance,
  84. Carnelian – Creativity, Individuality, Courage,
  85. Castellated Crystal (Castle, Cathedral Crystal) – Balancing, Akashic Wisdom,
  86. Catlinite (Pipestone) – Spirit Communication, Prayer, Ritual,
  87. Cavansite – Stimulate Psychic Awareness, Rid Negative Thoughts,
  88. Celestite (Celestine) – Angelic Guidance, End Worry & Anxiety, Abalone – Handling Emotional Situations, Psychic Development
  89. Abundance Crystal – Bring state of abundance, prosperity
  90. Aegerine – Energizing, Protection Against Psychic Attacks,
  91. African Crystals – Bring energies that are primal and forceful to crystals
  92. Agate – Protection, Calming, Courage
  93. Agate Eyes – Evil eye
  94. Blue Lace Agate – Gentleness, Tranquility, Communication
  95. Botswana Agate – Transitions, Creativity, Solutions, Nervous System, Broken Bones
  96. Crab Fire Agate – Individuality, Courage
  97. Crazy Lace Agate – Protection from Evil Eye, Decision-making, Focus
  98. Barnacle Crystal – Helpful for group issues, harmony,
  99. Beryl– Varies by color of beryl,
  100. Binghamite – Good Fortune, Elves and Fairies Energy,
  101. Biotite – Clear Picture of Issues,
  102. Bixbite – Harmony, Compatibility,
  103. Black Color Energies  – Survival, Grounding, Protection, Lower Blood Pressure, Root Chakra,
  104. Blackstone (see Black Jasper) – Highly Protecting, Healing,
  105. Bloodstone (Heliotrope) – Centering, Adaptability, Reduce Anxiety,
  106. Blue Color Energies  – Truth, Loyalty, Communication, Peaceful Dreams, General Healing, Relieve Pain,
  107. Boji Stones – Release Blockages, Align Chakras,
  108. Bone – Vitality, Strength,
  109. Dinosaur Bone – Increases Energy, Memory, Said to Heal Broken Bones,
  110. Botswana Agate – Transitions, Creativity, Solutions, Nervous System, Broken Bones,
  111. Bowenite – Protection, Dream-solving,
  112. Brazil Crystals – Said by some to be the most powerful crystal energy, healing,
  113. Bridge Crystal aka Inner Child, Penetrator –  Public Speaking, Heal Old Childhood Issue,
  114. Bronzite – Focused Action, Courtesy, Inner Certainty, Muscular Tension,
  115. Brown Color Energies — Stability, Grounding, Protection, ADD, Instability, Immune System
  116. Bustamite – Clear Energy Blockages, Emotional Safety, Stress Disorders
  117. Calcite – Amplifies Energy, Reduce Fear, Reduce Stress,
  118. Blue Calcite – Soothing Amplifies Energy,
  119. Green Calcite – Prosperity, Increase,
  120. Honey Calcite – Gentle Amplification,
  121. Orange Calcite – Emotional Healing,
  122. Other Calcites – Black Calcite and Others
  123. Pink Calcite, Mangano Calcite – “Reiki Stone”, Self-Love, Universal Love,
  124. Red Calcite – Detoxify, Release Fear,
  125. Yellow Calcite – Energy, Personal Power,
  126. Candle Quartz – Lightbringer, Ancient Knowledge, Abundance,
  127. Carnelian – Creativity, Individuality, Courage,
  128. Castellated Crystal (Castle, Cathedral Crystal) – Balancing, Akashic Wisdom,
  129. Catlinite (Pipestone) – Spirit Communication, Prayer, Ritual,
  130. Cavansite – Stimulate Psychic Awareness, Rid Negative Thoughts,
  131. Celestite (Celestine) – Angelic Guidance, End Worry & Anxiety,
  132. Eliat Stone – Remove Hurt, Fear, Stress,
  133. Elestial Crystal  aka Skeletal Crystal – Uncover Secrets, Calming,
  134. Emerald – Love, Communication, Truthfulness,
  135. Empathic Warrior Crystal  – Empathy, Overcome Problems,
  136. Enhydro Crystal – Relationships, Stress Reduction,
  137. Epidote – Enhances Emotional and Spiritual Growth, Perception, Patience,  
  138. ET Crystal – Extra-terrestrial – ET communication, Celestial Beings, Intuition,
  139. Etched Crystal  (Natural) – Ancient Knowledge, Personal Meditation, Lost Healing Techniques,
  140. Eudialyte – Personal Power Stone, Manifestation,
  141. Fairy Frost (Devic) Crystal – Nature Spirits, Elements,
  142. Fairy Quartz – Peace, Heightened Calming Energy, Meditation,
  143. Fairy Stone – Healing Trauma, Health, Prosperity,
  144. Family Cluster  – Family Harmony, Harmony,
  145. Fire Agate –  – See Crystals A page for Agates
  146. Fire Opal – Vitality, Handle Change Comfortably, Clairaudience,
  147. Flame Agate –  – See Crystals A page for Agates
  148. Fluorite – Spiritual Wholeness, Peace, Organization,
  149. Fluorite, Blue John – Beneficial for Sensitives,
  150. Fluorite, Opalized – See Tiffany Stone
  151. Yttrian Fluorite – Manifestation, Wealth,
  152. Fossils – Business Accomplishments, Excellence,
  153. Fulgurites – Direct & Channel Energy, Leadership, Cloud-busting,  
  154. Fuchsite – Lore: Balance, Continuity, Stress Relief,
  155. Galaxite – Protect & Cleanse Aura, Astral Travel,
  156. Galena – “Stone of Harmony”, Insight,
  157. Lord Ganesha (diety, symbol) – Remove Obstacles, Abundance,
  158. Garnet – Romance, Love, Self-Confidence,  
  159. Green Garnet (Grossular Garnet, Grossularite) – Manifestation, Abundance, Confidence,
  160. Hessonite Garnet (Hessionite) – Passion, Creativity, Personal Expression,
  161. Garnet, Tsavorite (Tsavorite, Tsavolith) – See Tsavorite
  162. Generator (Merlin) Crystals – Generate and Magnify Energy, Remove Negative Energy,
  163. Girasol – Visualization, Dreamwork,
  164. Glass – Fire, Air, Earth, Water Elements Combined, Transformation, Rebirth, Focus,
  165. Dichroic Glass – Meditation, Seeing Past Illusions,
  166. Glendonite – Discovery, Learning, Life Purpose,
  167. Gold – Wealth, Happiness, Positive Feelings,
  168. Gold Filled – Balance Energy Fields,
  169. Goldstone – Ambition, Drive,
  170. Goshenite – Truthfulness, Creativity,
  171. Gray Color Energies – Neutrality, Self-Control, May Indicate Illness,
  172. Green Calcite – See the Crystals C page for all calcite.
  173. Green Color Energies – Nature, Harmony, Heart Chakra, Growth, Love, Prosperity, Heart, Blood Pressure,
  174. Green Apophyllite – See Crystals A page for all Apophyllite
  175. Green Moss Agate – See Crystals A page for Moss Agates
  176. Green Millennium – Balance, Harmony, Reduce Anxiety,
  177. Grounding Crystals – Practical Use of Crystal Energy,
  178. Growth Interference Crystal – Remove Energy Blockages,
  179. Gyrolite – Activates Minerals, Ancient Wisdom, Self-Confidence,
  180. Hawk’s Eye – See Blue Tigers Eye
  181. Heart Chakra – Anahata – love, emotions, colors are primarily green and/or pink,
  182. Heliodor – Will Power, Personal Power,
  183. Heliotrope (Bloodstone) – See Crystals B for Bloodstone.
  184. Hematite – Mental Organization, Stability, Grounding, Calming,
  185. Hemimorphite – Self-esteem, Personal Growth, Joy,  
  186. Herkimer “Diamond” (Herkimder “Diamond” Quartz) – Attunement, Mind/Body/Spirit Balance,
  187. Heulandite – Mystical Ancient Knowledge from Atlantis & Lemuria,
  188. Hiddenite – Insight, Intellect, Youthful Vigor,
  189. Himalayan and Tibetan Crystals – Meditative, Ethereal,
  190. Holey Stone (aka Odin Stone) – Prevent Nightmares, Protection, Visions,
  191. Honey Calcite – See the C Crystals page for all calcite.
  192. Howlite – Decrease Stress, Lower Pain,
  193. Included Crystals – Enhances inner qualities,
  194. Indicolite – Spiritual Quest, Psychic Awareness,
  195. Indigo Gabbro – High Energy, Expand Consciousness, Protection,
  196. Infinite (Infinite Stone) – Strong Healing, Draw Out Pain,
  197. Iolite – Psychic Healing, Curiosity, Sobriety,
  198. Isis Crystals – Cope with Loss, Wisdom,
  199. Jade – Love, Fidelity, Generosity, Abundance, PTSD,
  200. Japan Law Twin Crystal – Clear Aura,
  201. Jasper – Nurturing, Protection, Relaxation,  – New Updated Article
  202. Black Jasper – Highly Protecting, Healing, Determine Value,
  203. Brecciated Jasper – Work Success, Wholeness, Protection,
  204. Dalmatian Jasper aka Dalmatine – Remove Disillusionment, Loyalty,
  205. Exotica Jasper aka Sci Fi Jasper – Protection, Soul Nurturing,
  206. Fancy Jasper – Healing, Tranquility,
  207. Kambaba Jasper – Plant Growth, Soothe Nerves,
  208. King Cobra Jasper – Nurturing, Alleviate Anger, Organization,
  209. Leopard Skin Jasper aka Leopard Stone – Service, Power Animals, Visualization,
  210. Mookaite aka Mookaite Jasper – Internal and External Balance,
  211. Morrisonite Jasper – Relaxation, Nurturing,
  212. Ocean Jasper – Love Self & Others, Heal Emotions,
  213. Picture Jasper – Harmony, Visualization,
  214. Poppy Jasper – Protection, Astral Travel, Relaxation,
  215. Rainforest Jasper (Rhyolite) – Perseverance, Communication,
  216. Red Jasper – Justice, Protection, Fairness,
  217. Succor Creek Jasper – See Picture Jasper
  218. Yellow Jasper – Solar Plexus (Belly) Chakra, Social Welfare,
  219. Zebra Jasper – See Zebra Stone
  220. Jet aka Black Amber– Heal Grief, Protect Finances
  221. Kansas Pop Rocks – Release Blockages, Align Chakras, more
  222. Katanganite (Katangite) – Clairvoyance, Raise Energy Vibrations, Meditation, more
  223. Key Crystals – Uncover Hidden Information, more
  224. Kinoite – Communication, Truth, Psychic, more
  225. Kundalini Quartz (Natural Congo Citrine) – Raise Kundalini, Willpower, more
  226. Kunzite – Stress, Broken Hearts, more
  227. Kyanite – Loyalty, Chakra Balance, Reduce Anger, more
  228. Green Kyanite – Heart Chakra, Balance, Love, Lessen Anger
  229. Orange Kyanite – Creativity, Sacral Chakra, more
  230. Labradorite ( Spectrolite) – Magic, Psychic Protection, Stress Reduction, more
  231. Lake County “Diamonds” ( Moon Tears, Konocti “Diamonds”) – Goddess Energy, Moon Energy, Relieve Depression, more
  232. Lapis Lazuli – Truthfulness, Inner Power, Organization, more
  233. Larimar – Freedom, Peace, Energy, more
  234. Larvikite (Norwegian Moonstone) – Psychic Work, Read Between the Lines, more
  235. Laser Wand (Lazer Wand) Crystals – Direct and Focus Energy, more
  236. Lavulite – See Sugilite
  237. Lazulite – Psychic, Reduce Worries, Meditation, more
  238. Left Activation (Time Link to Past) Crystals – Link to Past, Left Brain, Analysis, more
  239. Lemurian Seed Crystal – Love, meditation, healing, more
  240. Lepidocrocite (Lepidochrosite) – Reduce Distraction, Lessen Negative Thinking, more
  241. Lepidolite – Emotional Balance, Acceptance, Calm, more
  242. Libyan Desert Glass – Good Luck, Money Drawing, Immune System, more
  243. Lineated Crystals – Divination, Business Skill, Dexterity, more
  244. Lithio-Laser Crystals – Extremely Powerful, Integrate Body/Mind/Emotions/Spirit, Break Down Internal Barriers, more
  245. Lithium Quartz – Heal Repressed Emotions, Stress Reducer, Balancing, more
  246. Lodestone (Magnetite) – Attracts Good Fortune and Love, Protection from Evil, more
  247. Lodolite (aka Landscape Quartz, Scenic Quartz, Garden Quartz) – Meditation, Manifesting Desire, Heightened Spiritual Energies, more
  248. Madagascar Crystals –Bring primal energies that are fluid and flowing
  249. Malachite – Transformation, Energy, Balance, more
  250. Manifestation Crystal – Blessings, Wishes, Childhood Trauma, more
  251. Marble, Picasso – Calming, Weight Loss, Self-Discipline, more
  252. Mariposite – Reduce Stress, Adapt to Change, Balance, more
  253. Melody’s Stone (Super Seven, Sacred 7) – Psychic, Healing, more
  254. Mica – Eliminate Negative Personality Traits, Release Blockages, more
  255. Moqui Marbles (Moki Balls, Shaman Stones) – Shamanism, Stimulate Chi, more
  256. Moldavite – Inner Journeys, Cosmic & Crystal Consciousness, more
  257. Molybdenum – Reliability, Stress Relief, Heal Holes in the Aura, more
  258. Mookaite – see Mookaite Jasper
  259. Moonstone – Sensitivity, Intuition, Protection, Obesity, more
  260. Rainbow Moonstone – Calming, Creativity, Compassion, Goddess energies, more
  261. Morganite – Angel Stone, Heart Stone, Ease Pain of Separation, more
  262. Morrisonite (Morrisonite Jasper) – Heart, Bridge Heart and Root Chakras, more
  263. Moss Agate – See Crystals A page for all agates.
  264. Mother of Pearl – Prosperity, Intuition, Transmute Negativity, more
  265. Multicolor Energies – Hope, Brings Multiple Positive Color Energies
  266. Muscovite – Angelic Contact, Lessen Insecurities, Problem Solving, Pancreas, Blood Sugar, more
  267. Nebula Stone – Removes Fear, Boosts memory, more
  268. Needle Crystal – Close Energy Holes, more
  269. Nephrite Jade – Emotional Balance, Protection, Love, more
  270. Novaculite – cut psychic or etheric cords, getting past problems, depression, more
  271. Nuumite (Nuumit) – Protection from Negative Energy, Activate All Chakras, more
  272. Obsidian – Protection, Grounding, Remove Negativity, Infections, more – includes Green Obsidian
  273. Mahogany Obsidian – Inner Strength, Psychic Protection, more
  274. Rainbow Obsidian (also called Sheen Obsidian) – “Stone of Pleasure”, Love, Light, Scrying, more
  275. Snowflake Obsidian – Balance, Serenity, Protection, more
  276. Okenite – Sense of Belonging, Purifying, Angels, more
  277. Onyx – Root Chakra, Protection, Assists with Challenges, Stabilizing, more
  278. Opal – Inspiration, Imagination, Creativity, more
  279. Opal Aura (aka Angel Aura) – See “A” Crystals page.
  280. Blue Peruvian Opal – Ingenuity, Self-Esteem, Stress Reduction, more
  281. Fire Opal – Vitality, Handle Change Comfortably, Clairaudience, more
  282. Pink Peruvian Opal – Love, Gentleness, Romantic, more
  283. Orange Calcite – See the C Crystals page for all calcite.
  284. Orange Color Energies  – Passion, Creativity, Abundance, Freedom, Sexuality, Bladder, Lower Intestine, Sacral Chakra, more
  285. Orange Millennium – Emotional Blockage, Fear, Cohesive Energy, more
  286. Papagoite – Optimism, Euphoric Oneness, more
  287. Parent Crystals (Parent / Child Crystals) – Building Relationships, more
  288. Peach Aventurine – See Crystals A page for all Aventurine
  289. Peacock Ore (Peacock Stone) – See C Crystals page for Chalcopyrite.
  290. Pearls – Calming, Purity, Charity, Truth, more
  291. Pectolite – Wisdom, Truthfulness, more
  292. Peridot – Heart Chakra, Balance, Compassion, more
  293. Petalite – Spiritual Healing, Spirit Guides, Remove Black Magic Spells, more
  294. Petoskey Stone – Third Eye, Emotional Awareness, Clear Negativity, more
  295. Petrified Wood – Practicality, Business Success, more
  296. Phantom Crystals – Awareness, Meditation, Mysticism, More
  297. Phenacite (Phenakite) – Extremely High Energy, Third Eye, Clear Energy Centers, more
  298. Pipestone (Catlinite) – See C Crystals page.
  299. Phlogopite (Phlogopit) – Remove Spiritual Blocks, Mental Anguish, more
  300. Phosphosiderite – Healing, Past Life, more
  301. Pietersite (Tempeststone) – Beauty in Life, Angels, Relaxation, more
  302. Picasso Marble (Picasso Stone) – Calming, Weight Loss, Self-Discipline, more
  303. Pink Color Energies  – Nurturing, Kindness, Love, Life Path, Overeating, Childbirth, Heart Chakra, more
  304. Pink Mangano Calcite – See the C Crystals page for all calcite.
  305. Plancheite – Raise Vibrations, Protection, Psychic, more
  306. Prasiolite – Self-Reliance, Prosperity, Prophesy, more
  307. Prehnite – Strengthen Life Force, Increase Energy, Spirit Communication, more
  308. Psilomelane (Crown of Silver) – Gazing/Scrying, Meditation, more
  309. Purple (& Violet) Color Energies  – Inner Sight, Psychic, Mystery, Spiritual, Relieve Stress, Addictions, Third Eye Chakra, more
  310. Purpurite (purperite) – Break from Self-destructive Habits, Spirituality, more
  311. Pyrite – Healer’s Gold, Protection, more
  312. Quantum Quattro Silica – Healing, DNA, Immune System, more
  313. Amphibole Quartz – See Angel Quartz (Angel Phantom Quartz)
  314. Aqua Aura Quartz – See Crystals A page for Aqua Aura
  315. Azeztulite Quartz – See Crystals A page for Azeztulite
  316. Candle Quartz Crystal (Pineapple Quartz, Atlantean LoveStar- see Crystals Cpage.
  317. Cherry “Quartz” – Also see Glass
  318. Quartz – Power, Protection, Harmony, Balance and Energy, more
  319. Eisenkiesel Quartz – Enhance Energy, Concentration, Protection, more
  320. Fairy Quartz (White Fairy Quartz) – Peace, Calm, Meditation, more
  321. Hematoid Quartz – Pain Relief, Emotional Balance, more
  322. Himalayan “Ice” Quartz, aka Nirvana Quartz – Perseverance, Spirit, Meditation, more
  323. Litio-laser Quartz – Extremely Powerful, Integrate Body/Mind/Emotions/Spirit, Break Down Internal Barriers, more
  324. Lithium Quartz – Heal Repressed Emotions, Stress Reducer, Balancing, more
  325. Red Orange River Quartz – Energize, Accept Life Path, Decisions, more
  326. Rose Quartz – Unconditional Love, Opens The Heart, Romantic, Self-Love, more
  327. Rutilated Quartz (Quartz with Rutile) – Self-Reliance, Diminish Fears, Mystical Crystal Diagnostics, more
  328. Smoky Quartz – Centering, Good Luck, Protection, more
  329. Snow Quartz aka Milky Quartz or White Quartz – Good Fortune, Purification, Calming, Meditation, more
  330. Solar Quartz – Emotional Uplifting, Spirit, Harmony, more
  331. Spirit Quartz – Transform Negative Energy to Positive, Dreamwork, Shamanic Journeys, more
  332. Tangerine Quartz – Inner Self, Balance Emotions, more
  333. Tibetan “Black” Quartz – Purification, Aura Cleansing, Protection, Energy Blockages, Powerful Healing, more
  334. Tibetan Scepter Quartz – Connection to True Self, more
  335. Tourmalated Quartz Ttourmaline in Quartz) – Protection, Reduce Anxiety, more.
  336. Rainbow Aura (light, aka Angel Aura) – See Crystals A page for Angel Aura
  337. Rainbow Crystals – Hope, Uplifting, more
  338. Realgar – Energy, Unlocking, more
  339. Recordkeeper Crystals – Information through Meditation, more
  340. Red Aventurine – See Crystals A page for all aventurine
  341. Red Calcite – See C Crystals page for all calcite.
  342. Red Color Energies  – Survival, Physical Needs, Physical Energy, Sexual Energy, Action, Blood, Spine, Feet, Base Chakra, more
  343. Rhodizite – Master Crystal, Super High Energy, more
  344. Rhodochrosite (Rhodocrosite) – Stone of Love and Balance, more
  345. Rhodonite – Grace, Elegance, Decrease Anxiety, more
  346. Richterite – Stress, Calm, more
  347. Right activation (Time Link to the Future) – Increase Right Brain Functions, Time Link to the Future, more
  348. Root Chakra – Muladhara (Base) – survival, power, growth, stability, love of life, colors are primarily black or red, more
  349. Rose Quartz – Unconditional Love, Opens The Heart, Romantic, Self-Love, more
  350. Rubellite – Passion, Detach from Pain, Abundance, more
  351. Ruby – Happiness, Prosperity, Integrity, Devotion, more
  352. Ruby Aura Quartz – Passion, Vitality, Survival, more
  353. Ruby in Fuchsite – Balancing, Solutions to Problems, more
  354. Ruby in Zoisite – Energy Amplification, Psychic, Heart, more
  355. Rudraksha – Sacred, more
  356. Sacral Chakra (Svadhistana, Spleen Chakra) –  creativity, personal expression, abundance, color is primarily orange, more
  357. Saginite – Protection, Self-Confidence, more
  358. Tabby (Tabular) Crystals – Activate other stones, more
  359. Tangerine Aura – Self-Confidence, Release Sexual Blocks, more
  360. Tanzan Aura – Intuition/Pyshic, Spirit Guides, Reclaim Passion, more
  361. Tasmanite – See Atlantisite
  362. Tanzanite – Magic, Success, Stress Relief – more
  363. Tektite – Wisdom, Knowledge, Strengthen One’s Energy Field, more
  364. Third Eye Chakra – Ajna (Brow) – mental clarity, psychic abilities, colors are primarily indigo, violet or purple, more
  365. Throat Chakra – Vishuddha – communication, truthfulness, colors are primarily blue or turquoise, more
  366. Ulexite – Far Sight, Clairvoyance, Balance, more
  367. Unakite – Find Animal Guide, Heal Abandonment, Weight Loss, Gardening, more
  368. Variscite – “True Worry Stone”, Tension, Kidneys, Nervous System, more
  369. Verdite  – Opens Chakras, Ancient Knowledge, more
  370. Vermeil – Happiness, Intuition, more
  371. Wavellite – Decision-making, Energy Flows, more
  372. White Color Energies  – Light, Balance, Divinity, Cosmic Consciousness, Color Healing Substitute for Any Other Color, more
  373. Window Crystals – Clairvoyance, Scrying, more
  374. Witches Finger – Lightwork, Healer Stones, more
  375. Wonderstone –Eliminate Worries, Depression, Anxiety, more
  376. Wulfenite – Move Energy, White Magic, Emotional Blocks, more
  377. Yang Crystals – Self-Confidence, Assertiveness, more
  378. Yellow Calcite – See the C Crystals page for all calcite.
  379. Yellow Color Energies  – Joy, Success, Mental Clarity, Business, Personal Power, Relaxation, Nerves, Digestion, Solar Plexus Chakra, More
  380. Yellow Jasper – Social, Protection, Balance, more
  381. Yin Crystals – Intuition, Harmony, more
  382. Yin/Yang Crystals – Balance Masculine and Feminine Energies, more
  383. Zebra Stone – Connect to Mother Earth, Stimulates Energy, more
  384. Zeolites – Remove Toxins, Remove Negative Energy, more
  385. Zincite – Synthesis, Personal Power, Group Efforts, more
  386. Zoisite  – Trust in Universe, Release Fears, more



How to Banish a Spirit

Negative energies, pesky beings, and malevolent spirits can plague anyone who does spiritual work, or even those who don’t. It’s important to know how to banish a negative entity or to free a loved one from a negative attachment. You can also use this to powerfully shield a dwelling you newly reside in, like a house or apartment.

After following my suggestions, I highly recommend you shield. Here’s a post I made on shielding

Banishing a Negative Spirit

To banish a spirit, you want to take some time to meditate and imagine yourself glowing bright white. Here’s a sort of step by step meditation guide that I use for my own personal practice:

  1. Sit calmly and take a second to breathe. Sometimes dealing with negative spirits can be intimidating and frightening, so you want to calm yourself down. Don’t worry about totally clearing your mind, no matter what state you’re in, this banishing will work. All you need to do is intend for it to work and it will! 
  2. Once calmer and in a state where you can do a small meditation, hold your palms in a way that seems like you could create a ball of energy in them. Imagine a ball of pure, hot, bright white light forming between them. 
  3. You can say an affirmation like “I am pure light and pure love. I have the universe’s protection and, with that, nothing negative can interfere with my actions and intentions. This light that grows from me will banish anything negative or malevolent from my space.” Saying something like this automatically makes it so this banishing will work. The universe won’t let you down. 
  4. Imagine, with your mind’s eye, this ball of light growing and growing, being fueled from a cord of strong energy from the middle of your torso, just above your navel and below your ribs. This is your power center, your solar plexus. This light you are creating is ultimately powerful. You can also call on your spirit guides to help fuel this light, knowing only spirits that come in pure light and love can enter this space to aid you. 

Once you feel this light growing and growing:

  1. Imagine a huge orb of white light growing and expanding. As it does this, all negative energy and spirits are pushed away and are unable to enter anywhere this light passes over.
  2. Imagine the light expanding in the room or space. If there are walls, see it press against the them, sealing itself with a bright white bolt of light on the seams of the walls, floor, and ceiling. 
  3. Keep imagining this expanding and expanding, and you can say an affirmation like “This light is universal love and protection, and will cleanse everywhere it touches from all negativity or malevolent energy. No spirit with ill intentions can survive here, and no spirit can trespass here after the light passes. It is forever protected by the light in my and the light of the whole universe.”
  4. Imagine the light growing as large as you want, definitely throughout the entire house or dwelling you are in. You can travel with your minds eye through each room, seeing it glittering with bright white light, completely freed of negative energy.
  5. If you wish to continue cleansing the space around you, you can expand this light as large as your street, city, country, the world, the universe and it provides healing space in all of these areas. Just to banish a spirit from your dwelling, though, you don’t need to do this. All you need to do is seal this light around your dwelling, knowing that once it has touched the dwelling, it will permanently protect it. 

To protect or cleanse people you know:

Spirits can cling to people and objects, and you can use this technique to cleanse a negative attachment from either.

  1. Stay with the bright light, feeling it radiant and powerful, and imagine the person or object in your mind. 
  2. Swirl this light around and through them or the object. Thoroughly imagine them, and run this light in and around them as much as you feel is needed. This cleanses them from all negative energy inside them, and all negative attachments around them. Most likely, you’ll get a sense if there’s something negative on them and the white energy will wipe it right away as soon as you sense it. Know that you are powerful, because you’re channeling all the light in the universe and that this will work, no matter what. You can do this to objects by slightly adapting the meditation.
  3. If you wish to further protect them, imagine this light clinging to them like a glowing skin tight body suit. It fits exactly around them and protects them with universal light and love. 
  4. Also, if the person is possessed, you can imagine this light like a forceful wave that rushes through them, carrying the negative or unwanted spirit out of their body with it. 

To end the banishing: 

  1. If you wish, you can repeat the above affirmations about how this light is permanent protection and that nothing negative can exist in the spaces you just cleansed. 
  2. Slowly imagine the light traveling back in your abdomen, feeling a strong and warm center there, a protection that is always with you. 
  3. Begin to come back to your body (if you imagined yourself elsewhere, imagine yourself where your body is and in the same pose). 
  4. Slowly wiggle your fingers and toes, opening your eyes when you’re ready. I advise sitting for a little after, and not doing any extreme exertion for around a half an hour. 

Please don’t hesitate to message me with any questions!

Image source here


A spread for your connection to a deity

This can definitely be used for any being, but I created this alongside Tyr when I wanted to introduce our work together in a more concrete way than my usual manner.

Rather than asking how you can benefit from a deity, what you can gain, what they can do for you, or why they may like you specifically, this spread emphasises the union. It’s about both sides of the relationship and how the dynamic comes together.

Card 1: You in the union, what you bring to the table, and you coming into it.

Card 2: The deity’s side of the relationship, what they’re coming into it with.

Card 3: What you’ll both come to learn from this relationship.

Card 4: The mutual traits you share, or the bond which brought the union about.

Card 5: Your affinity and admiration for them.

Card 6: Their affinity and fondness of you.

Overall, this should be a really positive spread which allows you to explore not what a deity is giving to you, but what actually you’ll have together as a working unit, and how that dynamic can teach you both along the way.


🌀 Energetic Healing; Waterbending Style 🌀

A method of healing inspired by Katara, and other waterbending healers. It is as close to my heart as this show is. Below are two ways I use this method ~

In the Bath ~ 

🌀  This method is best used for self healing

🌀  Create your own “spirit water” by adding amethyst, moon water & healing herbs to your bath. I like to use rosemary and bay leaves.

🌀  Lay back, and close your eyes. 

🌀  Visualize yourself in the water. Picture a ray of light scanning back and forth over you, like above. 

🌀  As it sweeps over you, visualize it to removing any negativity.

🌀  Sometimes I notice it get “stuck” on a certain area, or start to move slowly. This usually indicates a blockage. Focus on those areas a little more intently.

🌀  When you are finished, stand up, and do one last sweep, downwards.       Imagine the water droplets falling off of you are the last of your negativity.

🌀  As the bath empties, all negative build-up goes with it.

Healing Yourself & Others ~ 

🌀  This method is done purely with visualization and moon water, specifically charged with the intent to heal.  It can also be done in the astral.

🌀  Place the moon water in a bowl in front of you. Bonus: drop a piece of quartz in to amplify it’s effects. An infusion like the one used in the first method can be used as well.

🌀  Visualize the water rising up out of the bowl and surrounding your hands, like Katara does.

🌀  Now, like the first method, start scanning. Run your hands over yourself or your client, searching for blockages. (If you already know the area you’d like to heal, you can skip this step.)

🌀  As your hands work back and forth across the area you are healing, visualize the water sweeping through, washing away any negative or stagnant energy. 

🌀  Allow it to break through any blockages, clearing them.

🌀  When finished, let the water fall back into the bowl, taking all negativity with it. Thank the element, before safely disposing of it.

Things to Consider ~ 

🌀  Visualization and intent are key. You don’t need to use physical water, I just find it helps.

🌀  Do what feels right to you. Intuition is so important in healing. This method came to me one day while I was soaking in the tub. I instantly connected it to how Katara heals, and built off of that. Since then, the series continues to inspire my methods. I use hand movements often while doing energy work, so it works for me.

🌀  Healing takes time. It may take a few sessions to really clear away any build-ups or blockages. Be patient with yourself. 

Happy Healing! 


Types of Personal Spirit Guides

The 3 Main Types of Personal Spirit Guides:

These are the four main types of personal spirit guides which split spirit guides up into 3 categories based on the relationship of when, and how you came in contact with them.

Soul Guide:

A soul guide is a guide that has been your guide in another or multiple incarnations. They probably met up with you in a different life, or in between lives, and are now a more constant part of your soul group, spirit council, or spirit family. These entities are usually very connected to you, because of the past that you share, even if you do not remember it. Soul guides are also a lot more connected to your higher self.

Lifetime Guides:

Lifetime guides are guides that are going to be an entity that sticks with you throughout your entire life. These guides are assigned at birth, and will connect with you during this lifetime. They may choose to leave once the life is done, or may continue on with you depending upon many different factors.

Short-term Guides, and Temporary Guides:

Short-term guides also sometimes referred to as temporary guides are guides that will show up from time to time in your life. These guides usually come into your life in order to teach you a lesson and then will leave once the lesson is learned. They will usually come in the form of animals, or mythical creatures, so that you can receive your message from whatever form they take. They will come to you in times of great need, dire situations, or when you must learn a life lesson, and will last with you and tell that time is complete.

The roles of the guides:

These are the main roles that guides usually fit into. A guide can take up one of these roles, or they can take up multiple of them, or multiple guides can take up the same roles.

Main Spirit Guide, and Primary Spirit Guide:

The main spirit guide also sometimes referred to as the primary spirit guide is the entity that watches over the rest of your soul group, spirit council, or spirit family, and will make sure that they are doing what they are supposed to. these guides will communicate and even manage, or coordinate the rest of your soul group, spirit council, or spirit family in order to keep everything going smoothly, and in line with your higher self’s plan. Main Spirit guides are usually going to be lifetime guides, or soul guides.

Teacher Guides, and Philosopher Guides:

Teacher guides also sometimes referred to as philosopher guides is a guy that teaches you lessons that you need to learn, and will help you figure out things in your personal life. They will try to teach you everything they think you need to know, and will try to do it in the best manner for you, and when you are ready to learn it. These types of guides are very intuitive, intelligent, reasonable, wise, and logical. They will usually focus on specific teachings that they are assigned to teach you by your higher self. These guides will help you problem solve and help you work through certain situations in order to better yourself. Teacher guides can be short-term guides, lifetime guides, or even soul guides.

Helper Guides:

Helper guides are guides that will try to help you with anything that you need to accomplish. They are a lot like good friends that you can always count on for assistance, and will help you achieve a certain desire, or outcome. These guides will usually be called on by the practitioner in order to ask for their help in certain situations, but the guide can always help without being asked. Helper guides can be short-term guides, lifetime guides, or even soul guides.

Healing Guides, and Doctor Guides:

Healing guides sometimes referred to as doctor guides our guides that are skilled in the act of healing. These guides are usually called upon when you need healing, or will help you heal when you are injured. These guides may even be short-term guides that pop in just to heal you when you are injured. A lot of the time these guides also take the form of animals in order to heal you using the energy of that animal. These guides may also help you in healing others, if you ask them to and can be powerful allies of channeling healing energies. Healing guides can be short-term guides, lifetime guides, or even soul guides.

Joy guides, and Child Guides:

Joy guides sometimes referred to as child guides (not to be confused with guides that take the form of children) are guides that try to make you happy when you are feeling down, or need a pick-me-up. They usually will have a great childlike wonder which is why they are referred to sometimes as child guides. A lot of the time these guides are also very energetic, and optimistic allowing them always to make you feel good even in the darkest of times. Joy Guides can be short-term guides, lifetime guides, or even soul guides.

Spirit Guardian, Protector Guides, Gatekeeper Guides, or Guardian Angel:

Spirit guardian also referred to as protector guides, gatekeeper guides, or guardian angel are guides that will watch out for your well-being. These guides will usually defend you from threats, and keep you out of harm’s way. This entity will also protect you when you open yourself up energetically, and will also keep away other entities that you do not want to interact with. They will also protect the connection of entities that you’re communicating with during spiritual communication. These guides may also tell you how to defend yourself, and will keep watch over you. Spirit guardians are usually going to be soul guides, or long-term guides, but can still sometimes be short-term guides in certain situations.

Journey Guide, and Message Bearer Guides:

Journey guides also referred to as messenger bearing guides are going to be usually short-term guides that show up with a message for you, and then leave after you receive the message, or after you complete a certain task. These guides will usually come out of nowhere to help you on your journey by giving you a certain wisdom, or understanding that you need. These Guides also usually take animal form in order to deliver their message through the animal symbolism they possess. These guides can be incredibly helpful when they make their presence known to you. A lot of the time they may give you a message in meditation, or in your dreams. Journey guide are most definitely going to be short-term guides.

Shadow Spirit Guides:

Shadow spirit guides are guides that challenge you to face the hidden parts of yourself that you don’t usually deal with. This usually makes you deal with such things as fears, insecurities, and hidden parts of your sub conscience, That you may have locked away. These guides may also take forms that you fear, or are uncomfortable around in order to show that they are indeed the shadow guide. They will do all of this in order to allow you to better yourself, and we’ll still have your common good at heart. Shadow guides are usually going to be soul guides, or lifetime guides.

Creative Guides:

Creative guides are guides that inspire, and motivate practitioners to create, and will try to get you to make, and create new things. They will try to be your muse, and can inspire arts, and can help clear artist block. Creative guides can be short-term guides, lifetime guides, or even soul guides.

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